Brussels sprouts with Bacon !!

Hi guys Janine here um just going to recap for you the pickles are doing wonderful in the fridge getting better every day those lemons are still preserved in the fridge beautifully I changed containers like I had mentioned yesterday I want to redo that video because I don’t like that my face isn’t

In it and I wasn’t talking to you and I had to bend over that was from the little show the I was doing easy cooking with you need so we’ll redo that but these are the lemons and they’re absolutely beautiful when I want to cook

With them I pull one or two out I rinse them I chop them whole if they’re going in a dip I could slice them in half and put them in drinks these are wonderful they’re so good that in fact today I was scheduled to do really early this

Morning took me all this time it’s 11:30 I’ve been researching for over an hour and a half on the uh computer everywhere on the internet individually on YouTube to figure out how to do the limes I even looked up Thomas Kell original video doing the lemons with the sugar and salt

Equal parts I cannot find anybody verifying that the limes ought to be done in the same manner and that bothered me because I was like well why are they just saying just salt just salt just salt why do the lemon juice sugar and salt and it’s called cured and I’ve

Done them in the past and they do last for months and I’m assured of all of these good things but with the limes I have never done them so I put the brakes on that for now but I will show you what I’m trying over here I’m trying on my own before I

Do the recipe to do them in the little job by myself and this is the equal parts and sugar they’re sliced everybody else seems to be quartering them in uh the whole the whole lime quartering it putting the salt in and then filling a jar and just so I don’t understand the

Difference why can’t they be done like this so if these turn out successful and I eat them and I taste them because there’s ways to test if it’s bad I would always say that you know you get a Chase for odor taste look if you see any mold

On anything you preserved or pickled it’s just not good throw it out it’s you know if you tried to ferment sauerkraut on your own and you put every instruction as said and then you open the jar and you see a a a layer of mold trash the whole thing it’s no good but

We’ll see how these come out so we’re going to let them sit on the counter for three days just like the lemons I’m going to look at them they should be syrupy like this and then I refrigerate and then I’ll use them because you know

What I got excited let me just put this back guys I got a recipe coming up for you really good one what I got excited about is the whole thing is I went on this morning to check my comments and some some gentlemen did leave me a comment

Regarding the uh lemon say he knew the name and the show where I said uh Chef John from Food Wishes that’s where I got it from and he got the recipe from Thomas Keller and Thomas Keller is right above my video on YouTube so I feel good

About that and anyways uh on the sideboard as I’m looking at these videos I see limes I said oh my God I forgot to do limes and never even thought about it and the truth of the matter is I forget limes 10 times more than I forget lemons

And every time I want to have me and Vinnie we don’t drink a lot of hard alcohol alcohol my I don’t know what happens to my voice on camera forgive me we love Tito’s vodka with cranberry and lime we’ always had vodka in the house except today we ran out that’s how much

We enjoy it we have some cocktail one at night with a movie we love to do that we make a big bowl of popcorn and we make our one cocktail each because you can’t have too many of them the lime and the cranberry just little tart anyways we

Love it and I always forget them so I said Janine you should do that today do the limes for everybody like you did the lemons well that’s what happened I went on looking for a solid recipe like Thomas Kell’s preserved lemons is that on stage he’s calling them cured so that

Was a little I said all right the cured part is probably the sugar blah blah blah but it is his exact recipe and the layering and the slicing the three days on the counted then to the fridge for months so I’m good with that and like I

Said this is my third batch in my life and I haven’t had any problems with them but we’re going to wait to see on the limes while that’s all happening remember that bag of Brussel sprouts from uh Aldi’s the $2 and change now I realize why they’re so pretty on

Closer inspection I read ready in five minutes they were microwavable in this bag that’s why it look so pretty and clean but we’re going to do them my way I took them out of the bag I rinsed them all off because you can’t be too safe with cleaning your foods and stuff and

My hands are washed and I’m going to just see sometimes you pull off an outer layer I like to do that I like them as clean as possible and then what I do and you’ll watch me we’ll do them in talk because I got a few things to I always

Have a few things to say this is my chck spot I hope you like it I hope you enjoy because I don’t waste it on dribble drabble I try to keep it food related and about the channel and I can’t do more than that so now we’re going to put

Them on a scottw sheet I did this it’s right on the top of the stove this oven is preheating this is my recipe you know there’s several out there there’s pan I do them in the pan SE as well today actually this is my first time doing my

Recipe with the bacon in the oven trying to save time and you see that like I said these were microwave clean so you don’t see any that’s out of the bag normally this little spot here let me see if there’s any I can find but you guys know you’ve seen this sometimes a

Little brownish a little dirty or something you would cut that little piece off try to keep the whole bulb intact I call them baby cabbages try to keep the whole thing intact but get that little brownish spot off if you have it okay and then you cut them in half

