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good day, baybees! Today, I’m sharing a gluten and dairy free recipe that would be great for ANY potluck, but I think it would be EGGspecially great for Easter. I’m sharing a recipe for make ahead deviled egg pasta salad. Let me know if you try this recipe for yourself, and if you have a particular recipe you’d like to see me try to adapt, tell me in the comments!

Deviled Eggs 3 Ways: https://youtu.be/d2sqDlgyl-g


Join me in this series as I share my quarantine diaries while we social distance in South Florida.

Hi, friends! My name is Desiree, AKA MommaFriendly. Welcome to my channel! I am a SAHM to a child that is on the autism spectrum and is nonverbal, along with some other medical complications. While he is my whole world and literally what keeps me busy every moment of every day, you will never see him on my channel for his own privacy. In this space, you’ll see some of my favorite things! Disney World, Gluten & Dairy free recipes, LUSH, Plus Size Fashion and Plan With Me’s are just a few of the things I like to share with you. I hope you’ll subscribe and click that notification bell because I post at least 3 times a week (Tuesday, Friday and Sunday) and I wouldn’t want you to miss a minute!

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Hey friends my name is des AKA Mama friendly I do all sorts of videos on my channel cooking videos Vlogs hauls all sorts of Disney content a little bit of everything so if any of that sounds like fun to you I hope you’ll subscribe and join me on my YouTube Adventure today I

Wanted to share a recipe that you could use all spring or summer long but I wanted to share it today specifically so that you’d have it ready to go for Easter Now Easter to me kind of Screams potluck and it also kind of feels like the first big Springtime celebration

Where you’re expected to gather up with your friends and family and so I think that the occasion calls for a potluck type dish also when I think of Easter I kind of can’t help but think of eggs deviled eggs specifically and so I thought well would be a great dish to

Bring to a springtime summertime picnic Maybe type Vibe pasta salad but maybe I could throw some Easter twist in there by making it a deviled egg pasta salad now in case you’re new here hi welcome also I think you should know that everything I cook and eat is gluten and

Dairy free I also do my best generally to avoid soy and so all of my recipes on my channel are going to be gluten and dafree most of them are going to be soyf free if I’m not using a soyf free ingredient I will let you know so that

You can make any adjustments necessary but this particular recipe is going to be gluten dairy and soyf free and if you’re none of these things then that’s fine too go ahead and substitute your favorite pasta doesn’t have to be gluten-free etc etc I’m giving you the

Framework for the dish you go ahead and make it your own to suit your family’s tastes this is a great recipe to make a head as well so maybe you’re in charge of the gathering this year and there’s going to be a lot on your plate a lot to

Do decorating Etc this is a fantastic itic thing to prepare because you can do it the night before let it chill in the fridge literally until you need it the next day and you’re good to go so I think I’ve set you up sufficiently let’s go ahead and get cooking shall we all

Right my pals I’m beginning by sharing of course the ingredients that we’re going to need for our deved egg pasta salad first off we need six hardboiled eggs these are already hardboiled the way that I do that is I bring a pot of water to boil and once we’re at Boiling

I’ll put the eggs in and for hardboiled I’ll give them 10 minutes once those 10 minutes are up I’ll drain the eggs and put them straight into a waiting bowl of ice water and I’ll leave them in there for 10 minutes and that is what I have

Found to be the best method to both cook the eggs and to make them easy to peel afterwards so I’ve got my six hardboiled eggs here 8 oz of small pasta of some sort so I’ve got a box of kavat tapi it’s not the smallest pasta shape but it

Is my favorite you could use small elbows you could use small pen you could use diini any small pasta will work I’m of course using the bonsa brand because we eat gluten and dairyfree around here and this is the pasta the glutenfree pasta that I found to have the best

Texture and the best flavor bonus it’s got a lot of protein and fiber in it so not sponsored I wish bonsa hit me up but this is my favorite pasta period we’re going to use 3/4 of a cup of mayonnaise I’m using the Primal kitchen brand

Because it’s soyf free we also try to eat soy free around here when we can manage it so 3/4 of a cup of this 1 and 1/2 tbspoon of Dijon mustard 1 teaspoon of white vinegar don’t let this entire jug uh throw you off I’m literally just

Using one teaspoon of this if you don’t have vinegar or if you’d rather not use it you could also use lemon juice one clove of garlic finely minced or crushed toothpaste half a teaspoon of salt you can adjust that to taste more or less depending on what you want 1/4 teaspoon

Of paprika 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper I can’t find my cayenne pepper anywhere so I’m just going to use a dash of hot sauce 2 tbspoon of red onion finally chopped I’ve got the pre-chopped kind here because anytime that I can take a shortcut and not have to cut

Onions especially I’m going to take it and lastly 2 tablespoons of green onion chopped optionally you could also add in 1/4 cup of cooked and crumbled bacon to this but that’s not really my vibe for deviled eggs or for pasta salad so I’m choosing to leave that out so first

