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Hey everyone welcome back to my channel my name is Hope and this is Mission keto and today’s video is a recipe video we are going to be making something that I have made before on this channel but it’s been a little while it’s been over

A year and it is a favorite on this channel it is the reuben sandwich casserole um it is not my recipe recipe I will make sure I link it down below for you but it is so good if you love corn beef sauerkraut and like the Thousand Island and swiss cheese this is

Perfect it is four total carbs per serving no bread and it’s just a way of eating something that you love so much like when we would go to a restaurant and I wasn’t sure what to get a deli sandwich a Reuben sandwich would be what

I was looking for because I knew it was always delicious so this is one of my favorites um we have a lot of new subscribers so I wanted to make sure since we’re still in the beginning of the year if you’re looking for some inspiration or looking for something new

To eat and you’re kind of getting bored with the same old thing this might help so let’s go over to the counter in a few minutes we’re going to go over into my mom’s and make this in my parents house because they’ve got the oven and I am

Making this for my lunches this week um but the big elephant in the room I guess I can spill the beans on the mission keto Channel now is we are moving to an RV uh camp and working on that campsite for the next few months um I have put my

Notice into my um full-time remote job and a lot of thought went into this but this video announcing that went on the RV Channel um just a couple days ago I don’t know when this is going to post so uh I wanted to at least give you guys a

Quick update that that’s kind of what the big news is if you want to know more about it and hear how we came to that decision and all of that cuz we did not take this lightly um I will link that for you actually I’ll link it at the

Very end of this channel you can click on it when this um Channel when this video is done but we are very excited I would like to say too that you might see some new things on the mission keto Channel because I’m going to have to really make sure that we are budgeting

Our food a lot better than I do now you know we’re going to have to really plan it out and make sure we don’t spend past a certain amount maybe a week or every two weeks however we do our grocery shopping so if that’s something that interests you with the rising costs of

Groceries uh definitely stay tuned because I was just when I went grocery shopping the other day I made my meal plan I made my list I really didn’t get too much off of my list and I SP still spent way too much in my eyes but it was

Stuff we needed so it’s like okay you know so it’s going to be an interesting thing but I’m excited for the challenge so definitely tell me if that’s something that you’re looking forward to down below but we are so excited about this journey we are so excited to take

Ralphie along too he’s pretty excited also and we just can’t wait to share with you so much so there’s going to be a lot of new content on both of the channels so if you haven’t checked out the RV one go check it out it’s pretty

Good and that’s all for now so let’s go make this reuben sandwich casseroll okay so here are all the ingredients that we need and look how simple this is a lot of stuff you probably already have in your fridge however the corn beef is probably the

Thing you want to buy or maybe the sauerkraut but for the base of it you just need a pound of corn beef I’m going to chop that up and it’s going to go on the bottom of my greased uh baking dish then you need a pound of Swiss cheese or

Two cups of Swiss cheese you could use sliced cheese also I have used the slice um that’s how I first started making it but I have found that this makes it more ooey gooey bubbly you know how we like our casserole so either way we works

Though you need a container I think it’s 16 oz of sauerkraut but you want to heavily drain it squeeze all of the moisture out that you can because you just want it to be less watery in your casserole that’s it for that this is the sauce that we’re putting on and look

This is stuff that you probably mostly have um you need a little bit of mayo we need a little bit of sweetener um a little bit of onion well it calls for diced onions I don’t really I’m not gonna I don’t usually buy white onion a

Whole heck of a lot so this works just fine and I don’t want the onion to go to waste you know um white vinegar however I don’t have any my mom didn’t have any in her cupboard either so we’re just going to use some rice vinegar that I

Have that’s unopen it’s natural mild and mellow the main thing is to just get some tanginess I think we’re also going to get that from some pickles it said dill relish but as you remember I bought this for the hamburger casserole that I’m going to be making so might as well

Chop up some of these and you need a little bit of kitchen kitchen ketchup I have the Primal kitchen one here if you can’t find this anywhere in your stores I do have a link for um a discount off of that on our website realish so I’m going to

Speed things up and kind of put everything together and then uh we are going to grease this first I’ve got my um avocado oil spray grease it all you do is layer the corn beef the sauerkraut the dressing and then the cheese and we put it in a 400 oven for

20 minutes and it’s done all right so this is ready to go in the oven I’ve got my oven preheated to 400° and we’re just going to set the timer for 20 minutes and you’re going to see what it looks like when it comes out I tasted the sauce and this vinegar is

Completely fine with it so if that’s all you have you could probably use apple cider vinegar any kind of vinegar just to get that little tartness that they’re looking for for that dressing so let’s get it in the oven all right so it is done let’s take it out and see what it

Looks like oh it is oh my goodness just how you want a casserole to look cheesy Brown goodness it’s bubbling so we’re going to um let this cool for a little while and I’m going to put it it’s supposed to make six but I’ll be honest it’s probably going to be more

Like four for me um well maybe a little more this does look bigger maybe fiveish cuz I don’t need anything else with it I don’t have like a salad or anything with it it’s just this so um but I will definitely let it cool we’ll put it in individual containers for

Lunches and I will do a taste test with you guys later okay so as you saw I was getting it ready I’ve got four lunches that’s what I figured I would get out of it because yes it’s in a big dish but it’s very thin too so I’m just making excuses

For why I eat more than what the desired is but that’s okay like I said I mean I don’t have any like sides with it or anything but let’s do a taste that is one of the best things that I make I love it so much now if you have not seen

There’s a recipe that I Andy and I have made up invented is the Cuban sandwich casserole and I think I was inspired by this basically you could do any kind of sandwich that you love and make it into a casserole and you’re enjoying it without bread but very recently I made

It and I put three different ways of eating the Cuban sandwich casserole and one of them was just the regular casserole way one was putting the Swiss cheese down first baking it and using that as your wrap so you could do that with this also or you could make some

Truffles which you can make truffles out of just cheese and an egg and have that be your bread and still have a bread so if you have leftovers of any of those things it’s just a fun way to kind of change it up but you’re still having

This delicious food so my lunches are ready for this week please make sure you hit the like button share subscribe all that good stuff and I will see you on the next video bye that


  1. Yum! I have a bunch of turkey deli slices (huge deal from Costco) so I might try turkey rueben casserole 😋

  2. I watched your 🇺🇸Publix grocery haul yesterday. Announcing the Reuben Casserole. I went shopping today just because EYE OF THE ROUND was on sale for $4.49/lb 🟰much less than half price‼‼‼‼‼
    Then a customer showed me a 1 kg (2.2 pounds) package of cooked corned beef ends…being featured at only $6.00 and everyone was grabbing them. Instantly remembered you saying that you were going to make a Reuben casserole…so, I was thrilled and instantly inspired…and grabbed a package‼Horray‼I feel and think I did really did something so right and delicious‼
    I cannot wait to taste this casserole….the very first casserole of my life‼Good luck with your new career.

  3. I do like the idea of a Ruben casserole though I don't use thousand island on my Ruben sandwich. I use spicy mustard so I wonder how that would work instead of the dressing in the casserole.

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