How many times have you been told not to fill up on bread… and how many times have you done it anyway? Yes, there’s something irresistable about a restaurant’s first course — and it all comes down to the oil.

#Restaurant #Oil #Cooking

Garlic | 0:00
Cheese | 1:22
Balsamic vinegar | 2:09
Tasty extras | 3:16
Spices and seasonings | 4:14
Infused oil | 4:42
Salt and pepper | 5:54
Oil vs. oil | 6:56
The right bread | 7:46
Bread pairings | 8:39
Beyond the dough | 9:56
Storage | 10:37

Voiceover by: Kat Callaghan

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How many times have you been told  not to fill up on bread… and how   many times have you done it anyway?  Yes, there’s something irresistable   about a restaurant’s first course  — and it all comes down to the oil. Bread and fat of some variety is served in  Italian and Spanish restaurants all around  

The world. And if you’re wondering why  restaurant bread dipping oil is so good,   well — it basically comes down to the ingredients.  Fresh garlic is one important addition that truly   transforms this simple dish. That’s because the  taste of garlic complements herbs and olive oil  

Extremely well. If you’re making this at home, and  don’t like the idea of eating minced raw garlic,   you can add roasted cloves instead for a  sweeter taste. Or you could warm the oil   with whole cloves added before removing them,  essentially making a homemade infused oil.

Since there are so few ingredients in dipping oil,  it’s better to use fresh garlic rather than cloves   from a jar. You could also try a combination of  cloves cooked in olive oil with finely chopped   raw garlic. Another option is to sauté chopped  garlic. Each of these methods will bring out  

Different notes to the garlic and pungency levels  from subtle to powerful. To let the garlic and the   other ingredients work their magic, you should  make this around a half hour in advance — and be   warned: because of the fresh ingredients involved,  your dipping oil will only be good for a few days.

You may have noticed that the flavor in restaurant   dipping oil often boasts a hint of salt.  It may even taste a little creamy. Have   you ever worked out why? It could well  be because of one special ingredient. “It’s cheese.”

This trick is very easy to pull off. To make this  yourself, stir together ½ a cup of olive oil and a   tablespoon of a homemade mix of dry seasonings,  then add a tablespoon of grated cheese. Italian   varieties such as Parmesan or Pecorino  Romano are especially suited for this job,  

As the taste is strong enough to make an impact  without overpowering the oil. You don’t want   to turn an oil dip into a grated cheese  dip, after all. And if you want a cheesy,   dairy-free olive oil dip, then simply add  nutritional yeast in place of Parmesan.

In authentic European restaurants, olive  oil for dipping bread isn’t served alone:   It always comes with a bottle of balsamic  vinegar to add a little acidic tang. Chefs   and servers tend not to mix these  two ingredients together, however,   as it’s more usually done by the diner. This  is because the proportions of extra virgin  

Olive oil and balsamic tend to be something of  a personal preference. That said, in general,   you probably ought to use slightly more oil,  and you’ll want to splash the vinegar in the   oil rather than mix the two together. When you  dip and drag a piece of bread in it will soak  

Up both. You’ll taste the two flavors  together… and yet, somehow, separately. Like olive oil, the quality of balsamic vinegar  can vary widely when it comes to quality. That   said, authentic balsamic vinegar is subject  to a Protected Designation of Origin status:  

It must be made from grapes that  come from a certain region of Italy,   and the aging process has to be at least  12 years. If a balsamic vinegar doesn’t   come from Modena or Reggio Emilia, then it  isn’t legit. And, like sipping on fine wine,  

You’ll always taste the difference when dining  at a restaurant that serves the real stuff. There’s nothing wrong with a simple dish of olive  oil served with a few seasonings and a hunk of   bread for dipping. After all, this is exactly  what you’ll get in a lot of restaurants. However,  

To really elevate your dipping experience,  you might want to add some other ingredients   into the mix. Be warned, though: If you overload  that oil, it’ll become less like a dipping oil   and more like a paste — so it’s all about  adding the right amount of ingredients.