Lengthwise to’s open up because that’s where the hardcore is we got to get that softened in the oven and I hope that works because when I panser them I pre what is it called par boil I par boil them and it’s a whole different experience they cook faster I’m going to

Cut faster for you guys because you know how this goes and I’ll say things while I’m cutting fast so that’s all I’m doing here I cut the ends off and cut them in half lengthwise okay so what was I saying they they cook differently and there they crisp faster different I do

The par boil because they’ll burn faster in the pan to get that Char than they would in the oven you know what I’m saying um I mean unboiled if I didn’t boil them at all and I try to make them my recipe in the skillet they’ll be raw

And hard but they’ll be round so I said nah let me let me try to do a good recipe for you guys something different with the same flavor and for me you could use that’s the oven heated you can use Excuse me I’m still drinking coffee that’s how caught up I

Got and then the vet call to make an appointment for Millie in between and this uh vegetable has been waiting for me sitting here I’m ready to go and I know you want a kind of recipe but speaking of that I haven’t cook because I haven’t felt good you guys know I had

A bad cold Vinnie had Co he tested positive last over a week ago he’s feeling 10 times better I feel fine I felt fine through the whole process whether I had Co or not I just feel like I have a crappy cold no other the symptoms crappy cold with a cough and

And runny nose that’s it and yes these are my clean hands and my personal germs in my house in case I don’t don’t comment anything negative because the truth is it’s silly to say people are doing these shows in their own houses with their own food I’m eating it nobody

Else now if I had a restaurant then you could say okay what else did I want to say oh I’m kind of excited I I like this I don’t know I like this corner for some reason it feels cozy to me I like what I’m doing over here with my veggie side

Dishes and talking to you all I love it I really enjoy this so I said how can I you know I’m going to run out of Brussels sprouts and lemons eventually not really uh I have a few more wonderful recipes I’ll talk about like next I learned how to do um tahini

Tahini is a main component it’s there’s only two items to make homemade hummus hummus is uh tahini and chickpeas and olive oil okay in the blender now I bought tahini years ago to make it because I love hummus and I want I everything I can make myself is the best

Everything fresh is what I want so I said okay I’ll make it I bought the tahini first of all the tahini for a little jar which I think would have used the whole recipe was $7 okay so I dropped that because I let the I had it

Over a year in the cover the tahini went bad okay so I threw it out forgot about making it got back on the internet and there’s this wonderful young man he has a show what is he what is his name got brown hair he’s always I’ll get his name

I promise you I’ll put it in there because it’s his recipe I want to make he did it one two three and it was beautiful so I want to make stuff like that too I’m going to do these are the avocad thoring out from uh Aldi and I

Got another gentleman’s recipe for that that is really traditional Mexican and how to find the right ripe avocado I want to do that before they get too soft for today let me do the Brussels sprouts but back to what I want to add to this corner and do I want to do

Make it and rate it and what that means is I don’t cook everything every night you saw my haul from Aldi’s I want to try out that lobster mac so I thought it’d be fun if when the Night Comes I’m going to eat that I’ll make a video and

Say okay let’s make it and rate it and I’ll let you know if I thought it tastes good or if it’s worth buying and you’ll get to see if you trust my opinion you see my food you see what I’m cooking you know what I like and want I’m pretty

Fussy when it comes to food trust me if I won’t eat it I won’t I won’t recommend it even if it’s just something cooked that I don’t like if it’s something wrong with it I will say okay enough of that my recipe calls for bacon I told

You I got two pounds of this beautiful bacon and what I do to store it because we don’t e bacon like bacon and eggs per se I cut them in half the whole pound okay just like this there you go I cut them in half and I put this hole

Because this I would use use a whole portion for pasta and peas and shells I would use it in any big pasta dish for me and Van this whole half pound if I did want to have BLTs for us two sandwiches would be a half pound so this

Is why it’s my measurement we don’t eat long slices on a Sunday with bacon and eggs we don’t do bacon and eggs okay but and it’s good you know we cut down on you know fat foods but we we still enjoy it so I found ways to incorporate it

Into our food without going crazy worrying about we’re eating much fats or bacon okay so now let me just get this into the freezer time being and I’m going to cut up the other part the other half pound first let me continue that could sit a minute see now

These are all on the pan we’re going to take the Scot towel out the Scot towel is there because I rinsed them and you want them dry they have to be dry to get it crisp okay we’re going to do these similar to the way we did the um cauliflower

And the onions only difference is this is brussels sprouts we’re going to give them a liberal dose of uh salt and pepper and I got some fresh garlic I’ll save that to put in the pan with the bacon okay A little bit of salt and your

