Join me for an exciting week of delicious sourdough recipes! In this video, I’ll be sharing my step-by-step process for creating four mouthwatering recipes using sourdough starter. Get ready to bake an artisan loaf with a crusty exterior and soft, chewy interior. Next up, we’ll dive into the world of everything seasoning bagels, with that classic New York-style taste. And who can resist homemade sourdough waffles, perfectly fluffy and full of tangy flavor? Finally, we’ll explore the realm of savory snacks with irresistible ranch crackers. Each recipe is packed with the unique and complex flavors that only sourdough can deliver. Get ready to elevate your baking game and enjoy a week of culinary delights. Let’s dive into the wonderful world of sourdough together!


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Full Sourdough Playlist –
Artisan Loaf Recipe –
Everything Bagels Recipe –
Waffles Recipe –
Cracker Recipe –

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Get ready to embark on a week-long Sourdough  adventure with me imagine waking up to the   aroma of freshly baked sourdough Creations from  warm and crusty Artisan loaves to fluffy golden   waffles join me as I share a week of sourdough  recipes that will transform your breakfast lunches  

And snacks hi friends I’m Petrina with homegrown  Florida and I am addicted to sourdough bread well   sourdough anything it started out that I just  wanted to make my own Artisan loaf but once   I got started I quickly figured out that you can  pretty much make anything with sourdough and so I  

Did sourdough has an amazing flavor it has really  good health benefits it’s easier to digest and it   has a minimum amount of ingredients probably  things you already have around your house but   before we jump into these recipes let me tell you  what every good sourdough recipe starts with and  

That’s a sourdough starter I named mine Elizabeth  back when I created her in 2021 it’s kind of a   thing that we do as sourdough makers we name our  starter I did create her with just water flour and  

A little bit of time that’s really all you need  I will warn you that creating your own is a bit   of a lengthy process Elizabeth here took 24 days  that’s 24 days of feeding her and taking care of  

Her I have a whole other video that I’ll add down  into the description on how to create your own if   that’s something that you might be interested in  but there is another way if you don’t want to go  

Through that whole process you could buy your  own sourdough starter so places like Etsy and   Facebook marketplaces are great places to start if  you have a bakery near your home give them a call   and see if they’ll sell you some of theirs or even  better reach out to your local community groups on  

Facebook to see if anyone is willing to share some  of their starter with you the sourdough Community   is very supportive and I’ve seen plenty of  neighbors giving it out for free including myself   I’ve I’ve probably given Elizabeth to several  of my neighbors and friends once you have your  

Starter then you can get started if maintaining  a starter is not something you are interested in   you can use active dry yeast for these recipes but  be aware that the rise time will be much shorter   sourdough is much longer now let’s get started  we’re going to be making an artisan crusty  

Sourdough loaf everything seasoned Bagels fluffy  sweet waffles and some ranch flavored crackers   the first thing I’m going to do is actually figure  out how I’m going to build up my starter now   you don’t have to do this but I like to keep a  starter that is very minimal and so lots of people  

Keep starters you know somewhere around you know  60 to 90 grams and I keep about five grams I keep   a very small amount of starter and the reason I do  this is because I go buy a no waste method of my  

Sourdough and basically this just means that when  I discard I’m almost never discarding and throwing   away so a lot of the times the only thing that I  discard is things that I’m going to end up baking   with so nothing gets thrown away nothing gets  accumulated those kinds of things so the way that  

I do that is I write down what my recipe is going  to require in terms of starter so if it needs 90   grams I write down 90 and then I weigh my starter  with my scale so I started with about 30 grams of  

Starter once I weighed it out I guess mine had  gotten a little heavy over the last couple days   and so I need my starter to at least equal 90 plus  more left over so that I can continue to keep it  

Alive you don’t want to use all your starter up  because then you won’t have it for the future   so I’m going to do 30 grams of starter and then  I’m going to do 40 grams of water and 40 grams  

Of flour now the water that I’m using is bottled  water and the reason for that is my starter is   still very young and and by very young I mean it’s  almost it’s almost two years old at this point but  

