I think we as home cooks worry a lot about making raw protein dishes at home, but if you put your fear of food-borne illness aside, this dish is as easy to make as a chopped salad. Plus, it’s fun! And feels decadent! And probably surprising if you’re having friends over for a meal (or even just snacks). With regard to handling raw meat, my advice is the same as when purchasing any animal protein: buy from a vendor with a good track record, tell them what you are using it for (they don’t want you to get sick, either!), and make this dish within a day of buying the meat. Make sure it stays very cold and this is akin to eating a runny egg or a rare steak. If you’re not down with raw meat for any reason, cook and then and slice the steak, and dress with the tartare ingredients. Will be great with the tonnato sauce!

3:47 – Shallot Confetti
7:13 – Gotta Tonnato
11:34 – Bring on the Beef
14:15 – Le Mix
17:39 – Protein Fiend Returns

For the recipe, head to Food Processing:

Producer: Zoie Omega

Director of Photography: Tim Racca

Food Stylist: Cybelle Tondu

Editor and Comic Genius: Meg Felling

Theme music “Magic Hours” by Amy Crawford

Arcadia – Wonders by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100326
Artist: http://incompetech.com/

#carlalallimusic #tartare #beefrecipe

Cosmo feelings on beef tartar in general I like it you do I feel like there’s like two ways that beef tartar at home is kind of great one is like if you’re doing a Swanky date night at home Swanky Swanky and the other is if you’re a

Protein legs on this wine bottle so of those two how would you describe yourself where do you I’m kind of a fiend for protein would it intimidate you to slice and dice a Fanon no anyone can do it ooh I’m a prot hor I want this

Beef today I am going to be making beef tartar with an Herby tonado sauce before I even cut anything today I want to say thank you to Jeremy and Tara at chubo knives who sent me this absolutely beautiful knife that is Hand Forged in Japan this is the first time I am using

It chubo was featured in The Gift guide this year they make this really cool Mison plast tray that I use all the time and this knife is super beautiful and I’m super excited to cut with it today I’m sure it’s extremely sharp what am I going to cut for beef tartar the right

Cut for beef tartar in my opinion comes to me from Olivia block whose choice for tartar is the filet why is filet good filet is good for a bunch of different reasons number one is that when you buy 8 oz of fet Manan you get 8 oz of beef

There is really no waste there is no fat to cut away there is no trimmings there’s no band of connective tissue running through the center that you have to work around you get exactly out of it what you paid for which is awesome the other reason that filet is great for

Tartar is it’s relatively lean so even though there’s some marbling here when this is sliced it is very light and very fluffy it’s mild in flavor it’s super tender so for all of these reasons and more I am using fet Manan as usual the preparation of this recipe is about choice

The choice of the fet Manan I’ve covered next thing up most recipes are going to tell you before you try to slice or dice your beef that you should chill it put it in the freezer for 20 or 25 minutes which will firm it up and make it easier

To cut yes and no because if you take this whole piece and put it in the freezer for 20 or 25 minutes what actually happens is the outer edge starts to get Frozen right because it’s the cold side out and the center stays pretty much the same temperature that it

Was when you started so when you start cutting it it’s like very firm on the outside and then you get to the center and it starts to like go blubbery what I am going to recommend from you and if your fillet is tied a lot of times you

Can just follow these lines in the string is to cut it into about half inch rounds before you pop it into the freezer which just makes the chilling much more efficient and even from end to end of the slice so I’m just going to start and it doesn’t actually really

Matter at this point if if the meat tears a little bit so that’s about a/ inch and I just you can use parchment I’m out of parchment so I’m just doing a plastic wrap lined rimed baking sheet uh and so I’m going to get about three slices out

Of this and the strings actually kind of help to like hold it as you cut but then you want to take them off after looks fine it’s a little thicker on one end but all good so now with these in thinner slices I’m going to put them in the

Freezer for about 20 minutes or as long as it takes to make the tonato sauce and then you get that out of the way and you you go back to your tartar see you soon little beef I sort of lied I’m going to make

The tonato in a second before I do that I want to get my shallot lemon juice merting so I wanted both shallot and lemon in the tart car and so this is just um I don’t know it’s a little trick that I also used in my tuna salad recipe

Where I soak the shallot in the lemon juice for 10 15 minutes before adding it to the rest of the mixture and it just makes it more delicious so I’m going to finally chop this half shallot if you don’t have shallot you can totally use a

