Marry me chicken easy quick, Marry Me Chicken Easy Quick An easy roasted lemon chicken recipe shared by a fashion editor with her assistant. ● The assistant’s boyfriend loved the dish and proposed soon after. ● Anecdotally, other women at Glamour replicated the recipe with similar proposal outcomes, Marry Me Chicken Easy Quick I say try this recipe, someone will love you for it. You never know!

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Chef pting look at what I have here I have what’s left of our merry me chicken merry me chicken with everything all the good stuff in it and you know what I need Anthony’s opinion on this one so I’m going to ask him to come in over

Here by the camera come over here Anthony I want you to tell everybody what you think about the marry me chicken well what I can tell you is that um the taste of that with the spinach the sundried tomato and the chicken it’s like a a very beautiful blend and with the

Parmesan cheese it ends it like in a kiss so it’s like so it’s a definite great dish for a night for um when you want to give someone the beautiful gift of food and love and and I guess that’s why it’s called called uh marry me chicken because it’s uh because if

Somebody makes this for you uh you may want to marry them because because because the thing is um you know food is the way to anybody’s stomach or anyone’s heart food is the way to your heart because you know and I was just talking about this with somebody today that in

Italy um you know they talk about they talk about food like it’s you know like it’s God you know food food rules in Italy here in America or other countries they’re always talking about you know their love life or this or that but in Italy when you talk to people the topic

Of the party is food oh look at the beautiful food we got anyway so there you have it have this for lunch make it for a bell and a bell a bell not time at night because it’s a [Applause] Beautiful beautiful B so Chef P will go on and on and on and Anthony will have to call me out so now is the time for all of you there it’s time for p to be out

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