Tuscan Soup like a Hug in the Bowl
Farro and beans Tuscan Soup Ingredients. Serves 4
Zuppa farro e Fagioli

Farro 200 gr – 7 oz (You can use barley instead)
Dry beans 250 gr – 9 oz or 2 tins (15 oz) drained
2 carrots
4 garlic cloves
2 onions
3 celery stalks
2 tbsp tomato passata or tomato puree
2 parsley stalks with leaves
2 bay leaves
3 tbsp vegetable oil (we used sunflower oil)
1 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive oil
1 oz of Italian cured Lardo or pancetta or bacon (optional)
Salt and ground pepper to season

Super healthy food
Fibres and protein
Quick and easy soup
So tasty
easy recipes
Tuscany countryside
Bagni di Lucca
white bean soup, bean soup, soup recipes, white bean soup recipe, healthy soup ,tuscan soup, COMFORTING TUSCAN BEANS SOUP, Tuscan Soup like a Hug in the Bowl, Farro and beans Tuscan Soup, Italian recipes, Tuscany recipes, super healthy food, Quick and easy soup, easy recipes, zuppa farro fagioli, farro, spelt, barley, tuscany countryside, lifestyle, lifestyle vlog, slow living, life in italy, italy vlog, simple life, tuscany vlog, tuscan diaries, tuscany, vegan, vegetarian

Chiao I’m Enzo I’m Celia this is our Channel where we show you how life is in Luca and in the Tuscan Hills I love cooking traditional food and we love exploring our Bey beautiful part of the world so please subscribe and welcome to pza talk

LCA we are in Luca back to our little kitchen the world has been wonderful until couple of weeks ago we in February were parading at the carnival and we had a great time in the Sun but now it’s change March is mad in Italy is a mad

Month so it is miserable raining now it’s dry but very overcast we are back to a winterish food so we decid to make zupa far foli and we use local ingredients because the taskan soup is based on what you can find locally there

And also it is a meal on its own its own R it’s not just a starter or a little soup it is quite solid and is peasant food so means that you need to have a lot of energy for your day in the in the countryside these are the ingredients

First of all the two we say the king and the queen I don’t know who the king is the queen here the protagonist the protagonist yes or the Su are far which is the grandfather of Wheat and is an ancient cereal used by the Romans but if you

Can’t get that you could use spelt or spelt or barley and foli beans I got red beans here and you could use a tin if you were yes and olive oil for the final touch and I’m using also vegetable good vegetable oil uh to start us because ol

Oil is becoming very expensive so we want to have olive oil at the end when you can enjoy it properly and get all its best nutrients best taste and good so better to spend more and use it raw on the top rather than cook with it

If you’re trying or on a budget then we have lard it is a pork belly L this one is cured and gives a bit of oomph but you could do it without if you wanted a vegetarian yeah absolutely and you need a bit of tomato I used the Tomato pada tomato puree the

Vegetables that we need are a couple of onions a couple cloth of garlic a couple of uh carrots and two or three celery stalks and to season we need salt and pepper at the end if you like it you can have a slice of bread and this is a loaf of bread I

Bak yesterday was half of it already gone we might say we had some uh young male friends here who uh eat a lot so it’s not that we’ve eaten half a loaf of bread no they helped us yes a big so me yesterday and parley so this is what we

Need ah I forgot a couple of bay leaves okay the beans last night before going to bed I put the beans in water to soak overnight the be I’m going to drain the beans give them a Rin and now a bigger S span and the bay

Leaf we bring it to the boil and then we simate 45 50 minutes if you cook your recie with the dry beans check the manufacturers instructions this is just a little aside why the beans are boiling I miss my land when I’m in town and I like to surround myself with plants

Particularly herbs and things on the internet they said you could grow a leak and leaks initially for some reason that I’ve never understood are rather expensive from cutting off the end of the leak so when we had the end of the leaks I tried this and hey Presto look

They’re growing I’m amazed but how many times can you do it who knows has anybody else done this and had success it seems like such a fun thing to do if you don’t have a garden it’s really boiling now and in a minute we turn it down to sim it

While the beans are cooking I’m going to prepare the base the Sofrito the stino which is a tuskan thing is basically carrots onions celery and also add the garlic and parsley uh Stoks Base we don’t want to do it too fine I just basically I chop bit more like this and now we want to get a little bit of Lardo so this is cured Lardo from local uh producers there so what I do here I cut this bit here uh I remove

The uh the skin here because it’s hard but I go to cook it and I go to this a small piece now if you don’t have this lard you can use a piece of P or ham or petta anything you have oh if you like a vegetarian bigger version don’t use

Anything is very good anyway okay I think that’s is enough you can put as much as you like I think I I kind of miscalculate the amount of uh stuff to put a sauce so I prepare this sauce pan here but I’m going to get a bigger one which is not probably what

You need for the soups but we do the job this more for or stew I would say so I cover the bottom of the pan with the vegetable oil this case I use sunflower oil but if you can get or you have your own olive oil use olive oil

Yes sadly we didn’t get any this year from our Tre no let’s heat Oil I got the higher heat now and I’m going to St it otherwise it burns then I turn it down I’ve been St the vegetable for 5 minutes and now I’m going to add the first all the other Bailey L and I keep sing L Starts Now