Very best olive oil remember what I said we’re eating it so don’t be shy to use your good stuff it just means your monthly olive oil bill is going to be a little bit higher that’s how I reason it because I was just saving it for for special what

All my food I eat should be special let me get that out of your way let’s get this pan up here see we’re going to put this is really good finishing oil pran Toya froya this is expensive but I don’t care we’re going to eat it so I want to enjoy

It a good dose of that on the pan we’re going to have to move them around rinse my hands once more so I hope everybody uh is enjoying the channel as I always ask and say please comment please remember if you like me my channel my style hit that

Subscribe button it helps me grow and I really need the support because there’s things I want to do and I also want to know that people like it you know there’s nothing more validating than having a large group of subscribers I think that’s what everybody does it for

Some for you know they want to get into it and make it fulltime I’m not looking to do that I just want to cook and I want to have lots of new friends to share all these recipes with see that’s all you do now they all are

Coated God I could eat them like this see I got to do that again that’s the that’s the drawback of using your best uh what do they say utensils in the kitchen yeah best utensils hon half clean now we have to get that oil off

They look good I got to say guys nothing nothing for a bag of Brussels sprouts under $3 these look really appealing I can’t wait all right these are going to get a single file and I’m debating you know what I’m going to try to go for it normally I would cook the bacon

Separately but let’s try something new hey that’s the beauty of it it’s not all written in stone here I don’t want a channel that does that gives you a recipe and send you on your way and says bye oh that was perfect I did it I did

It perfectly right my way want to make mistakes I want to learn I want to experiment I’ll do the experimenting for you if it doesn’t work out I’ll say hey go back to the pan and do it I’m looking for something to cut up this bacon I

Think my knife is sharp enough because it’s defrosted you know how that goes it’s slippery and if we cut it small enough here’s my garlic I’m always pedaling see how nice I just pulled it out of the freezer it’s about a tablespoon which is the perfect amount

For this recipe but nobody seems to be interested in that that video um I don’t know what the deal is I’ve promoted that I talk about it I write on the page you’ll see that now it’s my new thing I try to think of all the benefits of what

I gave in a recipe or what I think it’s great for if it helps it helps if it don’t some people don’t want to take that time I understand I didn’t always cook like this think I did this comes with Time season life I’m I’m older now food and

The health properties of food are more cons con erning when you get older you want everything that’s when you start thinking of juicing and should I eat this or should I have that or should I cut this out of my lifestyle that’s what happens and it’s a

Good thing okay so let’s cut that bacon up let’s get it all done in one shot here and we’re going to put in the oven and hope it bakes away you want to cut it small because we want it to Cris plaster in the oven so see what I’m

Doing taking little pieces like this and I’m going to separate it but that’s how thin it is of the bacon right and then we’re going to put it we’re going to have to sprinkle it like it was something let me just get it cut all

Right and then being as small as it is it’s the right bite size it’s what I want it’s not just because of the oven but I mean if I was doing on the stove top I probably wouldn’t be as meticulous but here okay all right now

I’m just going to take all of this bacon spread it around the pan it’s going to add extra oil which again should help crisp them I’m anticipating they should be done in 30 minutes if they’re not we may have to put Broil on for 15 you know

As always I tell you I’ll put that in the description any changes anything you didn’t see off camera that I needed to do that’s another thing I pride myself on you know because there’s always going to be things like that that happen and you need to know if you’re making my recipe

Right all righty that looks good nothing nothing never did it all in one in the bacon pans sheet but I’m seeing everybody else and I love my cauliflower okay the only thing I can see they may take longer on here because they’re not pre-boiled and they don’t have that

Direct heat of the skillet like I would press them face down on a on a skillet okay guys they’re going to go in the oven now at 375 and we’ll be back and see what happens and what we got okay hi guys they’re finished they’re delicious and I’m going to show you everything

Hubby’s filming that’s why I’m going to be able to show you them better come and show them Ben how nice and charred they are look at these 30 minutes in the oven guys Bacon’s all good some pieces are a little bit more crispy than others which I think is a nice variety if

Anything uh what I did in the middle halfway through because I forgot when I cooked them on the stove top I put balsamic vinegar a little drizzle so 15 minutes in put your little drizzle or if you don’t want to do it while they’re cooking it’s always optional you don’t

Have to put it in at all or or you can also get fancy and do a glaze at the end like now they’re done you’re going to serve them put a little glaze toss them and plate them but there’s these are the uh Brussels brats and bacon and I’m

Going to be doing them in the oven I think because it’s just easier it cuts the process into one whole pan instead of baking separate in a frying pan par boiling the um brussels sprouts this is a much better recipe okay and just be patient I’ll put everything in the

Description because hubby edits and we send the video up way faster than I could get the recipe in it okay so if you like this keep watching and hit that subscribe button I’ll see you in the next video


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