Cultiver des laitues d’hiver #salades

00:00 Présentation
00:42 Autres salades en hiver
02:12 Semis du mois d’août
03:04 Chicorées Pain de sucre
04:39 Un beau raté
05:18 Les laitues d’hiver

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Bienvenue à tous les jardiniers travaillant ou non le sol, ou tout simplement curieux de partager cette expérience de jardinage bio et sans travail du sol

Musiques :
Lazy Laura – Quincas Moreira

Hello everyone, hello friends, I’m going to talk to you about winter lettuce in this video, so the advantage of winter lettuce is that we can eat lettuce in the month of March when we don’t have a greenhouse when we grow outdoors and in general we don’t have much in

The way of lettuce unless we have winter lettuce so I sowed these lettuces on September 15 and we see that they are in very good condition on February 15 when I shot these images [Music] in my pots here in the fall I made some lettuce to cut so there is

Vulcan the curly one and watercress from Morocco the one which is very green I made this with garlic so and we consume it regularly from December to January and still it is not too damaged for the moment so it is not specific winter varieties this which means that sometimes

It’s less successful for me, I’ve been doing it for 2 years here in an oceanic climate in the Nantes region, it works quite well, it helps complement other salads but it’s not typically winter varieties very little maintenance on this salad and it’s very practical we

Have them at hand so there are also the lamb’s lettuce there I have made several generations of lamb’s lettuce in the pots this year I am reaching the 3rd generation there we see the second one which is almost ready to

Harvest, so it also allows you to have a little bit of chew and it reseeds itself also I also have some for example in my apricot tree finally in the pot where I have a small apricot tree which sown itself and then I put a little bit like that

To the right and left so the lamb’s lettuce must be done several successive sowings now when we arrive at the end of February they will start if there in mild periods they will start to rise and so very quickly the chews when they rise well that’s what it’s very fast

It stops suddenly [Music] so there a little spot of chard that I had made in August between the tomato plants well my crops autumn winter they were rather failed but there it worked well it will come in spring it will grow back and then next to it we see spots of arugula so

There the arugula perfect it was because sometimes it goes up before winter, that wasn’t the case, it was really in the right timing and then this plant with very thin leaves is perpetual arugula, I installed a foot at the ‘autumn so we’ll see what

It turns out and that makes additional salads which we add to that we make little mixtures and that allows us to have a little bit of greenery throughout the winter [Music] we see here my Pain de Sucre chicory which is part of the winter plank which I

Largely missed this year. Well, the Pain de Sucre chicory is still fine but they are very late, normally the Pain de Sucre chicory at home is good to eat at the end of the year in January in February what’s a good job these are chicories which tolerate the cold quite well and

Therefore we can have them in the heart of winter and it’s still something that is quite important for me because it gives greenery like that in the middle of winter but there they have fallen a lot behind and they are still very small we still started

To eat them but they are still very small they are small but healthy they are not attacked by the slugs this year I had years where I had in a Pain de Sucre chicory even if they were bigger sometimes I found around thirty

Slugs to say it was really the slug hotel there this year not problem on the slug side, eh besides when I take one well I leave a few outer leaves precisely to feed them in case there are any and we have a little difficulty finding them

But we find them when even one here so I leave this slug as long as I am not at all invaded it will be for the slug predators and then well it will eat the remains of chicory leaves so these Pain de Sucre chicories they are

There to make the connection a little bit with the winter lettuces which come in March [Music] the winter crops that I missed well here they are the cabbages I wanted to do a little experiment with phacelia in intermediate crop but well at home in the fall

Very quickly the shade arrives on these parts of the vegetable garden so in addition the cabbages were eaten the first time I sowed a little later and they did not arrive in time to have enough time in advance to get through the winter so in terms of

Cabbages completely missed luckily we had the Daubenton cabbage left otherwise we wouldn’t have had any cabbages this winter well after that it wouldn’t have either been a drama [Music] so we come back to the winter lettuces I made them here on

The old board where there were the sweet potatoes, parsnips and endives and then I extended the vegetable garden a little on the lawn on the right part last year and therefore the lettuces come a little overflowing on this part where in summer there were yacons and

Zucchini so lettuces without problem there is no difference between the two boards and then I put small tunnels as you can also see to protect them anyway so well I don’t have a lot of light on this part yet but it helps a little these lettuces were

Sown later than my sugar loaf chicory they were sown in the second half of September and transplanted after the harvests that I made on this bed so no tillage of the soil so just put back on the ground what remained as plant waste I added a

Little bit of dead leaves and then we see that there are a little bit of weeds or companion plants it depends on what you want to call them there are dead nettles there are speedwells but hey they are not plants which are really very annoying and me I even prefer that there be