Melting and the reason why I put it later because if I put the beginning it it burs we not making a carbona so we want the flavor so now I done heat you can see after 10 minutes the vegetables are quite redu in volume and I’m going to add some of the water

From the F from the beans to the softina now the beans uh we need another May 10 15 minutes but in the meantime I want to put the vegetables with this beautiful water and I let it simmer so with the minimum uh uh heat so the beans are nearly

Cooked the manufacturing instruction was a bit underestimated so I add another 10 minutes I’m going to add soap now just one spoon because I’m going to adjust it at the end another two minutes here and in the meantime we are going to ra the far

Now I want to add a little bit of tomato P yes than St and now we add the paj the beans and we need the the beans water because we are going to cook the F in the beans water now you can also cook the F separately set a little bit to

Time because you can do the F while you cooking the beans but the beans water is so good that you want to use it if you can if you have time but of course if you have tin beans you don’t have the water no if you have uh tin beans the

Best thing to to do is to use a vegetable stock so can even do yourself vegetable stock just put in few Cs and onion and the celery to boil for half an hour 40 minutes and you make your vegetable stock or sometime we do the same um we get some organic stock cubes

Life is real sometimes you just have to you need something quicker yeah so now the F has cook for 25 minutes and I turn this off for the moment now the far is nearly ready h on under the stina so now we got to put the F in the

LIF I’m using this strainer here water after we down and test it to see it need more salt tiny bit more ground pepper I like to add a little bit more water okay another couple of minutes and this so I want to shop a little bit of P to

Put on the top of the soup there okay it is ready now we can save it straight away or sometime we can even put the lid on top and wait for five minutes but be hungry eat it straight away this one you might like a little bit more ground

Pepper and the Final Touch is olive oil extra virgin olive oil so this is the best way to eat olive oil so row on soup or whatever like you on pasta let’s have a lunch and we might like a slice of bread homemade bread this is one of my favorite Tuscan

Dishes but I’ll be very kind and let you do the eating well this your bow ready for you so this is really one of my favorite dishes as well it’s so good first of it’s that earthy dish I find it nourishing you got a far which is beautiful the texture is

Wonderful uh the beans and the vegetables it’s kind of perfect combination now in our case I did not put um vegetable stock but we don’t need it in this case because I Ed the the water from the beans which is as good as vegetable stock but again if you

Don’t have it you can use the vegetable stock if you want to cut the time the cooking time then you can boil the far separate at the same time you do the beans and join things together H you know the bread now this is our bread and tuskan bread is without salt

In looka most is with salt but if you go in central taskan you get it without salt uh my bread is I canot compromise is with less salt we miss very much the days of the carnival where the say 3 weeks ago we parading in

V uh um when we arrived on the float and then we saw the entire parade the carnival we the floats and we loved every single moment I think we particularly loved working with them I think that was the most fun and also Sarah and Mike of course from materially

Speaking but just being in the hanger with leiger family was just such an amazing experience and it’s quite hard just to be back at work on the land and doing everyday work we love it too but the things that we had such a wonderful time in V that probably we live in

Nostalgia we had to think of next year now and you had also had a great time with Julia interview here for the how to PP your capsule uh uh how do you call it capsule wardrobe capsule wardrobe for spring yeah she had some some great ideas of

How to just put little suitcase together for once Italian trip or just keep up in the mark when one lives here so it’s the time that you actually you eat your soup before it gets too cold thank you for allowing me so bonto bonao truly truly truly

Delicious and it is about to rain out side as well which is why the light suddenly gone dark if you wonder Why Oh Thank you for watching if you enjoy our videos please subscribe leave a like and activ notification Bell you just need our Google account and it’s free it helps our community nously thank you very much


  1. The soup looks delicious. Thank you for sharing your cooking. I will make it this weekend. Keep up the good work!

  2. Looks delicious – can't wait to try Enzo's recipe. Also I'm excited to see that you were able to re-grow those leeks! What other vegetables have you tried to re-grow?

  3. I'm not much of a cook, but I think I could manage this straightforward recipe, grazie mille per la lezione! 🙏🏻

  4. Hmm. That has now pressured me into making the dish myself as apart from the farro (or an equivalent) the refrigerator and cupboard have the other ingredients to hand. Here in the UK we have supposedly the most expensive electrcity in Europe and as I am, alas restricted, to all electric the idea of boiling and simmering beans for 40 mins is not going to happen so it will be a tin of organic beans. The garden looks good and the hydrangeas undoubtedly better for their treatment. Interesting music at the end … Thank you.
    Just returned from my local delicatessen with a vacuum packed pack of farro …

  5. Well its cold and wet and miserable here and with a bit of ferreting around I think I will be able to make this lovely soup. Love the idea of the leeks !!! How original. See you soon xxxx

  6. Thanks, Enzo. I will be adding the ingredients to my shopping list. I usually make lentil soup with my own stock because my boys love it but will definitely be trying your recipe. Good to see Villa Mura again. Your hydrangeas are in leaf already! Mine are still bare. Can't wait til everything springs back into life. Best wishes to you both. 💜

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