That’s quite young for a starter some people keep  starters for 30 or 40 years which is just insane   it’s it’s pretty crazy because mine is so young  it doesn’t handle change very well so if I were  

To use a different water like my tap water that  has high levels of chlorine as well as I have a   water softener in my house which has salt  in it and it kind of purifies the water   it would possibly kill my starter and I have  noticed that it’s never actually killed my  

Starter when I used it but it has slowed  it down significantly so when I’m making   a recipe or when I’m building up my starter  I will use bottled water we also have well   water that I could use but I didn’t want to go  through the effort of pulling the water out of  

The well now if you are going to use City Water  it does have chlorine in it and so the best way   to dissipate that chlorine is to leave the water  in an open container with no top on your kitchen  

Countertop and let it dissipate for 24 hours and  then it will be fine in your starter so here is   where I’m showing that my little calculation my  30 grams of starter my 36 grams of water and my  

38 grams of flour is going to bring us to 104  grams total 90 for the recipe 14 remaining for   to keep my starter going it took my starter about  I think it was like five hours to double in size  

And so once it doubles in size it’s ready to go  you don’t have to wait for it to like triple or   quadruple in size once it has hit that double size  you can go ahead and move on with your recipe so  

I’m weighing out here with my kitchen scale the 90  grams of starter I need for the Artisan loaf now   I’m going to be adding the water for the recipe  which is 385 grams of water this recipe also calls  

For 520 grams of flour specifically unbleached  bread flour I I always use bread flour whenever   I’m making an artisan loaf it is the best flour  to use for these Loaves and for bread making it   just adds that fluffier lighter texture that  you’re looking for in a bread and then don’t  

Forget I have done this before do not forget the  12 grams of sea salt or any kind of salt I use   iodized salt Some people prefer you know like a  pink Himalayan salt or a Redmond’s real salt or  

Or something like that but do not forget the salt  because I did that once and the bread tastes very   weird it’s funny because when you eat bread you  don’t think that it actually has a salty taste but  

If you leave out the salt it’s very very obvious  that there is something missing in that bread   um so now we’re just going to mix it up and it’s  going to take a little while to get this all mixed  

Together it is kind of a really sticky dough at  this point so I’m going to first start with my   Fork but then I’m going to start kneading it with  my hands and this is a really a no-need recipe but  

I just kind of like kneading I think it’s just  kind of fun but if you don’t want to need it’s   no big deal just mix it until there’s no more dry  flour left and then you can just cover the bowl  

And wait about 30 minutes and then you’re going  to do three rounds of what’s called a stretch and   fold and it’s just what you’re trying to do is  build up the gluten and the way that you do that  

Is by stretching the bread out so that the gluten  fibers I think get longer and it’s going to create   the ability for the bread to rise better so that’s  what you’re doing is just kind of pulling it apart  

Now I have done this many different ways and you  can see there was a stretch and fold that I was   doing which is the traditional way okay but my  break gets really tight all my dough does so I  

Move on to this other method where I actually  use both my hands and pull it out of the bowl   and kind of stretch it apart and then fold it back  in on itself the reason I even started making my  

Own sourdough bread was actually because I used to  get this one type of loaf of bread from Winn-Dixie   it was a Sourdough Rosemary Artisan Loaf and  it was already like cut up and everything and  

It was my absolute favorite bread to put spinach  dip on and I’m kind of addicted to a very garlic   spinach dip that I make and it really was the only  bread that I felt was like really good with the  

Spinach dip because it has its own flavor it  has that crusty outside that soft inside and   so I have been craving that and unfortunately  the Winn-Dixie by my house no longer makes it   so being as I really was craving it for months I  figured I would make my own sourdough bread and  

That’s what started this whole thing you can see  how um stubborn I can be or how persistent let’s   use persistent not stubborn I’m very persistent  and when I couldn’t get that bread anymore I   thought well I’m gonna figure out how to make  it and this was a process that took a very long  