If you’re looking for ideas to try yourself, then  why not add some Mediterranean extras? Sun-dried   tomatoes pair spectacularly with olive oil,  for example, and so too do chopped-up olives. “Bellissimo.” And if you’re serving a dipping oil for a special  occasion, or want to make it a little fancier,  

Then how about dried fruit such as cranberries?  Meanwhile, adding fresh chilies or chili flakes   can enhance the flavor by bringing in a  mouth-tingling touch of spice. Grating   citrus fruit zest into the oil also works well,  as does sumac, which promises a more lemony punch.

One of the reasons restaurant bread  dipping oil tastes so good is that   it’s given a flavorful boost with added  seasonings. Herbs such as basil, parsley,   and oregano evoke an aromatic taste of  Italy, of course, but that’s not all — you  

Can experiment with pretty much anything you  like. Really! Try throwing in some rosemary,   red pepper flakes, or anything else you’ve  got lying around in your kitchen. There’s not   a lot you can do wrong aside from overpowering  your oil — and experimenting is half the fun.

There are some incredible  infused olive oils out there,   boasting an assortment of flavors including  truffle, garlic, and lemon. Many of these are   intended to be added to various recipes  to give them a little extra flavor, but,   since some are made with olive oil, they’re  likely to be well-suited as dipping oils.

That said, dipping oil tends to be so good in  restaurants because chefs focus more on the   quality of the oil and less on the flavorings.  That’s not to say that infused oils aren’t   up to par, of course, as there are plenty of  gourmet versions out there. It’s perhaps true,  

However, that a chef serving the very  best extra virgin olive oil isn’t   going to be overly concerned about  whether it’s an infused oil or not. Nevertheless, some home cooks may prefer to make  their own infusions. Olive oil with a sprig of  

Rosemary in it can look attractive, but, when  it comes to infusing oil with a herby flavor,   you might want to use dried herbs, as they  tend to be a little more robust. To create   your own infused olive oil, simply heat the  oil in a saucepan on low heat with whatever  

Ingredients you like. Keep the oil warm for 10 to  15 minutes, but make sure it’s not too hot; you   definitely don’t want it bubbling away. Strain,  cool, and store the infused oil in a dry bottle. In Spain, everyday eateries to high-end  bistros serve bread and oil. Europeans will  

Happily rustle it up at home as well — which  makes sense, since it’s so easy to create and   requires very little culinary skill. And while  there’s nothing wrong with adding garlic, cheese,   or anything else you might like to your dipping  oil, there’s really no need to be that fancy.

It’s often the case that a restaurant puts  down nothing more than a bread basket,   olive oil, and balsamic vinegar. Whether  you even want the balsamic or not is up   to you — but one absolute must is to season  the oil with some good ol’ fashioned S and P. “Salt and… pepper, you say?”

This is by far the simplest way to  elevate your bread and oil. Notably,   freshly ground black pepper looks  and tastes better than pepper powder,   and ground sea salt will best enhance  the flavor of the oil and the bread. You’ll also want to season your  own serving of olive oil. That way,  

You can keep adding to it as you pour out more  of the oil and mop up more with the bread;   adjusting the taste as you go  is part of the whole appeal. Restaurants use what they call finishing oil to  serve with bread as a dip. This basically means  

That it’s good enough to eat as is. And if the  taste has a strong taste that’s a little fruity   and bitter, then it’s probably cold-pressed  extra virgin olive oil, which is the very   best for dipping. While some restaurants  load dipping oil with other ingredients,  

The simple combination of bread and plain, high  quality olive oil can be simply incredible. So how do you sort the wheat from the chaff?  Well, olive oils come from different parts of   the world, including the U.S. — although  if you’re dining out on pasta or paella,  

Then you’re likely to be dunking your bread into  Italian, Spanish, or Greek olive oil. And since   you can never quite guarantee the quality of  the brand you’ll find on grocery store shelves,   it might be worth experimenting with different  oils to find the one that’s right for you.

