Mouthwatering Grilled Chicken Recipe for Perfect Backyard BBQ

Tender, juicy chicken perfectly grilled and drizzled with tangy BBQ sauce, make my BBQ Chicken in less than an hour. With just 4 simple steps and 3 easy ingredients, this recipe is perfect when you want a delicious meal without the fuss.

My Sauces, Rubs and Merch:

BBQ Chicken on the Grill
With my easy BBQ Chicken recipe, you can make finger-licking, delicious bbq chicken that’s moist and juicy in just 4 simple, easy-to-follow steps. You’ll learn how to select tender chicken you know will turn out amazing, and how to season it to perfection. I’ll also explain how and when to add that thick, sweet BBQ sauce to your smoky chicken to give it a tangy, sticky finish.

The key to getting that thick, rich sauce, that slight pop of crispy skin, and that tender, bite-through bite of juicy meat all comes down to the right cooking time. I’m going to help you know exactly when to pull your chicken. I’ll show you everything you need to make awesome grilled chicken, including serving tips, so you can bring the flavor at your next backyard BBQ.

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What’s up it’s Susie from hey Grill hay and today we are taking the humble whole chicken and turning it into a beautiful backyard chicken perfect for your week night supper we’re going to break it down into its individual pieces Grill it over charcoal make it nice Saucy sweet

And delicious I’m going to show you how to do it so let’s get started all you need is a pair of really great kitchen shears to break down this whole chicken or a sharp knife I’m going to start by taking out the backbone now you can save

This if you want to make homemade stock or you can discard from there we’re going to separate the thighs and legs away from the main body it’s really simple if you just follow the seam of the bones same with our wings those just attached simply at the shoulder and then

We split the breast bone in half flip it over and separate it completely through the skin and any remaining connective tissue and there you have it a really simply broken down whole chicken I like to use my shears and clean up any loose hanging bits of skin or extra pieces of

Bone um and just make sure that it’s all clean and ready to go on the Grill I coat it with a nice light thin coating of avocado oil you can use olive oil and then hit it with my chicken seasoning you can use any seasoning you like but I

Really recommend picking a seasoning with no sugar this is going to be on a higher temperature Grill and the sugar really risks a chance of burning so the chicken seasoning is great it’s got garlic onion paprika but no sugar we’re going to cook these over indirect heat

Put the thicker pieces closer to the coals they’ll take about 45 minutes to an hour over indirect heat before we’re ready to move them to direct heat they’ll be about 150° in the in the breast the thick part the thighs will be about 165 and then we’ll hit them with

Some barbecue sauce and this is going to caramelize on the outside get sticky yummy and delicious before that final temperature test gorgeous our thighs and our wings are coming in about 175 which is right where I want them my breasts are like 160 to 165 which is fantastic and they’re ready

To come off of the grill that is a whole platter of barbecue chicken it smells phenomenal and like I said this is old school backyard week night barbecue chicken save a bunch of money per pound by buying it whole on the bone this will feed your entire

Family everybody will get the type of chicken that they want to eat but it’ll all have that yummy Smoky charcoal sticky finger Saucy flavor plus leftovers are amazing in sandwiches wraps in pasta salad I have a barbecue chicken pasta salad that would be so good with any leftover barbecue chicken

Okay I got to let this rest for just a couple of minutes and then I get to dive in you know I’m going for the thigh first I finally get to take a bite oh that’s a good looking chicken thigh right there nothing beats a classic the combo

Of the chicken rub and everything sauce is absolutely phenomenal because you get the roasty garlicky Rosemary flavor from the chicken seasoning and then that sweet Tangy Kansas City style everything sauce now you can grab both of these from my store my gosh my mouth is still

Watering um I’ll give you a link in the video description or I have recipes that you can make them yourself if you want to do a from scratch whole process or you can just use the same cooking method use salt and pepper on the chicken and then your favorite barbecue sauce at

Home it’s more the method than anything that’s really going to deliver you that Smoky juicy crispy edged chicken that you’re going to come back to over and over and over again I hope this becomes a staple in your backyard for your family we’ll see you guys next time


  1. Great suggestion on how to cook chicken! Lloks delicious. But I cook the breasts at 150-155 max and the legs at 180-185; this assures to get tender meat.

  2. That looks great, and I'll be trying that come spring. I also have to say that your hair looks exceptional in this video. Just sayin'.

  3. BBQ chicken is such a nostalgic treat. My mom would make it for us (In the oven), and I still enjoy it – though I do it on the charcoal grill

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