Time since Elizabeth does take 24 days to create  and then sourdough bread in and of itself takes   quite a bit of time too it’s usually you know  a day and a half process now there’s not a lot  

Of Hands-On time there is just the mixing of the  dough and then what you see right here what we’re   doing by the stretches and folds that we do three  times 30 minutes apart it does take a lot of time  

So now we’re just going to cover the bowl up and  we’re going to leave this bread out on our counter   for anywhere from 8 to 12 hours and that’s going  to allow What’s called the bulk fermentation stage  

And it’s going to allow that dough to rise and  to create that puffy dough now this dough is what   happened the next morning and unfortunately I kind  of slept in and so it has overproofed because it  

Really should only double in size and you can see  mine looks like it probably tripled so it is way   overproofed now this happens to me a lot because  I like my sleep and so because I like my sleep  

And it’s proofing overnight especially during the  summer when you know the house is just a little   bit warmer than it is during the winter during the  winter you know my oversleeping time doesn’t seem  

To be a problem for the sourdough but as you can  see here it’s very sticky it’s not holding a form   which if you’ve ever watched sourdough videos  out there in the YouTube world or Instagram it   holds a form and mine typically doesn’t because  I do let it bulk ferment for probably much longer  

But this is this this technique that I do to get  my bread to build tension since it was kind of   soft and sticky and not really holding a shape  I do this kind of spin move here with my dough  

Cutter as well as with my hands to try to create  tension so that it holds its own shape and then   once I’ve done this a few times I’m going to flip  it into a floured banatin and it’s just it’s not  

Any type of flower I use rice flour if you don’t  want to go out and buy rice flour just take some   rice and actually blend it in like your blender  or your food processor or a coffee bean grinder  

Any of those things will create rice flour if you  don’t want to buy a whole expensive pack of rice   flour we’re going to stick it in the fridge now  because I was not ready to bake at that moment but  

If you are ready you don’t have to do the fridge  step you can just go ahead and move forward but   I always find that whenever I’m making an artisan  loaf putting it in the fridge especially when I’ve  

Overproofed it does help it get cold and it gets  harder so that that way it’s not like you know   pouring out of the bowl you’re going to stick  your Dutch oven in the oven for an hour at 500  

Degrees it’s very hot but you want that Dutch oven  to heat up really really high while it’s heating   up when you’re getting close to the one hour Mark  we’re gonna flip our dough out of the banishing if  

You don’t have a Banos in just use a glass bowl  it’s or any Bowl really you don’t have to use   a bandits in or a glass bowl and you’re going to  score it and maybe make any kind of pretty design  

That you want I haven’t quite got in the trick to  making the pretty design so my bread is not really   beautiful yet but the scoring is really important  so that that way the bread doesn’t kind of  

Break apart at whatever seam it wants or in this  particular case if I hadn’t scored it it would   not have gotten the rise that has gotten because  what it does is it pushes out steam once that cold  

Bread hits that hot Dutch oven and that heat and  steam is what actually causes this bread to rise   being as I overproofed it it really needs all the  help it can get to rise up and so the scoring is  

Super important here so I’m just going to take  that sourdough bread that’s on the parchment paper   and I’m going to pop it into the Dutch oven and  then that’s going to go into a 500 degree oven for  

About 25 minutes after the 25 minutes we’re going  to take it out and I like to test the temperature   of my bread now you don’t have to do this lots  of times the 25 minutes should be plenty but  

This is going to tell you whether your bread is  really done on the inside especially if you over   proof it like what I did what you’re looking for  somewhere between 190 and 205 degrees as long as  

You’re hitting that you can go ahead and move  on to the next step but if you’re not hitting   that you’re just going to put the Dutch oven lid  back on and stick it in the oven mine was at I  

Think right at 200 so I took the top off the Dutch  oven and now what we’re going to do is reduce the   temperature down to 450 and you can let this sit  in here for five minutes or you can let it sit in  

Here for 20 minutes it really depends on how dark  you want the crust of your bread we like ours to   be a softer crust we don’t like the super crunchy  crust so we only do five minutes at the 450.  

