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Three Salsa Verde Recipes 👇

Three Habanero Salsa Recipes 👇

My Salsa Recipes 👇

Fajitas: All You Need to Know (Playlist)

Who says Mexican food’s unhealthy this right here is a bowl of Mexican superfood it’s p Deo noes and in this video I’m going to show you how to put together this easy and delicious recipe that’s packed with so much goodness and so much flavor you see between the tomatoes onions jalapenos Chile cilantro

And garlic we have a whole slew of nutrient Rich ingredients packed with vitamins a b c k and Rich with pottassium antioxidants minerals and fiber hey am I starting a Health Food Channel but the secret ingredient here is the nopales yes nopales that ancient Cactus cultivated by the Mayan and the azte

That would eventually go on to be scrambled with eggs and cooked into gizo that noal is the star of today’s show so to make this recipe today we’ll be assembling a traditional P Deo and preparing nales to add into it for a delicious healthy bite now let’s get

Fired up and eat some superfood B no all right friends so for today’s recipe we’re going to be using two Nal paddles now when you go buy these at the store they usually already have all the spines shaved off so we’ll be using the juice of one maybe two lime depends on how

Juicy it is we’re going to be using one whole honey sweet onion five Roma tomatoes three Sano peppers and a little bushel of cilantro all right now the first thing we’re going to do is Cube up the noal I’m going to cut off this little tail piece here I don’t really

Use that and we’re going to cut them in about half inch strips right here just like that then I’m just going to turn them sideways and do about the same about a/2 inch 38 somewhere around there doesn’t have to be exact now nopales are known to be a little bit sticky a little

Slimy in Spanish we call that bosos all right so we have these all diced up we’re ready to boil them we’re going to set them right over here on my little stove and get them boiling for about 10 minutes and then we’re going to take them inside to the sink and we’re going

To rinse out all of that slimy uh bonness we’re fired up let’s get these nilas boiling while those are going to start boiling here shortly I’m going to go ahead and get our other veggies going I like to cut my tomatoes for the P somewhere about a/4 inch or so they can

Be 38 to half an inch if you like but I like them smaller all right we’ve got our second tomato done our nopales are almost boiling over there how do you guys prepare your pico Deo have you ever had it with nalet before let me know in

The comments okay we got another tomato in there we’re getting really close our nales are boiling over here man oh man I’m going to turn the heat down down we’re going to let them boil for about another 5 minutes and we’ll be good to go almost got my glove there you guys

Ever chopped your glove and then uh you didn’t know you had chopped your glove off maybe put it in your payo or your dish I’ve never done that it did happen to a friend of mine though all right friends we have all our tomato into the dish here I’m going to add

About I’m going to say 3 tpoon of OG this is salt pepper and garlic no fillers no additives no anything it’s just pure salt pepper garlic garlic and you can get it at Pitmaster us all right they’re coming along really good it’s about 5 or 8 minutes it doesn’t take a

Long time friends just a few minutes I like to get my tomatoes first into the bowl then I like to add whatever salt I’m going to use in this case OG because the salt will start to extract the water out of the tomato and start to make a

Delicious juice now we’re going to add the other ingredients we’re going to start out with our Sano peppers I like to get my Sano Peppers really fine almost or right at a minced size you can make them bigger if you like if I know Terry and mam Tex are

Going to be eating some of this I’ll usually make it bigger today I think I’m going to eat the whole bowl by myself all right I’m on my third Tano pepper here I don’t deced my tomatoes and I don’t deced my Peppers I’m putting it in

There because I like the heat but you can do whatever you like if you want to take the seeds out you’re more than welcome to I always say ain’t no right way ain’t no wrong way now I want to toss the tomatoes and the sanos I want

That salt to start extracting the liquid from the tomatoes that makes an awesome juice you ever get to the bottom of a chip bag and you don’t have a chip big enough to dig out some payo just put the payo in the bowl get you a spoon and

Finish the bowl it’s good man all right next up we’re going to cut up this lime let’s hope it’s juicy we got a little bit of juice here now you can add more lime or less lime I always say ain’t no right way ain’t no wrong way if you

Don’t like lime don’t don’t put it in there if you don’t like Sano don’t put it in there put a jalapeno you can put a Chipotle you can put any pepper you like all right I’m going to smash up this garlic here and I’m going to try to Mi that one

Kind of fine now sometimes I’ll make my PE ey without garlic sometimes I’ll make it with garlic garlic is super good and super healthy for you as well and so I’m just going to cut this with the grain like that or with the fiber or whatever

You want to call it and then we’re going to cut it across like this and voila beautiful onion for our P Theo all right let me toss this up a little bit more if you look real close you can see all that water down there that makes the

P Theo super super good all right friends our nales look like they’re done I’m going to go ahead and turn off the heat here and you can see here have a nice opaque color I’m going to let them cool off for just a little bit while I

Finish up the other half of the onion then I’m going to go rinse them in the sink you want to make sure that you rinse them two or three times and get all that slime off of them let’s toss this a little bit more look at that

Beautiful juice in there this is two whole paddles of nales all diced up let’s go ahead and add these to the Pico Theo here and we have two more ingredients we’re going to put in here about one head of cilantro so we’re going to just kind of chop this

