How to make a delicious MINI BOREK, a specialty of Turkish cuisine, usually made with layers of fillo dough and a tasty filling / Como fazer um delicioso MINI BOREK, uma especialidade da cozinha turca, geralmente feito com camadas de massa fillo e um saboroso recheio

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1 cebola media picada
260 g de espinafre picado
200 g de queijo feta
220 g de queijo mussarela ralado
Sal a gosto
Pimenta di reino a gosto
2 colheres de sopa de requeijao

Molho cremoso
4 colheres de sopa de iogurte natural
4 colheres de sopa de azeite
2 ovos
Sal e pimenta do reino a gosto

1 pacote de massa fillo (470 g)

Para o recheio numa tigela colocar a cebola picada, o espinafre picado, o queijo feta, o queijo mussarela, sal e pmenta do reino a gosto
Mexer bem ate combinar os ingredientes

Para o molho cremoso, numa tigela colocar o iogurte natural, o azeite, o ovo, sal e pimenta do reino a gosto
Mexer bem ate agregar todos is ingredientes e obter um creme uniforme

Para a montagem, pegar 2 folhas de massa fillo, dobrar no sentido do comprimento
Pincelar com o molho cremoso
Colocar o recheio
Fazer um circulo
Transferir para uma assadeira com papel manteiga
Assar a forno pre-aquecido a 200ºC / 395ºF por 20 a 25 minutos ou ate dourar
Retirar do forno
Transferir para uma travessa




TIKTOK Talento Saboroso @elizabethaaron27


Welcome to TALENTO SABOROSO, the channel where everyone can cook today the news is MINI BOREK, which is a specialty of Turkish cuisine, it is a very tasty recipe usually made with layers of filo dough and tasty filling but the filling can depending on your preference

Let’s start with the filling, in a bowl place 1 medium chopped onion 260 g of chopped spinach 200 g of feta cheese 220 g of mozzarella cheese salt to taste black pepper to taste 2 tablespoons of cream cheese and mix well until combined the ingredients for the creamy sauce, in a bowl put

4 tablespoons of plain yogurt 4 tablespoons of olive oil 2 eggs black pepper to taste salt to taste and mix well until all the ingredients are combined and a uniform cream is obtained use a packet of filo dough

Take 2 sheets and cover the rest of the dough with a damp cloth to prevent it from drying out fold the dough in half lengthwise brush the dough with the creamy sauce add the filling roll it up to make a circle and transfer it to a baking tray with parchment paper

Make a generous layer of the creamy sauce on top of the BOREKs and bake in a preheated oven at 200ºC / 395ºF for 20 to 25 minutes or until golden, remove from the oven, unmold transfer to a platter and this is the MINI BOREK

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