And as you can see here I did get a little bit  more rise I got more rise than I actually expected   for being a overproofed dough we did eat it  and it was amazing I actually couldn’t tell  

That I overproofed it so if you get your sourdough  dough out of the banatin or out of your bowl after   proofing and you realize that you’ve overproofed  it still bake it always bake it because the worst  

That’s going to happen is it’s going to be a flat  bread and then maybe you can make croutons with   it but you could get lucky like what I do every  single time and it will actually rise and create  

An ear and it will be delicious next recipe  we’re going to work on is everything Bagels   one of my absolute favorite sourdough recipes to  make so once again we’re going to be building up   our starter this recipe actually calls for 150  grams of active starter so we’re going to build  

It up quite a bit because I had so little amount  of starter left which was only 14 grams and I need   150 to get to where I want for this recipe plus  more so that I can save off so I need to get up  

To 160 grams of starter I’m going to use my water  and I’m going to shake it up with the you know 14   grams of starter that’s in there which isn’t  a lot which is going to help make sure that  

I collect any starter that’s kind of stuck to  the side of the glass and by shaking it that is   like the easiest way to try to collect as much  of the discarded starter that’s in the jar and  

Then I’m going to be adding 80 grams of water  and 80 grams of all-purpose flour unbleached   all purpose flour which is super important not  to use bleached it’s better to use unbleached   bleached may cause it not to rise now because  I’m adding so much in this jar is not super big  

I am going to have to put this in a bowl because  my jar could overfill and I’m also not screwing   that cap on tight it’s actually super super loose  thankfully my starter is not like super active so  

It did double in about 12 hours and I wanted to  preface that that a lot of recipes say that your   starter should double in six hours but when you  are increasing it like I do where I’m going from  

14 grams to 150 grams it is not going to do that  in six hours mine took overnight it took 12 hours   and that is completely normal because you’re  building that starter up from a very small  

A small weight so here we are we’re getting ready  to make the actual dough for the bagels and that   dough has that 150 grams of starter and then we’re  going to add 250 grams of water 24 grams of sugar  

9 grams of salt and then 500 grams of bread  flour so once again we’re using bread flour for   this recipe just like we did with the Artisan  loaf as a kid growing up I never really liked   Bagels I think this is because I’m not really a  breakfast person because I feel like breakfast  

Is always about sweets and I do love sweets but I  don’t like sweets first in the morning and bagels   have always been something that was always  sweet we always had like a cinnamon raisin   bagel or Cranberry Bagel or something like that  with these sweet cream cheeses and for me I just  

Don’t like sweet stuff in the morning but once I  came across a everything bagel with like a garlic   cream cheese oh my gosh I’ve been addicted ever  since so now that I have a Savory bagel recipe I  

Make these all the time I absolutely love them and  that’s another really cool thing about making your   own bread products with your sourdough starter  is you can make these however you want so if you   like the sweet ones you could add raisins and  cinnamon to the dough so that that way you get  

Like a sweet Bagel or you could add Cranberries or  you could add maple syrup you can add all kinds of   stuff to make it however you want in the quantity  that you like so maybe you don’t like super sweet  

But you want a little bit sweet so you add less  or maybe you like it just crazy sweet and then   you can add more sugar and more fruit to it you  can make it however you like which I absolutely  

Love about bread making now that we have all the  ingredients together we’re going to need this   dough this is a very very dry dough you’re going  to see in a little bit why it’s so important that  

This actually is a pretty dry dough but it’s a  little hard in the beginning to get it to combine   together so you see I’m I’m really working I’m  grabbing that flour on the bottom of the bowl  

And kind of pushing it and kneading it into the  dough so that it gets all that flour together   but it’s it’s very rough it’s very tight now it  shouldn’t be dry and um like brittle it should the  

Flower shouldn’t be pulling away it should still  stick to itself but it’s going to be super hard   think like Play-Doh that was left out for a long  period of time it’s going to be that kind of hard  