Up all right let’s drop this cilantro in here let’s get this all tossed up with that cilantro look at all that awesomeness right there we got some good tomatoes today we have one one more secret ingredient to our superfood and that is panilla cheese I’m going to take

About a quarter of this panilla cheese here you want to cube it up about a quar inch all together and now we’re going to add this to our noal P really really awesome all right friends the gloves are coming off and the taste test is coming up this is

So good friends because it’s refreshing it’s healthy and it is delicious I guar guarantee you that time for the taste test no little chips for me these are homemade chips by the way oh yeah man that is so good it’s refreshing I can taste the onion the

Garlic the tomatoes are great and you get a little bit of crunch from that noal and the panilla cheese just adds another little flavor in there this whole dish friends was just so easy to make you guys saw us put it all together here it didn’t take 15 minutes it’s a

Pretty good size Bowl here this makes an excellent snack could be a whole meal for me I could eat this whole bowl with a bag of chips it’s so delicious friends now because of the cheese in there I would not recommend you keep it for very long in your refrigerator I would say

Just go ahead and eat it all up make a small batch make a big batch eat it share it with your family and your friends it’s really wonderful it’s super healthy that’s how it stay skinny you guys always ask me how I stay skinny I ate a lot of this stuff right here

That’s how we do it just [Laughter] kidding I’m all right friends this was an awesome fun video to make I hope y’all enjoyed it seriously I hope yall enjoyed this video you can get our OG wild rubs at Pitmaster we’ll see you guys on the next video y’all stay safe

Stay healthy and God bless you boom say watcho buddy you can’t have P you don’t do p you do Vitas yeah


  1. Love your videos. I grow here in Sacramento Ca zone 9. Always have great salsa ingredients for 9 months of the year. My only real struggle is with Cilantro trying to bolt so quickly. Really have to harvest cilantro fast.

  2. I absolutely love Nopales! I clean/de-thorn it myself. I watched my Hispanic coworker do it for many years. Its way cheaper to buy it not cleaned where i am. Its such a healthy ingredient! Thanks for the recipe

  3. I'm doing this! I've been on a fresh pico kick lately and I haven't had nopales since I was in Mexico over ten years ago(luckily, I CAN get them all the way up here in West Virginia). Thanks again for all you're wonderful videos, Arnie!

  4. How long do you boil the nopales , Hey Texas home boy Iam 75 yrs,ate noplales all my years my mom was here,I have never cooked noplases ,mom An Dad would go to WAXACHIE TX,from Dallas, go to the woods to cut nopales,I was s little girl ,use to go house to house asking them if they wanted to buy noplase for a nickel a tin cup, while I would carry the tin cup to their house I would eat a little for me an a little for them, Lol, anyway thank you for the trip memory lane, I ate them raw, Think I will try to cook them, I live alone n Denver Colorado,now cuz of health issued to live close to my grandson, he cared for me better than any nurse's assistant could ever do,

  5. The pico looks great. One of my fingers got smashed years ago, and the doctor removed the first knuckle and pinned it. So that finger is ½ inch shorter than it should be. I cut the tip off the glove occasionally, I've always seen it when it happens and take care of it.

  6. I like your videos but there’s no such thing as a “super food,” that’s just a marketing tactic to sell products to people that are gullible to trends. Just ask you doctor. Después ✌🏽

  7. The slime is a lot like the slime of okra. I think Mexican food is better for you, unless you are drinking the cheese dip. 😂😊. Love your recipes. Thanks

  8. I have over 25 years working through resorts and kitchens. I love watching your videos and how you go through everything, I am really interested lately learning more Mexican foods and BBQ. With that said your channel has been a go to for me and I appreciate it. This salsa looked really great I'm going to give it a go!

  9. Arnie I can’t express how much I love your videos. You and Rick Bayless on YouTube are so friggin’ awesome! I’m into weightlifting and need to eat a lot of meat. Mexican salsas and sauces are so good at making boring meat taste so good and never boring. Hope you and your family are well.

  10. Love Nopales, even eat them out of the jar! Never thought of adding to Pico De Gallo. Why not?! Looks great. Thanks!

  11. Would love to try some of these recipes, but I have that gene defect that makes cilantro taste like soap to me. Do I just leave it out or are there any substitutes I don't know about?

  12. Do you HAVE to cook them? I know with Okra, if you slice thin and sun dry for a bit, it greatly reduces the slime (cooked and fresh).

  13. My pico de gallo is usually tomato, tomatillo, onion, garlic, cilantro, Serrano, and lime juice . I moved to Baja in January and have nopales but haven’t harvested any yet. I’ll try adding it to my pico!

  14. I've been in south Texas for 6 years. I've been looking around for true Mexican food recipes and can't believe I'm just now coming across your channel. So those cactus pads I see growing all over the place are edible? Huh…never would've known that.

  15. I didn’t know there were Mexican Cactus plants that you cook with lol 😂 either way I love fresh salsa omg it’s good in everything lol 😂

  16. My dad showed me this recipe a few years back. The only thing he does differently is slice the nopale in strips and adds a few of the pickled serranos with some of the juice. As tempting as it is to drink the juice, use it for a marinade. Did it with chicken over ash wood and it was some of the best chicken I've ever eaten.

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