🌿 Ready for some plant-based deliciousness? This Vegan Couscous Salad recipe checks all the bosses!. Learn how to whip up this flavor-packed dish that’s perfect for any occasion.

Let’s walk through each step of the recipe, from cooking the couscous to preparing the zesty lemon dressing and assembling the salad with fresh veggies and dairy-free feta. And how about that tasty serving tip!

Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a kitchen newbie, this recipe is sure to impress with its simplicity and mouthwatering flavors.

So grab your ingredients, hit play, and let’s get cooking together! Don’t forget to leave a comment letting us know how your Vegan Couscous Salad turned out, and if you enjoyed the video, give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel for more delicious plant-based recipes and cooking inspiration.

Happy cooking, and until next time, stay fabulous! 🥗✨

Get the full recipe here:

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Hi, I’m Marly McMillen, and it’s my honor to show you my favorite vegan recipes that I’ve created just for you. After years of struggling with issues like IBS and disordered eating, transitioning to a vegan diet made ALL THE DIFFERENCE for me. I love the way I feel and eat these days! I focus on a varied diet combining delicious healthy foods + indulgences. It keeps my day-to-day eating fun, interesting, and wholesome. I want you to share in the food and life journey with me! CLICK SUBSCRIBE so you never miss my videos!

Hey everybody and thanks for joining me today I’m Marley I’m with the site namely Marley and I am here to talk to you about another plant-based recipe that I absolutely love so I’m always looking for that thing I can take to a gathering whether it’s a family dinner

Or it’s my girlfriend’s getting together for book club or whatever um that is just going to stun them and make them think wow is that vegan that’s what they’re going to think is that plant-based no that’s impossible this is what this recipe is today it is a plant-based

Recipe it’s couscous salad I love to even just say it for some reason couscous just comes off my tongue feeling really nicely so it’s a simple recipe that you can make in a matter of minutes and everybody loves it I absolutely adore this salad I love having it around because it’s got lots

Of fresh ingredients so let’s get started we’re going to start with um you’re going to need one cup of couscous and you can see I’m using the small one not the Pearl and uh that means it’s going to cook very quickly so I’ve got about one cup here and I’ve got one cup

Of water you can see it’s nice and hot I’m just going to pour that right in with that couscous and I’m going to give it a stir and believe it or not just pouring that hot water in and letting that sit is going to cause that couscous to

Soften up and be delicious so we’re G to set that aside and I’m going to show you some of the other ingredients there’s kind of two levels of ingredients oh and just one more thing I want you to stick around because at the end I’m going to

Show you my very favorite topping to serve with couscous salad but first let’s talk about how we make it um you’re going to want a fresh lemon you really really need to get by with have a fresh lemon I have sometimes um used recipes and I try to get by with bottled

Lemon you know I’m in the Midwest and in Missouri you know in the winter it’s not always easy to find fresh lemon but this is a salad you definitely want to use fresh lemon we’re going to zest it I have this nice little microplane that works perfect for zesting so you can

You’re going to zest the the skin just the outer part of the lemon and then we’ll cut it in half and and and just extract the the juice but I’ve already done that so you don’t have to watch me doing it um then the salad itself will

Have some veggies and that is cucumbers and tomatoes if you don’t like cucumbers you could use zucchini I will tell you I am not typically a fan of cucumbers just I love the flavor but um you know just for personal reasons it sometimes leaves me with a aftertaste um but I have found

These little mini cucumbers work perfectly and they don’t upset my stomach so I like using I love the flavor of cucumbers in this salad so these two together are the the ingredients We’ll add you can have there so many things you can include in this and in fact today just as a little

Surprise um I’m going to add some chickpeas that’ll add even more protein to this recipe and um add some uh flavor too um and then there’s the sauce so let’s go ahead and start uh talking about the sauce because um the sauce is going to include some olive oil this is the lemon

Zest lemon juice and I chopped up some fresh parsley again you could use dried but I really think fresh is the way to go with this recipe and I have a little bit of minced garlic So speaking of that I the very first thing I like to do is I like to

Add these onions to the couscous as that’s cooking because it’ll help soften them up a little bit if you ever find that you don’t like the flavor of raw garlic in your dishes adding them with ingredients that are slightly hot will help soften that flavor and cook them a