Now that we have it all mixed together we’re going  to cover it with some plastic wrap and we are   also going to set this one out overnight as well  because this one is so dense it doesn’t double or  

Over proof like The Artisan loaf does so setting  it out all night long was fine I woke up in the   morning and I moved it to the fridge because I  wasn’t quite ready to use it if you were ready to  

Use it you would not have to to do this step but  you can see here that it it doubled only barely   and you can see it’s very hard it’s still got that  Play-Doh consistency which is perfect and I’m just  

Using my hands to kind of spread it into as much  of a rectangle or Circle as I possibly can because   now what I need to do is cut this into eight  pieces so I’m going to cut this dough in half and  

Then in quarters and then I’m going to split those  in half as well to create that eight count so the   way that I make the rolls with them and I do this  with my regular I make a garlic and cheese stuffed  

Roll in the same way that I’m making these Bagels  which is you’re just going to take those little   pizza slices or those little triangles and you’re  going to fold them into themselves into the center  

And then use your fingers to kind of push it into  a circle shape and then you have that seam on the   bottom there that you’re trying to kind of rub  out so I just roll it on the counter and then I  

Start doing this action where I kind of push using  the counter as to create some tension to get it to   make that you know circle shape or that oval shape  once you have it into that shape you’re going to  

Set it on a tray and let it rest for about 30  minutes now I’m going to be creating the actual   Bagel shape and all I do to do this is I lift up  the little roll and I kind of stick my fingers  

And my thumbs through the center and then I roll  it in my fingers I roll it kind of pinwheel style   so that that way it opens up a center hole now as  they sit for their next rise which is only about  

20 minutes they’re going to shrink a little  bit you can already see that first one that   I made is already starting to shrink a little  bit that’s fine it’s no big deal if you really   like the center hole to be wider you just need  to do that pinwheel shape a little bit longer  

While that’s happening I’m going to pour  the everything seasoning into a little bowl   just so I have it ready and I’m going to bring  the bagels over to a simmering pot of water   semi-boiling simmering pot of water you want  to boil your bagels before you actually bake  

Them because the boiling process is what makes  the bagels chewy and you want chewy Bagels you   don’t want like a bread Bagel so it’s only 30  seconds on each side so it’s just 30 seconds when  

You put them in and then you take your spoon  and flip them over and do another 30 seconds   then all you have to do is take them  out of the water and set them back on  

Your tray give them about a minute or two to  cool down enough that you can touch them and   at that point that’s when you’re going to dip  the top into your bowl of seasoning whatever   seasoning you’re using I’m using the everything  seasoning and then put them back on the tray

Because the dough is wet and sticky at this  point from being boiled it really holds on   to the seasoning super easy so it’s it’s not  anything special that you have to do here other   than just dip them in there and place them back  on the tray once you’ve done that with all of  

Your bagels then it’s time to bake them you’re  going to preheat your oven to 425 then you’re   going to place your bagels in the oven for 20 to  25 minutes now mine took a little bit longer I  

Think they ended up going for 30 minutes and  what you’re looking for is for the bagels to   be brown on the bottom and kind of crispy on the  top not super crispy but a little bit crispy and   you should see some Browning on the edges  of those bagels perfect everything Bagels  

I freeze these and then we just take them  out one at a time let them defrost on the   counter for about 10 minutes and then put  them in the toaster and they are perfect   now the next two recipes that we’re going to be  making one is the waffles the sweet waffles these  

Guys are actual discard recipes let me tell you  the difference between discard and starter the   only difference between discard and starter is  that discard is unfed starter so you don’t have   to wait for it to rise but any discard recipe  can you can use a Fed starter or you can use an  

Unfetched starter it doesn’t matter but if you’re  making a recipe where you’re looking for things   to puff up and Rise that’s when you want to use a  Fed starter when people talk about discard a lot  

Of the times it can get a little confusing because  they they think that this card is not starter but   discard actually is starter it’s just starter  that hasn’t been fed if you feed it it becomes  