Red onion or a white onion um I think the amount ount the measured amount we could look but it’s like two or three tablespoons that you end up with so whatever that is in an onion this is a nice thing to do also if you’re making

Like a vinegret and you’re going to use shallot and lemon juice or shallot and vinegar that you can kind of put those things together at the beginning throw a little salt on them and then when it comes time to mix the rest of the vinegrette it’s just going to be tastier

This knife is a joy it’s just making me realiz how dull every other knife on my knife block is oh my God it’s a shallot confetti Extravaganza it’s a beautiful experience so I’m going for a dice but there’s always going to be you know as you get

To the end some irregular pieces so it’s totally fine just go back over them cuz the shallot you do want some texture there it is partially there for the crunch it’s obviously for the flavor as well so it’s okay if they’re not absolutely pinpoint tiny that was fun this my newest pastry

Scraper to join the family got it at a tag sale I love how petite it is and if you don’t like having a half a shallot around because it’ll get wasted double this use half of it in the Tartar and then put the rest in the fridge and

Put it into your next vinegret it’s almost like having shallot pickle so I need lemon for this shallot mixture I also need lemon in the tanato sauce and it’ll be one or two lemons depending on how big and juicy your guys are so I’m going to put the zest of half

Into the shallots with about four tablespoons of juice the last time I made this the lemons were absolutely enormous and like made half a cup of juice it was incredible shout out to my neighbor Florida’s own what was she she’s like Florida’s own Citrus Queen so one lemon

Gave me almost four tablespoons so you’re definitely going to need two so four tablespoons going into this mixture which I’m not salting I was worried about the amounts of everything going into the tartar are so specific that if I salt this it could throw off some of the other salty ingredients because

There’s anchovy in this there’s soy sauce there’s coji there’s like a lot of things with salt all right so now I need to squeeze the rest of this to get another two tablespoons that’s going into the tanato everything in my tanat sauce is pretty classic it’s a pretty classic

Sauce which is like just a delicious creamy tuna Mayo essentially except for this herb I’m adding about a cup of roughly chopped parsley I think lots of delicious wispy tender herbs would be good in this chives basil Teragon turl you could do a mix I think mint is a

Little too strong I’m going to use some of the stem also and I want about a cup why did I add herbs to my tanato the number one reason honestly is because the color of tonado can just only be described as Corpse it’s not a cute

Color it’s like a upsetting color so I was looking at it and I was like it tastes delicious but it looks upsetting adding herbs obviously is going to turn it green but I also really love the way that it tastes it brings like a lot of brightness to these salty

Flavors to the creaminess you’ve got the Rich beef the beef is pretty heavily seasoned and um The Parsley was just delicious so I’ve got my parsley the other thing I really encourage and urge and want you to do is to buy your tuna packed in

Oil if you were to buy tuna in water you’d be pulling away 24 G of fat out of your dish I would also be crying tuna packed in water is about as upsetting as the color of tanato sauce it’s just not as delicious it’s not as good and we

Love fat okay so that is going to go in C jar added protein as if the beef wasn’t enough all right so I’ve got my 2 tbsp of lemon juice right 2 tbsp of white distilled vinegar you can use another like a champagne vinegar Cherry vinegar I just like the white vinegar

And I like combining the acidic ingredients so that’s going right in tablespoon of mustard djon mustard and then the last ingredient going in here is five anov V filets again packed in oil and drained all I do to drain is just like lift them out and these are

Pretty these are pretty ones that I splurged on because it’s Swanky date night these are Big Boys I’m going to do four so I’m going to blend in two stages the only thing I noticed about the sauce when I put everything in at once and then Blended was like it was a little

Grainy so we’re just going to give it a head start to bre help break down the tuna and then blend it a second time with more of our like oil emulsifying ingredients and now we’re going to get it super creamy a lot of times in tartar it’s an

Egg yolk or several egg yolks or sometimes it’s served and there’s another egg yolk on top but um I don’t know why I didn’t do it I was just feeling that that could be a little freaky so this is a/4 cup of mayo use whatever Mayo you like a little bit of

Vegetable oil I thought about using olive oil but I wanted the like clean flavor I wanted the herbs to come through let’s get that in there there about a tablespoon of Capers and I’m going to grade in a clove of garlic and I’m using the same grater

