This vedio discovered Top 10 most nutrient foods | Healthy Foods | Most nutritious foods

Welcome to the health Assurance Channel I will present it to you here top 10 nutrient Foods one leafy greens spinach kale and swiss chard are packed with vitamins and minerals two berries blueberries strawberries and raspberries are rich in antioxidants and vitamins three fish fatty fish like salmon and mackerel

Provide omega-3 fatty acids and protein four nuts and seeds all chia seeds and flax seeds are excellent sources of nutrients five avocado high and healthy fats potassium and fiber six sweet potatoes a nutritious root vegetable containing vitamins minerals and fiber seven quinoa a complete protein source with essential

Amino acids eight legumes beans lentils and chickpeas are rich in protein fiber and various nutrients n n broccoli packed with vitamins C and K as well as fiber 10 Greek yogurt a good source of protein probiotics and calcium for bone health thank you for watching

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