Things first I’m going to boil my entire box of pasta cuz remember you need 8 O of pasta and that’s actually what this brings I’m going to boil my entire box of pasta according to the package directions you follow the directions on whatever you’re using I’m going to make

Sure to generously salt the water first to make sure that the pasta gets a chance to take on some flavor of its own and while the pasta is cooking I’m going to peel and separate my eggs I want the whites in one area and the yolks somewhere Else all right pales I’ve got my egg whites separated here and I’ve kind of given them a bit of a rough chop because we are going to end up incorporating this into our salad at the end as for our yolks I went ahead and put them into

This smaller Bowl so that I can kind of crush them up I’m just going to give them a mash the same way I personally would if I were making deved eggs some people are sticklers they want their deved eggs mixture super super smooth I am not quite that Discerning about it as

A matter of fact the recipe that I’m following says that you should crush your yolks into a fine powder or use a wooden spoon to press them through a fine metal strainer so that they’re as absolutely pulverized as possible me just mashing them with a fork like this

That’s going to be good enough for me I don’t see the reason to struggle any more than this and I am not super super picky about texture like that so if you want yours to be finer I’ve gone ahead and giving you a few ideas as to how to make that

Happen but for me this is just fine so I’ve got my egg yolks mushed up here now I’m going to put them into a very large bowl because in this large bowl is that everything’s going to end up coming together in the end so Ino my egg yolks truth be told I

Probably could have mashed my egg yolks in this bigger bowl but I felt like it would be easier to work with the smaller one so now that you know what I know go ahead and just do everything in the Big Bowl so you don’t dirty as many things

So to this I’m going to add my mayonnaise remember that was 3/4 of a cup there’s nothing like a brand new jar of mayonnaise right look how pretty that looks so I’ve measured out 3/4 of a cup and in it goes next will be our table spoon and a half of Dijon

Mustard got to love that sound right got some mustard ASMR going for you there so that’s 1 and 1/2 tablespoon and obviously this can all be adjusted to taste if you have a favorite devil egg recipe by all means go ahead and jge up your pasta salad dressing in

Whichever way you see fit as a matter of fact on my channel I made a video last year where I showed you multiple ways to make some extra special extra fancy deviled eggs so if you’d like to check that out for inspiration I’ll have it linked in the corner and I’ll also have

It linked in the description box below I’m going to go ahead and put in approximately a clove of garlic I’m sure I did much more next I’m going to do my teaspoon of vinegar literally just like a splash like that that’s fine that’s plenty and we’re going to season now with our salt

Some paprika can’t have devil decks without Paprika in my opinion and our Cayenne or in our case our Cayenne substitute a little little tiny bit of hot sauce that’ll do it so I’m going to give all this a mix to combine this is what’s going to make up the dressing for our

Pasta salad and what’s going to give us all of those familiar deviled egg flavors see that’s what what it looks like in the end so again you could have yours be a little smoother if you want to go through that whole mission of straining your yolks but I think this is

Going to be just fine so I’ve got my pasta here it’s been cooling down after draining I’m going to go ahead and plop that right in you can see it’s a little solid that’s because gluten-free pasta tends to Clump up as it cools so mine is not

Completely cool because if it were this would just be one mass and I would not be able to stir this up properly so we’ve got that nicely combined all the pasta is coated in our dressing the next thing I want to do is put in my red

Onion and that’s just going to be a couple heaping tablespoons of that my 2 tablespoons of green onion which I am just going to slice right into my situation here this is already washed so don’t worry it’s all good guys I don’t know if that’s quite two tablespoons it

Might be more it might be less but I like a lot of green onion so do whatever makes you happy and lastly we’re going to come in with our chopped up egg whites throw that in the mix and just stir to combine if you were going to add in your

Crumbled up bacon this would be the time to do that just at the end and stir it all in all right pales there’s our finished product now you could serve this right away but I’m planning to cover it and put it in the fridge so it completely cools down that’s also going

To give the flavors a chance to marry before serving I would sprinkle a little more paprika on top and maybe some more of those fresh green onions just for some color but this is going to be amazing this is going to make you eight kind of appetizer type servings I guess

Or for lunchtime servings this is a great combination of two putt look favorites and I’m very excited for you and yours to try It all right friends that’s going to do it for my deviled egg pasta salad it was so delicious I actually portioned it out and had it for lunch for the next few days since it was just me eating it this time around but I guarantee if you bring

This to a gathering there will not be any leftovers I’d love to know two things I want to know when you go to an Easter Gathering or any sort of Springtime Gathering what are you most looking forward to eating and also what can you be counted on to bring what’s

Like your thing that everyone knows that you’re going to definitely be bringing this year let me know in the comments and as always I want to thank you all so much for being here and watching this video I really hope you enjoyed it and if you did I hope you’ll please give it

A big thumbs up I’d also love it if you would subscribe and click the notification Bell because I post at least three times a week and I wouldn’t want you to miss a minute thanks so much again for watching bye


  1. It’s a wonderful recipe💛💚
    The happy scent seems to reaches me🧡
    It looks very delicious😋
    I'm looking forward to seeing you again✨⭐️

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