Printable recipe below! Get ready to bite into the most delicious stuffed crust pizza you’ve ever tasted and with an easy 5-minute pizza crust!
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Fresh Red Chile
Cowboy hash knife
Cowboy Apron
Lodge 12 inch Dutch oven

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Kent Rollins
Cowboy Cooking, Cast Iron, Outdoor Cooking, Grilling, Dutch Oven Cooking

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I’m going to start with the crust uhhuh oh my gosh look up in there can you see in there I can see you out the other end of it Shan I Can you know by the time it would take you to get in the car go to the store get one of them frozen pizzas that’s a stuffed crust and bring it back you could have done made this 5 minute crust put your topping on put it in the oven

And already had it before they ever get back from the store that’s how quick and easy this recipe really is but before we get to that and oh how me and Shan and all the pups love some pizza we have a really special thing that come to us in

The mail this last week and I’m so honored to have it Julie and Craig they sent this to us and oh my gosh don’t it be looking good Shen I mean so where is the Mage at over Mage get over here buddy we got to do do

A little comparison here bud now don’t y’all think that is a great picture of the little snower here we are so honored to have that we are don’t be growling you know it’s good and we thank all our fans for letting us come into your living rooms wherever you might be

Watching those videos because y’all are truly family to us but let’s get to making pizza because I’m ready to go the thing that I really judge Pizza by is the crust I mean sure you can have cheese pizza pepperoni pizza meat lovers Pizza but it’s all about the crust to me

How does it hold up is it crispy and I do like really thin and crispy but in a stuffed crust I I like to make it just a little bit thicker but today we going to start out with two cups of flour to that we’re going to add some onion powder

Then we’re going to have us some garlic powder about the same amount which is about that much and Italian seasoning I use it in a lot of lasagnas and everything else if we’re sort of in a hurry and we have made pizza on ranches is a lot me and Shan especially for me

And her the first night you set up or you go in there and it’s just me and her and we would make pizza because folks it is the easiest thing in the world to cook in a dutch oven a little bit of salt and people was asking me in a video

Not long ago how come you don’t throw some over your shoulder well we did today isn’t that only if you spill it well I don’t know if it’s because you spill it or not but people was telling me if you put something and throw it over your shoulder it’ll land in the

Devil’s eyes and keep him away from you so we going to mix all that up really well we have a stick of melted butter and to that about I’d say nearly a half a cup of warm water now we’re just going to get a spoon and

Go to folding that in gradually till we can get us here in a little dough ball here in a minute if you think you need a little more water when you start go ahead on put you some more in there because one thing I don’t want is I

Don’t want a dry pizza dough because we got to work this a little I can already tell that we’re probably going to maybe need just a little water so I’m going to give it a little sprinkling and remember that is warm water and uh just go ahead

And get your hands in it go to working it because we got to get us a ball of dough in there you can see as you stretch it apart there it’s still pretty wet let’s get us a Fed board get it out there I don’t know where culinary is

Today so we’re going to put it up there here’s a cutting board right here put you a little flower down when you pull this apart you can see there’s some elasticity to it and it’s pretty wet in there you want to keep it to about that

Because we’re not going to do a whole lot more to it besides get us a little flower on it I like to take it we’re just going to work it just a little I like to take it like a mushroom just keep rolling it over the top

Bringing it back under roll it over the top bring it back under what do we call this besides a rolling pin you in the back row over by dooker yes a husband trainer is what it is dooker is taking a little sunshine in just mash it with that rolling

Pin till you can get it down there to where you want it and then let’s go to Rolling and you can sing a song or anything you want while you’re doing this rolling down the river that was a pretty good song keep them doggies rolling roll high do you know Shen that

Was my nickname when I was a little child yes rawh hide but this is going to make one pizza crust now today I’m going to cook this in a 12 inch Dutch oven you could use a 12in skillet you could cook this on one of them pizza stones in the

Oven and if you’re doing it in the house go ahead and preheat that oven to 400° because we want that thing hot to where it don’t got to cook long and I’m going to roughly roll out this pizza dough to about 14 in you have to have string

Cheese Mozzarella string cheese so to me it looks like them deals you used to loading them little air guns and then you pump them up and they shoot what do you think big they got childproof labels on them and it says peel here but I don’t know where that’s at

So we’re going to do it the oldfashioned way and just cut these open I Hope well I feel like the string cheese is winning it is is it’s sort of like Saran Wrap and everything else I will tell you I have learned you want to sort of let them come to room temperature don’t just get them straight out of the

Ice box because they won’t Bend near as well and we need them to bend there may be enough left over cheese for some uh snacks you reckon you like cheese well it is time for the stuffing to commence we have let this warm up a little to where it is sort of pliable

Because it needs to bend a little so bring it in off the crust I’d say a tad to where we can roll it over and we’ll try to line them up here and see where we’re at and if you need one to bend more than that just score the back side

Of it to where it will come around the corner a little easier this one’s going to have to have it too mes do you think you should have some of this if there’s any left we’ll see what we can work out Now comes the part where you just do this right here just roll it over and try to crimp it we want to try to seal it to where none of that cheese is licking Out make sure you can get it tucked Shan come up with a pretty good idea if you can tuck it back under under the cheese itself you can see it’s not perfectly round but I don’t care pie aren’t square is it sharing so get you a dutch oven this one

Been greased lightly but I’ve learned from a long time ago from Pizza people many years back let’s give it a little sprinkling of cornmeal in the bottom sort of create a little barrier there it will well when you get it in that Dutch oven you’ve seen me give it a little