Little bit too so I’m just going to go ahead and stir that right in so you can see the couscous is already starting to cook and I’m just going to give it a good little stir sometimes I will go ahead and add just a little bit of olive oil to this

Too just a just a touch make a mess as I’m at it and I’ll just stir that into doesn’t that look delicious I love it so good okay so let’s move on to the rest of the let’s making we’re basically going to be making the sauce next so it

Starts with some lemon zest as I mentioned to you this is zest from one lemon it’s nice and fresh adds a lot you know what actually that’s a okay so the question is thank you Christa is it Christa yeah thank you Christa it’s a great question can you substitute quinoa because couscous

Believe it or not is um it’s a wheat-based product um yes you absolutely can do um quinoa and in fact I’ve been working on a recipe for quinoa salad that is basically the same salad but using quinoa um sometimes I find if I rinse the quinoa first sometimes it

Have a little bit of a bitter flavor that I you may not notice when you’re cooking with it when other with other ingredients but in a salad it kind of comes out a little bit so I think rinsing the quinoa first is a great idea very good question I love that okay so

To this um the lemon zest we’re going to add lemon juice just a couple of tablespoons this um equals a total of a/4 cup of olive oil but I I added a little bit to the couscous so we’re just going to add the remaining right in

Here and next we’re going to be adding um the parsley and this is roughly uh 1/3 cup of parsley I’m going to put that in here you can also add some mint to this I just happen to um not like the flavor of fresh mint in

A salad I I do you can add it to this it’s just delicious so go ahead and and just go for it if that’s what what you want to do that’s the way I say it okay so now I’m going to add this sauce to the

Couscous I want to get all that goodness in there we give that a good stir if you’ve got some time you can definitely um let the vegetables if you’d like marinate in that sauce a little bit I’m going to add a couple a little bit of the chickpeas my tip about

Chickpeas if you’re using canned chickpeas be sure to check them because I have found some cans of chickpeas are just so firm so I like to boil them just for a few minutes in some water so that they’re soft you don’t want your chickpeas so firm that they’re hard to

To chew so little bit of chickpeas in here and then we’re going to add cucumbers and these are cherry tomatoes that I’ve cut into a cut into half and then quartered that so I find cherry tomatoes are the sweetest and they have the less seeds which I think is the most

In most interesting and delicious now as you can see my bowl is overflowing but normally I have a bigger bowl but not today so we’re just improvising that’s what this is all about now my favorite one of my favorite secret ingredients is to add some vegan

Feta and today I’m using the follow your heart brand um I like Feta it adds just crumbly bits of flavor throughout I’ll use about A3 Cup in here and it adds a little bit of salty flavor and nice texture too so I find combined with the cucumbers and a little

Bit of that salty feta it’s delicious it also adds a little bit of fat along with the olive oil can’t go wrong with that okay and then we’re getting pretty close to done here you can finish it off with a little bit of um salt and

Pepper I find the feta adds plenty of salty flavor but if you wanted to you could add a little bit of salt to it and as I promised early on I was going to share with you my favorite topping for serving um the salad and that is just a

Little bit of vegan tahini sauce and what I did is I just combined a little bit of tahini with some plain plant-based yogurt and just drizzle that over the top it makes for a really pretty presentation and you know you can serve this alongside for in case people aren’t

Going to like it then that’s it that this is it this is basically the bulk of this recipe I stirred this up really good keep it in the fridge I say it’s best the day of but it can last a couple of days in the fridge I can tell you

From personal experience because Sean does not like the salad very much so I get to eat it all right Sean’s not a cucumber fan so I enjoy it do we have any other questions no okay well then let’s get ready for the taste test it’s my favorite

Part so I’m going to get a bite with chickpea I need to get a tomato in there look at that does that not look delicious okay I’m going to take a bite it is like freshness in your bite it’s just so delicious I promise you you

Take this to a gathering it’s going to be the thing that everybody’s gathered around saying who made this I want some of that where’s that recipe from I love it I hope you like it too thank you so much for joining me today I’m Marley with the site namely Marley if

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