Osso Buco Estufado – Osso Buco Recipe

Watch how to make Osso Buco step by step

5 Osso boco
2 cups of beef broth
3 cups of tomato sauce
1 cup of red wine
1/2 cup of olive oil (or enough to cover the bottom of your pan)
1 cup of all purpose flour
1/2 cup chopped carrots
1/2 cup of chopped red bell pepper
1/2 cup of chopped celery
1 large onion chopped
2 garlic gloves
1/2 cup of fresh chopped parsley (additional parsley for garnish (optional)
Salt and ground black pepper ( for seasoning)
1 Teaspoon of oregano

5 servings

5 Osso boco
2 xícaras de caldo de carne
3 xícaras de molho de tomate
1 xícara de vinho tinto
1/2 xícara de azeite (ou o suficiente para cobrir o fundo da panela)
1 xícara de farinha de trigo
1/2 xícara de cenoura picada
1/2 xícara de pimentão vermelho picado
1/2 xícara de salsão
1 cebola grande picada
2 dentes de alho
1/2 xícara de salsa fresca picada (salsa adicional para enfeitar (opcional)
Sal e pimenta preta moída (para temperar)
1 colher de chá de orégano

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Hi everyone welcome to DIY with Nancy today I’m going to share my recipe for osoo it’s a v shank very tender I cook a very nice and slow and I add a whole bunch of uh different ingredients that the sauce just comes together so nicely this meat is so tender and delicious and

I normally serve it on a bed of mashed potatoes but that will be a whole other uh video and recipe today I’m going to make osoko for you I want you to stay with me and watch how to make it step by step so let’s get to cooking and showing you all the

Ingredients to start you’re going to need five ve Shanks which is the oo B for the the recipe now for the ingredients you’ll need 2 cups of beef broth 3 cups of tomato sauce 1 cup of red wine extra virgin olive oil one cup of allpurpose

Flour I have fresh uh parsley here I have half a cup half a cup of chopped carrots half a cup of red bell pepper one large onion chopped three sticks of celery chopped as well you’ll need salt and pepper for seasoning I have one teaspoon of oregano and here I have two garlic

Cloves that are finely chopped I will list all of these ingredients in the description box down below for the first step I’m going to start off by seasoning the oo Boku which are ve shaks so I’m going to start off by seasoning it with salt and pepper on each side just a

Little bit of salt and the salt and pepper is going to be to your liking I’m going to turn it on this side here and season it with salt on the other side and then I’m going to season it with the uh ground black pepper again you can put as much your as

Little as you like whatever you like for Taste clip it on the other Side and once you’ve seasoned it with pepper and salt you’re going to then uh place it into the flour so you’re going to coat each shank with allpurpose flour so we’re going to just generously coat it on each side now I’m going to coat the next one with

Flour I like to sometimes shake the excess uh flow uh off the ve Shank and now we’re ready to move on to the next step now for the next step in a deep fry pan I’m going to place some extra virgin olive oil enough to cover the bottom of the pan just like that I’m going to turn on the

Heat on a medium heat you want to warm up the olive oil before you start placing the oso Boku uh to braze in the olive oil so we’re going to wait until this heats up and I’ll show you the next step I’ve had the vegetable oil warming

Up for about 45 seconds to a minute and I’m going to start placing the ve Shanks also Boku in the fry pan be very careful so I’m going to place them all in here you want to place the heat on the low to Med medium heat and you want to

Braze each side of the oso Bol for about four to 5 minutes flip them over and braze the other side going to remove them and place them on a side Pyrex tray and then I’m going to move on to the next step in combining all the ingredients and the flavors for

The also B so I’m going to just place the oso Boku on a side Pyrex tray Here and if you can see all the flavors are left behind that’s what you want and now I’m going to show you the next step now for the next step I’m going to start off by adding the chopped onion to that I’m going to add the

Garlic and I’m just going to mix This Together uh I just don’t want the onions to burn I just want them to soften and next I’m going to add some red bell pepper carrots celery just stir that to combine we want all of these ingredients to soften with the flavors

Here we’re going to wait about a couple of minutes stir it together but look at that beautiful color isn’t that beautiful we’re going to wait a few minutes and then I’ll show you the next step now how all the ingredients in here going for about four or five minutes um

They have softened we’re going to use this as a bed uh to place the oso ble right on top so I’m going to start placing the oso buul back into the pen make sure you have it on a low to medium Heat and here we are we’ve placed the oso

Boko on top of the vegetables now at this point I’m going to add uh three cups of tomato sauce I’m going to add two cups of beef broth and I’m also going to add about a cup of wine now the wine is going to um evaporate I’m just going to mix this together

Here now this is going to slow cook for about an hour to an hour and 20 minutes hour and a half very slow um and you want to make sure sure that your heat is on a low to medium heat now I’ve placed enough sauce to cover the meat you’ll

See that it will thicken the flavors will absorb into the osole it’s going to slow cook for about an hour to an hour and a half and I’m going to place the lid on it leave it on a low to medium heat and I’ll show you what it looks

Like after an hour and a half now it’s been about an hour and 20 minutes I’ve had the oso bual simmering and you can see that the sauce has uh thickened uh it’s reduced the oso Boku I can assure you is so tender um it the flavors are all in

There but I’m going to add in the last two ingredients and that is here I have one teaspoon of oregano and half a cup of fresh chopped parsley and I’m going to mix that in I’m just going to flip the ooso ble here some flavor I’m going to leave it simmering

For another 5 10 minutes or so and then the alsoo vocal will be ready to be served so I’m going to place the lid back on for another 5 10 minutes and then I’ll show you what it looks like when it’s ready to be served so here’s the oso Bal I’ve turned

Off the heat let’s remove the lid look at that it’s thickened the sauces are all absorbed in the osole so delicious and so tender now let’s get ready to plate theu so here’s our mashed potatoes Place some of the oso Boko right on top just like

That just on the bed of the mashed potato I’m going to just take a spoon here and place some sauce right on top and that’s how I plate my osao on a bed of mashed potatoes and I’m going to just Place some fresh parsley for garnish right on

Top and there you have it that is my Oso Boko tender delicious and can’t wait to bite into it And there you have it everyone that’s how I make my Oso Boku uh I served it on a bed of mashed potatoes but you could serve it on a bettered of rice uh the sauce is so delicious uh the okon itself is braced and is slow cooked in the

Sauce so the sauce the meat is absorbing that sauce uh this meat is so tender uh so delicious it’s a perfect combination um I’m going to bite into it can’t wait to really taste what it tastes like every time it just you I look forward to it

M wow the flavor the seasoning the sauce with some mashed potato you don’t need gravy for this an absolute perfect dish I love this is one of my one of my favorite dishes uh when it comes to a meat dish now like I said it’s a v shank the meat

Is so tender so delicious I hope you really give this recipe a try it’s worth it and I hope you enjoyed me making this recipe and if you did don’t forget to like And subscribe subcribe and until next time thanks so much for watching everyone take Care


  1. Oh Italiano!! Italians love to garnish Osso Bucco with a Gremolata consisting of chopped parsley, lemon zest and a fresh garlic clove, mixed that all together…gives it an amazing kick and flavor explosion!!

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