Starter again it took me so long to figure that  out and once I figured that out it it has really   been smooth sailing with baking it’s been so much  easier so for our waffles we’re starting with one  

Cup starter now this recipe that I have is not  in grams I’m used to getting recipes in grams   so unfortunately when I was making these waffles I  did not have quite enough starter but it was fine  

I had probably three-fourths of a cup of starter  versus one full cup then we’re gonna add two cups   of flour I’m using bread flour this time because  I have an excess amount of it and not as much   all-purpose flour but you could use all-purpose  flour bread flour pretty much whatever flour you  

Have we’re also going to do two cups of almond  milk and two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar   and then two tablespoons of sugar so I’m mixing  up the dry ingredients first and then I’m going  

To be adding the almond milk you can use regular  milk or almond milk whatever you have and then two   teaspoons of apple cider vinegar I mixed together  and I set it aside for about 30 minutes that’s  

What creates buttermilk in case you don’t have  buttermilk in the house which I never do this is   how I create buttermilk it’s just vinegar and milk  mixed together and allowed to sit for a little bit   to ferment basically is what’s happening once  that has happened I put my starter and my milk  

In with my dry ingredients and you’re going  to notice that this dough is super super wet   after we’ve mixed it we’re going to let this  dough sit on the counter and ferment overnight   now because this is a discard recipe you don’t  have to let it sit overnight but I like to do  

That to really get the improved health benefits  and that sourdough flavor the longer it ferments   the more sourdough it’s going to taste so I’m just  going to wrap this in plastic wrap and set it on   my counter overnight I understand that there’s  milk in this and some people might be concerned  

With leaving milk overnight but trust me sourdough  is fermented it has good bacteria in it that is   actually preserving the yeast and so when you mix  it with the milk it’s preserving the milk as well   but if you’re uncomfortable with that by all  means just go ahead and make your waffles right  

Away versus letting it ferment overnight once we  get to the morning time I’m going to be adding   a half a teaspoon of salt a half a teaspoon  of baking soda and two room temperature eggs

I’m going to grease the waffle iron a little bit  I just Spritz it with a little bit of avocado oil   you can use olive oil whatever you have butter  anything and I’m going to put a half a cup of  

The mixture into the waffle iron now my trick  with waffles is my Waffle iron will tell me   that it is ready a little bit too soon because  my waffles end up not being crispy so I always  

Count an additional 30 seconds or even a minute  to make sure that my waffles are crispy because   if I were to go off of what you know the waffle  iron says they would be just kind of limp and  

Soft so if I allow them to go 30 seconds more then  I end up with a Crispy Waffle this ended up making   I believe eight or nine large sized waffles here  we both had one for breakfast it was quite big I  

Mean they’re big waffles so it was a big breakfast  for us and then we took the remaining six waffles   and we froze them and just like with the bagels  when we want to have waffles we’ll just take them  

Out of the freezer set them on the counter and go  finish getting ready for the morning go brush our   teeth do whatever we need to do and then by that  point it has defrosted enough to put it into the  

Toaster and by toasting it the waffles get crispy  again which is awesome they they taste just like   when you make them which is crazy now this next  recipe is a recipe that I am making for the first  

Time I wanted to do this with you guys because  I wanted to show you that not all recipes turn   out right especially especially sourdough recipes  they never come out right the first time unless   you get like super super lucky I always have  to make adjustments and write down what I’ve  

Done to change it in order to move towards  the appropriate recipe or the better recipe   it doesn’t matter how many recipes I’ve tried  they never work the first time and I I have   been doing these recipes for a year now and so  everybody’s kitchen is different everybody’s  

Temperatures in their house is different the  different flowers that you use the different   Waters that you use and that all affects your  dough and that is really what’s going to affect   the end product here and that’s what happened  with my crackers these are a ranch cracker  

And what ended up happening to me was that they  turned into the center of them turned more into   like a tortilla versus a cracker the edges  was more like a cracker but the inside was  