More crimping on there to make sure that everything was sealed up just right and now it really comes to your own creative magic it does what do you want to put in it what do you want your toppings to be now me I have used a marinara sauce I

Have used ranch dressing and if you’re looking for a really easy marinara sauce that’s so good go back and watch our meatball sub and use that I’ve also used our Cowboy Chutney it makes a great base to start that pizza out with but today what are we using this fresh red chili

Roasted out there in the hatch Valley you can’t get no more better flavor than that folks and it makes a great little starting point for good pizza it don’t take a whole lot and it’s this is your taste me I don’t like a whole lot so we’re probably going to start with about

Four tablespoons and see where this gets us when you get it to where you want it with the sauce I’m going to go back and put mozzarella cheese cheddar cheese and then I’m going to add a lot of pepperoni on there I’m going to give it a little

Shake of black coarse ground pepper to it and then I’m going to bake it but this is a wide open playing field right here make it how you want it but this is a 5minute easy stuffed pizza crust going to be the best pizza you ever [Applause] [Applause] eat is a great dish if you’re a beginner or if you’ve never even cooked anything in a dutch oven pizzas are so easy to cook because you can pull that crust back a little and see what’s happening on the bottom you see me get coals shake

The ash out of them put them around the bottom side of that Dutch oven there about the width of that trivet on the outside and then cover that top up pretty heavy we need a great amount of heat because if you’re cooking it in the

House at 400 I need to get that Dutch oven up to about that two so it’s heavy heat top and bottom but we will rotate the bottom one way the lid the other to even it out with any new Hot Spot what I mean by rotating there and

You seen me and you’re going to need a lid lifter you ain’t going to be hand that and we have teamed up with good folks Hasty bit made these lid lifters they grab a hold well they hold well you’re not going to drop something uh probably the best lid lifter I ever used

You can find them there on the website but when you get a hold of that bail and rotate the whole Dutch oven one way then rotate the lid the opposite direction you even out any hot spot and coals that you might have it’s really pretty basic

But just make sure you rotate more if the wind is Blowing As we’re getting closer to getting done and you can put your finger on that dough and push down there on it and see how much set up it really is but the best way ever get you Fork reach down in there pull that crust up a little to

Where you can look under there and see where it’s at is it brown enough if it is take it off that heat and just let it go if it’s not leave it on there a little bit longer be sure and check it again get that crust as brown as you

Want it hey I want to thank y’all for all the prayers you’ve been saying for the be cuz he is better he is the Oldtimer in the bunch there you go beig thank you so much dooker is a cheese Master he loves some cheese Mage you

Look really good in that picture I don’t know where anybody else is at they caught a rabbit they must have caught a rabbit and been gone but Shen this is your favorite pizza and I mean look at that cheese that pulled out of that crust right there I’m going to start

With the crust uhhuh oh my gosh I mean look up in there can you see in there I can see you out the other end of it Shan I can it reminds me when me and Shan was up there at Chicago during the book signing and

We got to eat some of that deep dish pizza everybody was saying you go to Chicago you have to have deep dish pizza so we’re here to lose and I don’t know how many sticks of butter they got in here but you can taste it you can but it

Makes me want to break out into the pizzeria dance and you got to get that crust and you rolling you roll it you toss it toss it toss it up in there toss it don’t lose it don’t lose it catch it catch it oh you missed it fell right on

The ground and a beagle got it well we thank y’all for watching but before we leave this deal make sure you check out the events page on the website cuz we have got some events coming up we do but it is with great pride privilege and

Honor that I tip my hat to all our servicemen and women and all the veterans who have kept that old flag of flying wherever we may be get on in here quick cuz I am going to hug you God bless you each and every one and I’ll

See you down the stuff crust pizza trail great day above the grass it is and we are so hon that was really good too that quick crust to be that’s a hard word easy pizza I’m talking about whoop that is wrong God bless you each and every Whoa man that’s ahead of schedule


  1. I wanna put every dag'um thang in it lol all the veggies all the meats all the chesses lol super supreme

  2. From one Chef to another the pizza looked great. I would've added some pepper flakes myself, but to each his own.

    However… With almost 3 mil in followers I know you got the $ to get some dancing lessons finally… 😂😂😂

    Just teasin' ya, keep up the good work Kent!

  3. I find it disturbing that god helped your dog, but didn't care about kids in an elementary school, or the megachurch to that point. And the good guy is the one who shot the kid too. In gods house. Wow.

  4. 🤤 🍕 As dumb as this may sound, it never occurred to me that you could make stuffed crust at home. I gotta try it and thank you.

  5. Heeeeeeh Cooky. Love you guys!!!! hey Shan. Hope yall new year is on a new level of success huah. Love ❤️ and HUGSS. And pup cups for the furbabies.

  6. 🥰🥰🥰🥰 Such Wholesomeness‼️ 💝💝💝 Just found this channel and my GOODNESS this is a breathe of Fresh Air!! 🤤🤤🤤 & now i have to try out this new recipe‼️🍕🍕🍕

  7. Iv been on vacation and now have time to watch your video and looks amazing. I saw baking powder on the table but didn't see you add it in. Either way im still gpna try this soon.

  8. Gotta appreciate that instead of saying “seal the dough over the string cheese” he said “crimp it”. This man is a handyman and it shows. God bless you sir. Keep up the good work. 😊

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