A little bit because that way it allows you to tear off a little bit from time to time if they really bother the lettuces and that way it also makes a little food for the slugs because those small lettuces it’s the same they are absolutely not they are absolutely not

Attacked by slugs I only really intervene if there are too many weeds but in general it goes well I had to intervene like that to remove a few weeds this winter I find that the lettuces are doing much better when they are surrounded like that by companion plants they

Are less prey to predators and in particular slugs and then we see that I put a few slates there to try to capture when it there are rays of sun passing through the corner I find that these lettuces are very easy to live with for the

Gardener, just remember to sow them in mid-September, take winter varieties of course and then like that we will have salads towards the end of winter and beginning of spring and they will come before those which will be sown at the start of the year which will arrive in

April and if you do not have a greenhouse it is still very appreciable these little salads which allows us to have a continuity of salads throughout the year since we can also have them during the summer until the fall, this video is now finished, I

‘ll see you next time video be well [Music] [Applause] [Music]


  1. Elles sont plus que "correctes" , comme tu dis , tes laitues. Elles sont belles . Elles ont été semées direct en pleine terre ou repiquées apres semis en alveoles ? J'ai du mal à reussir mes semis de salades en pleine terre . Je fais maintenant par repiquage. C est dommage car il paraît que l enracinement est meilleur en semis direct . Mais bon , elles sont belles aussi apres repiquage et comme c est plus pratique pour moi je procède ainsi .
    Lamier pourpre et véronique sont des plantes nitrophiles qui aiment les sols riches en azote et en matieres organiques et qui préfèrent semblent il les sols sablo limoneux . Je n ai pas de veronique ( à part ma soeur ) mais par contre j'ai aussi du lamier pourpre . A mes debuts , j adorais l arracher car ça vient tout seul et j avais toujours le reflexe " mauvaises herbes" . Maintenant je le laisse , comme toi, vivre sa vie si il n empiète pas sur les "vrais légumes" 😁 . Jamais essayé de le faire en salade et pourtant il paraît qu il est comestible et bon . Toujours les vieux clichés qui persiste . Tu as essayé d en manger ?
    Je me demande si je ne vais pas essayer d en semer en couvert vivant sous mes tomates . Pas sur qu on trouve des graines !
    Bon dimanche
    Ps j'ai des progrès à faire car qd je vois des limaces qui marchent sur mes plates-bandes je ne suis pas aussi indulgent et accomodant que toi, … " Hervé " 😅

  2. Bonjour J.C.
    Cette vidéo m'a intéressée au plus haut point, ça m'a permis de faire des comparaisons avec mes premières expériences en salades, et bien sur, j'ai pris des notes.
    L'année dernière j'avais laissé fleurir une pain de sucre et éparpillé les innombrables graines qui se sont semées, ça pousse un peu partout et je vais laisser celles qui ne gênent pas et repiquer les autres dans les pots.
    Je trouve que la mâche n'a pas un gros rendement et la culture est très longue.
    J'avais protégé les salades à couper avec des bidons d'eau de 5 l mais je trouve que ça les a fragilisées, ça manquait aussi de luminosité.
    Je file au jardin, profiter de ce magnifique soleil qui ne va pas s'éterniser cette semaine, et vous souhaite un très agréable dimanche.
    Belle journée, à tous ceux et celles, qui passeront vous visiter.

  3. Bonjour. Je seme les varietes val d orge et brune d hiver fin aout debut sept depuis plusieurs annees. Recolte fevrier a mai. Cette annee j ai cultive aussi la laitue grand mere. Cordialement

  4. Belles salades JC 👍🌱. Tu as bien réussi. Un point très perfectible dans mon jardin où je me contente de la mâche hors saison. Je vais devoir expérimenter les semis d'automne pour espérer de belles salades aussi. Il me semble qu'il existe un livre à ce sujet : un jour, une salade. Je vais surement me l'offrir 😅 pour y remédier, en plus de tes précieux conseils 👍🌱. À bientôt et bon dimanche. Flo

  5. Bonjour et merci de cette video
    Toujours agréable de récolter des salades en hiver et continuer à profiter de son potager en période froide et d avoir une continuité de culture même sans serre
    Bonne journée 😊

  6. Salut JC, je n'ai peut-être pas été suffisamment attentive, je n'ai pas entendu le nom de la variété de cette jolie laitue semée en septembre avec des feuilles assez "grasses", pourrais tu me renseigner ? Ici l'hiver on est vraiment sur les salades composées de diverses brassicacées : les verdures asiatiques, la roquette autonome, les feuilles de kale, les radis d'hiver… Et la mâche sauvage bien évidemment ! Pour le reste, les premières laitues arriveront au printemps, sous la serre.
    Bon jardinage océanique, à bientôt 👋

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