More like a tortilla so to me this tells me that  the cracker was not wet enough and it didn’t have   enough starter so I had started with a half cup  of starter I would probably move this up to a full  

Cup of starter and the other thing that I would  do is this called for half a stick of butter but I   think in the future I’m going to use a full stick  because I feel like a full stick of butter would  

Cause it to Brown better and get more crispy you  could also probably do this with milk so maybe I   could add a little bit more milk and that would  also help it crisp up additionally rolling it  

Out super super thin like I thought I rolled it  out then but it really needs to be even thinner   than that I’m adding one cup and three-fourths of  flour and this time I’m using an all-purpose flour and then I’m going to do one teaspoon of salt

And one tablespoon of this  homemade ranch powder that I make   you could use the Hidden Valley Ranch powder too  or honestly any other seasoning you want like I   thought about doing a dehydrated tomato powder  so the the tomatoes that I’m growing I want to  

Dehydrate some of them make it into a powder and  mix that with basil and make like a tomato basil   cracker because I think that would be amazing  but I wanted to start with something easy and  

Ranch powder is super easy and it really did taste  good if only I could get the texture right on the   cracker the dough was very dry and very similar  to the dough of the bagel but it was brittle  

Um it was brittle and dry almost too much that’s  why I want to add more liquid I want to add more   starter and I want to add more butter because  I feel like if those two things added enough  

Moisture to the dough it may have rolled out  better and it may have created a more thinner   crispier cracker and I kind of knew it here you  can see I’m I’m messing with the dough a lot  

And I’m kind of like in my hands like trying to  form it and I’m like something’s not right here   this doesn’t feel right and as you move along  your sourdough Journey you’re going to realize   those things but sometimes you don’t know how  to correct it right I wasn’t exactly sure how  

To correct it because I didn’t know how it was  going to turn out and I didn’t want to deviate   too far from the recipe so I always just kind  of go with whatever the recipe says and not  

Try to change it too much the first time because  you might get it right the first time and then I   just make small incremental changes like the next  time I’m probably just going to add more starter  

And see how it goes and then if that still  doesn’t work then I’ll add more butter and   see how that works and if that doesn’t work then  I’ll add more milk you know I’ll just keep making  

One adjustment at a time to figure out what it is  that’s going to make it the perfect cracker for us   I’m rolling it out on a piece of parchment paper  Because by the time this is completely rolled out  

It’s going to be so thin that I’m not going to  be able to lift it from my counter so having it   already on a piece of parchment paper while it’s  a little bit of a pain in the butt to roll it out  

Like this it will help moving it to the cookie  sheet another thing I would do differently next   time is I would split this dough in half or in  thirds and roll it out individually because I  

Feel like I can make it thinner if it had you know  more than one section it means I’d have to bake it   you know two or three times but I could make it a  lot thinner if it was a smaller amount roll this  

Out as absolute thin as you possibly can and when  you think you’ve gotten it as thin as you can let   it rest for about 10 more minutes or 20 minutes  and roll it out some more roll it out to the point  

That it’s almost like it’s starting to break apart  you want this so crazy thin I underestimated how   thin that a cracker needs to be rolled out so if  you think that it’s thin enough keep going it’s  

Not thin enough it needs to be see-through thin  and then we’re going to bake it in a 350 degree   oven for anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes you’re  looking for the edge of the cracker to be crispy   once we have that Browning occurring and that  crispness occurring on the edge of the cracker  

Then you’re going to take it out and allow it to  cool to room temperature and then break it apart   with your fingers you could uh you know before  you put in the oven you could use like a pizza  

Roller to cut it into a shape that you like but  I don’t mind The Rustic cracker look I think it’s   still pretty cute thanks so much for spending the  week with me making these sourdough recipes if   you’re interested in more sourdough recipes I’ll  add my non-video which is great for making pitas  

Or individual pizzas specifically my Caesar salad  pizza I hope you enjoyed this video Happy baking


  1. Those recipes look delicious and simple. I love making sourdough everything. Where can we get the written recipes? Thanks.

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