Buttermilk Pancakes | Whey Pancakes

Thick, fluffy American-style pancakes, slathered with soured cream and honey, and topped with soft fruit or bacon. If you’ve never had this style of pancake before, give it a go. These pancakes might look stodgy, but they’re not – Canadian-style pancakes are light and fluffy. Buttermilk pancakes are easy to make. You can substitute whey for buttermilk – either one imparts a bit of sharp tang to the pancake.

Top the pancakes with whatever you like, but things like soured cream, honey or maple syrup, and soft fruit such as blueberries are all fantastic on pancakes. A couple of rashers of bacon wouldn’t go amiss either.

The written recipe is here: http://keefcooks.com/buttermilk-pancakes-recipe/


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Greetings Gastronauts this is Keef cooks I’m Keef and today I’m gonna do something really simple but really delicious I’m gonna show you how to make buttermilk pancakes and actually that was a total lie because I’m not using buttermilk am using way and the reason I’m using way is cause something making

A lot of cheese now got gallons of this stuff anyway this is a good way to use it way yes I’ll stop that now so if you enjoy this video give it a like share subscribe all that malarkey and yeah breakfast time let’s get on with it okay ingredients

For the pancakes I’ve got 175 grams of self-raising flour 300 mil of way or butter melt or a mix of those liquids and ordinary milk about half and half if you like one egg a tablespoon of castor sugar 1/2 teaspoon of salt and 1/2 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda and

Also some butter to fry them in I’m using spreadable butter because it’s got a higher smoke point then regular butter okay we need to make of the batter so I’m gonna add the caster sugar to the flour along with the salt add the bicarb this makes it rise and become wonderful

And fluffy just mix those together don’t add the egg pound the liquid whisk it all together so they get a nice smooth batter I’m melting some butter on low heat in this let the pan and I’ve found this this is the right size pan for me

I’ve tried using a bigger pan and doing two or three at a time using ring molds but they don’t work that leak ends up quite messy I’ve also got the oven on low heat to keep the pancakes warm as I cook them so you go back up

First pancake is always a disaster and the cook gets it okay and starting to set around the edges of the middle still quite runny so you need to wait a bit for that to be less running over okay got another blob of butter in the parent

That’s nice and melted so well that’s up just swish it around to get it kind of even all right this is number two it’s more golden that’s pretty nice and I think I’ll probably manage to make five or six pancakes so come back and it right this is the final one actually

Number six might be a bit thin but I can’t wait to get stuff into these so we’re ready to ascend our pancakes and the question is shall we have a short stack or the full stack look at that possibly a bit too much let’s have

A short one no let’s have four to each so I’ve got big dollop of soured cream on there and then a generous drizzle of honey because I can’t afford maple syrup and it’s sprinkling of healthy stuff blueberries the commuters any kind of berries or soft fruits or bacon or strawberry jam or bacon

Okay breakfast cook seen at 19 it’s been a bit of a week so yeah I’ve been in bed nice cooked oh oh it’s not just gorgeous yeah after weeks ago so do they know this has been on you some D breakfast since then she made no yeah he made butter so from

The buttery got butter cream buttermilk buttermilk and one week he made the pancakes with buttermilk and they were very very nice with all the trimmings my god and then the next week he didn’t make them with the milk in the buttermilk you made them with the way

And I like those even better because it was light so you got choice of rich or light make cheese people hmm it’s just the most blissful Sunday breakfast yes oh yeah definitely worth getting out of bed for thank you cap is on Saturday and these outrageous pancakes on Sunday yeah

God bless Canada well is it Canadian with honey or is it an American this syrup Canadian would be maple syrup hmm it grows on trees over there yeah cost a fortune of really yeah so is this blueberry pancakes ourselves American yeah I don’t know that no well a load of maples

But yeah this is nice the yeah because that’s that should have syrup isn’t it honey honey see taste buds aren’t awake you can’t take my word for anything but yeah so take my word for it they’re fantastic and make them yeah sharp blueberries speechy comfortable dough sweet syrup Josh welcome back wave yeah

So thanks for watching and see you next time


  1. Finally i get to be in on a Keef Cooks Live Event from the start….I cant wait to see what food fun he has prepared for us today!

  2. I just got the notification, clicked right away, and heard the closing title music. A most sarcastic thank you to YouTube.

    When I hear buttermilk pancakes I'm more used to the Swedish style which are almost crepes so I'll have to give these a try. Thanks Keef!

  3. We have lots of maple syrup here in the Northern US also. I’m curious, do Maple trees not grow in the UK?

  4. I love you and Mrs Keef Cooks. You act like newlyweds. I would like to see a video where she tries to cook and you try to eat it.

  5. They look good and fluffy, but I've never seen quite that puffiness in American pancakes before. Also never had them with sour cream, sounds very Russian to me, lol. I like Mrs Keef Cooks' dressing gown!

  6. Hi, Keef. Very interesting to watch this video, and here's another Yankee chiming in with experience-check. In the US, as with biscuits (not cookies, but the savory quick bread) and cornbread, pancakes are either thick, fluffy, and sweet; or, thin – about the thickness of 4 crepes. Maple syrup is available all through the US, though a lot of it is blended with corn syrup, which by itself is a southern substitute for maple syrup. We use less butter in the pan; you just want it coated and actually, after you throw away that first pancake, you probably have enough residual grease for all the rest of the batter. I have made pancake batter with only 2 ingredients: plain white flour + water. It works quite well. I've never heard of sour cream, but only butter, and this is usually put on top of each pancake so that by the time you've finished, you have a stack of pancakes flavored with melted butter. In the US, blueberry pancakes are typically made with the berries mixed in the batter.

  7. Nice! I make pancakes like this frequently. If the batter is a bit lumpy, it doesn't matter. I am not as patient as you and I go for a bigger batch in a bigger pan but they have odder shapes and sometimes stick together. I am fortune to live near a sugar bush, so we always have maple syrup in the fridge. Great video Keef!

  8. Keef you need maple syrup to go with those. I can send you some if you want, I live right at the edge of maple syrup country. 🙂

  9. Fairly new to the channel. Stumbled across you making scotch pie. You’re instantly in my top 5 youtube cooks. Keep it up!!

  10. What an adorable couple you both are! So much love in your eyes! Love the pancakes too!! Yummy! Debra from Downunder xxx

  11. Well reading the comments apparently us Americans are experts. So I shall chime in. How does the sour cream taste with that combo? Also not a blueberry fan, so would probably go with maybe some chocolate chips in the batter? Seriously I'm kinda curious about the sour cream. How do you think they'd hold up in the freezer? Have used straight corn syrup as a replacement for the maple flavored sugar mix, but might try honey. Oh yeah, back to the American thing. Keef thank you from this American for making videos, even though some American is more than likely gonna comment about how it's all wrong. I enjoy learning new interesting foods, even if I never try it. Although my copying of your burger bombs turned out halfway decent.

  12. Did you say sour cream or buttercream? I’ve never had sour cream on pancakes before. (To be far I’ve never had buttercream on pancakes either, but buttercream sounds a bit more appealing. It could just be my sweet tooth talking)

  13. Northeast and the northern Great lakes States in the US makes make syrup as well. And we seen to eat maple FLAVORED sugar water all over. This is NOT maple syrup. Think golden syrup that tastes gross. And fake. With maple smell. Cheers!

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