Making crusty Italian bread is  so satisfying. There’s something   wonderfully therapeutic about baking  bread, and the aromas that fill the   kitchen as the dough rises create a  homey, warming atmosphere. And then,   obviously, there’s the actual taste of  warm bread to look forward to as well.

One of the reasons why restaurant bread  dipping oil is so good is because chefs   often bake loaves fresh. Dining out and having  great food made for you is a real treat, and a   slice or two of homemade bread is the perfect  way to kick off a delicious dining experience.

Whether it’s plain rolls or a more herby loaf,  dipping high quality bread into good olive oil   is one of the best ways to truly enjoy  the taste of both. In an Italian eatery,   you may be served fresh focaccia, which is  not only perfect for dunking, but also made  

With olive oil, boasting a pillowy, chewy texture  that makes it a popular choice among Europeans. Aside from the quality of the bread that  you dip into olive oil, the type of loaf   is also important. What you’re looking for,  and what good restaurant chefs understand,  

Is the right balance between the taste and  texture of the bread and the amount and   flavor of the dipping oil. If the bread is too  solid, it won’t allow enough oil to penetrate,   instead simply clinging to the surface.  So what will a good cook give you? “Bread. Beautiful.”

“You’re pushing your luck, little man.” Olive bread is an obvious choice that’s  complementary in flavor and looks great   to boot. A loaf that’s got a crusty edge  is fine, and might make holding the bread   a little easier. However, you want the inside  to have a certain amount of soft springiness  

To soak up all that oil. Since dipping  bread in oil is traditional in Italy,   country-style Italian bread such as ciabatta  will likely work well. Rounds of a crusty   baguette would also be ideal, just as long  as they’re not too brittle. Sourdough bread  

Is robust too, and promises a little tangy  chewiness that complements olive oil well. And don’t forget: warm bread elevates  flavor. The heat makes the bread softer   and the oil runnier. How long you  dunk the bread for is important,  

Too, as a quick dip might not be enough — always  give the bread a few seconds to mop up that oil. Restaurant bread dipping oil is so good  that it’s easy to dunk a big hunk of   bread and find yourself full up in no time.  But what if you’re enjoying a light lunch,  

Want to avoid carb-induced bloat, or need to  leave room for a gloriously filling pasta dish?   You might want to forget the bread and make the  most of other dip-worthy foods. For example,   whole or sliced raw vegetables are delicious when  served with a glistening coating of olive oil.

Sliced bell peppers, carrot batons,  and cucumber slices go well with oil,   while tomatoes make for a natural pairing. And,  notably, vegetables are as colorful as they are   nutritious — meaning they’ll provide a welcome  splash of color to a homemade sharing platter.

Busy Mediterranean restaurants get through a  good amount of olive oil, especially as they   may use oils for both dipping and cooking. Either  way, that stuff isn’t going to be hanging around   for long, so you’re always likely to be tasting  fresh oil. A truly great chef is going to have  

The culinary contacts and know-how to choose the  best brands if they want to impress their diners,   and they’ll also know how to store  olive oil in the right way. Of course,   if you invest in a good bottle of extra virgin  olive oil, then you’ll want to do the same.

An unopened bottle may last a couple of years,  but if you’ve used it once then it’s likely to   drop off in quality after a few months. You don’t  need to store olive oil in the fridge — in fact,   a dry environment is best. It is necessary,  however, to keep oil away from sunlight:  

This is why good quality olive  oil often comes in a green bottle,   as it’s more likely to protect  the oil against the light.


  1. I'm starting to become suspect of content that feels automated. Relying so much on commercial clips starts to feel fake. I know it's not all like this, but you're now competing with actual AI content, which is starting to feel like a turnoff.

  2. This is great & great… especially if you're about to eat soon! Bread with anything as a start is awesome. My favorite is sourdough toast…

  3. What makes restaurant dipping oil good? Not going to a restaurant for a $15-20 order of stale bread and fake olive oil. Easy to make at home and way better, just add a good Cabernet, sit on your deck and enjoy.

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