Chef Paul Lillakas shows us how to transform chick peas into a family favourite meal. “Let’s make an evergreen recipe good all year round, and only gets better as it sits in the fridge.”

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Today we are talking about the little legum known as the chickpea and here to show us how to transform this Pantry staple into a family favorite Chef Paul lilus he can do it every time you come here Chef you bring something so simple and you elevate it and last time you

Were here uh we did tuna yeah and I’ve been using that recipe the one with the the chili oil yes on repeat So today we’re doing chickpeas talk to us about chickpeas I love chickpeas too all right so chickpeas packed with protein packed with dietary fiber and I’m always

Keeping them on hand in my pantry but there are a few different kinds so let’s go through them okay of course there are dried chickpeas these are cheaper but a little bit more work y so you have to soak those for about 24 hours then cook

Them so I’m a kind of a convenience person like I go for I was already not listening to that one like next come on in the can please yeah I always keep the cans around and and for the same reason but and you can of course get them with

No sodium I always get the ones with a little sodium but that’s cuz I’m a salt freak but you have versatility there depending on what your diet needs okay fair so we’re going to make a salad because I was thinking oh man it is winter everyone’s making soups and stews

And warm Saucy things let’s make an evergreen recipe good all year round and only gets better as it sits in the fridge let’s switch it up then what kind of salad are we going to make okay so we’re going to make a Bretta chickpea and red bean salad kind of like a style

Salad and it’s so easy to make so if you want to come help me here here you can dump in our chickpeas so one can drained and rinsed yep I’m going to add one can of red kidney beans also drained and rinsed thank you and now you don’t

Really have to mix the dressing ahead of time cuz this all just sort of marinates together so we’re going to add some white vinegar okay what does the vinegar do it adds acidity okay it’s underused seasoning a bean salad with no acidity is just not going to taste good it’s

Flat yeah you can add as much salt as you want actually it keeps you from having to add more salt love that now the Bretta themed ingredients we’re going to add some sundried tomato finely chopped smart and I’m going to add the oil from the jar so instead of adding

Extra Oil we’re using that tomato infused oil yes some minced garlic you want the spoon are you good yeah I guess I should use the Spoon n whatever I wash my hands I promise he’s a professional every some minced shallot so you could add Red Onion if you want you could use

Green onion I like shallot it’s it’s a mild flavor right some white sugar to balance that acidity yeah some basil you want to dump that in about 1/4 cup of fresh chopped basil and some salt and pepper nice and now we’re just going to give this a stir and this is best made

Like a day before or even better 48 hours before and then you just keep sort of stirring it let those flavors melt and marry together I was mentioning to you earlier my mom used to take me to the deli when I was a kid and I remember gu wasit of

Chefing just tastes it yesterday and that’s because it’s it’s been given time to sort of melt marinate in those flavors yes so was baby uh Paul like a little foodie oh totally totally so when they served peanut butter and jam for lunch were you like no no no no no no no

I wasn’t I was interested in food but I wasn’t a snob by any means I grew up with lots of humble food and I was interested and I was always looking at how different ways you put food together affects the way it’s perceived and that

I still do to this day that’s so cool see if I had a little bit of that I’d probably want to cook more for sure for sure had right now you’re it’s working cuz I make your recipes I love it okay so this is the salad it looks oh I can try some

I made you a little taste there and the thing with this is this comes in eight servings at $8.88 eight servings at $8.88 that means per serving we’re talking about how much just over a dollar just over a dollar per serving food is expensive so you got to take

Notes make it yourself make it yourself keep it in the fridge yes okay you’ve got another one this is a little snack it’s a little crunchy little flavor exactly little DIY snack made with a couple of cans of chickpeas that I I’m going to eat some more man go for it go

For it it’s almost lunch time I’ll I’ll walk you through this okay so I’ve taken two cans of chickpeas drained and rinsed them and then just microwave them in some paper towel for about 15 minutes till they’ve dried and they start to split okay and now we’re going

To roast these I’ve already got some in the oven here just with some olive oil 350° for about half an hour and they become crispy so we’re just going to season these oh that’s how you do it that’s it that’s all there is to it you could use the dried chickpeas as well

But you would have to soak them ahead of time because basically you’re trying to just dry them out make them crispy yeah and then I like a sweet chili seasoning it’s like one of my favorite chip flavors sweet with heat and so this seasoning is just smoked paprika cayenne

Pepper salt and a little granulated sugar yep so that’s going to go right on and as soon as it hits the pan you can smell that smoked paprika and you can add as much or as little as you want so this is going to be like if you want

That crunch you know like some people you sometimes you just want the crunch you can put it on your salad you can just snack on that on your own on its own and these are best served like right from the oven they don’t stay crispy for

Too long but if you made them the day before you could just throw them back in the oven for like 3 minutes Rec crisp them you could like you said you could add them as sort of just a crunch thing in a peita onto your salad you could

Dump that onto that and it would still be delicious oh my gosh chickpea on chickpea I love it okay so talk to me a little bit about cost when we’re when we’re talking about the dried chickpeas okay so for this one let’s say one portion is like one snack portion like

You know a heaping palmful yeah for eight servings we’re talking $4.20 so just over 50 cents for a snack serving that’s amazing better than anything we’re going to get in a package good Paul thank and homemade and homemade so recipe ideas you can find them all at of

Course and if you want to find me near a kitchen this is your chance this Saturday March 9th I hope you will all join me at the national home show for Cityline day we got the whole day so you can come and see me and our incredible

Experts all day long at the enter Care Center that’s at The X you can use the discount code Cityline to get $5 off your ticket and for the lucky viewers in this audience today you’re all going to get a pair of tickets for free so come and see me go hang out


  1. Please share the recipes with us! I'm excited to try these but not sure about some of your ingredients. At a minimum, please say out loud the quantity and type of ingredient you're using. That way we could achieve the same results. Thank you!

  2. Love these recipes! I welcome any and all vegan content. These are great snacks for a party, cookout, or potluck.

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