That the lemon zest was on you don’t need to wash it salt and pepper go a little conservative with the salt at first because you’ve got tuna you’ve got anchovies you already have pre-seasoned Mayo in here don’t want to overdo it and black pepper classically tanato sauce would be

Served Vell tanato is like the classic sauce so like a boiled ve thinly sliced like very L to lunch but it’s also it’s great for like a dipping sauce for any vegetables and makes a great steak sauce I got to say another advantage to doing this ahead is that it will thicken a

Little bit as it chills delish zesty salty very bright it’s like I don’t want this to sound gross but it’s like a fishy Mayo it’s like tuna Mayo it’s tuna sauce it’s really good in the time it took to make the tanato my fillet has been freezing and

It is now time to dice the beef here’s the chilled beef it’s not frozen solid you can tell it’s firm on the edges it’s firm in the center it’s a really good temperature for slicing and because I already precut there’s actually like less working of the meat

That I’m going to to have to do I’m just going to be honest with you up front these are not going to be perfect dice they’re going to be a little bit more rectangular um but I’m okay with that and I hope that you will be too so I’m

Just going to start by cutting thinly crosswise and like if I really wanted them square and it as hard as like an O person you know to go the long way lengthwise to get it more Square I I just don’t think it’s worth it I think

If you do all that you’re going to warm the beef up this beef is warming up you have warm tartar it’s going to get all flabby and weird so we just have to go with like the shape that we’re going with that one’s ridiculous but these are

Fine I think these are great I love these they’re like tiny little beef Tic Tacs and again there’s no trimming there’s no waste it’s just 100% going crosswise or length W I don’t know what is it it’s a circle basically and do I want to cut it

In half lengthwise yeah I do I’m going to control myself okay last little bit in the bowl and now I’m going to slice some chives if you don’t want to buy two kinds of herbs cuz I’ve got you using parsley and the tanato and chive in the tartar then just use chives I

Think using chives in both places is preferable to using parsley in the beef mix although I’m sure it would be fine you could also use Scallan Greens in both and you want to thinly slice but you know just do your best it is so hard to find a good chive in the supermarket

I mean it’s one of the most bewitching bedeviling frustrating herbs we need to like develop a new like a long slot because the clam shell isn’t working it they need to be in like their own tiny little um like poster tube you know for art but it has chives and it’s a

Cylinder cuz the folding them over is not working the key thing with tartar in my opinion is you don’t want to mix after every addition of every ingredient cuz that’s where things are going to get warmed up they’re going to get a little smushy maybe the fat is going to start

To soften and like not be the ideal texture so I’m going to add everything and then gently fold it to work it together so for this I just I don’t know I just went with what I was feeling and even though the tanato sauce is kind of more classic in the Mediterranean

Flavors like these were the flavors that were talking to me for the tartar so a little bit more leaning Japanese inspired flavors but still a little bit of everything so that was soy sauce a little more vegetable oil I think fat it’s a relatively lean cut of beef and so

Having this fat is really important for the texture but also to help carry the flavors and marry the flavors and I’m also using Koji which like I did happen to have in the fridge and have been working through this container for a while but Koji is a

Bacteria like a healthy bacteria that is used to inoculate rice and what it produces is at the base of a lot of Japanese sauces including soy sauce and sake and miso and these days you can find Koji in liquid form so the one that I saw and bought because I saw it is

This creamy one but it also comes in more of a liquid it’ll just say shio coji on it and if you can’t find either of those use the same amount of white or yellow miso it just is adding that like saltiness the same kind of thing you

Would expect from miso like very mouth filling Savory a little bit salty a tiny bit sweet um it just really even half a teaspoon of this at the beginning I had one teaspoon in and then I just wanted like another half teaspoon and even just that half teaspoon like completely

Transform the flavor so a little goes a long way and then a little bit more of the Dijon which is also in the tonado so then finally I’ve got the shallot lemon juice mixture which is going in as well 100% of it so it’s like bright Herby

Oniony salty beefy a little bit of Tang from your mustard and I’m just going to fold this all together you can’t let tartar sit once you’ve dressed it with the acidic ingredients because right away the meat is starting to oxidize and so with the herbs so I think that’s

Another reason why the mixture has to be like very very very tasty like right out of the gates because you’re going straight into your face with it so everything is together I’m going to give it a taste M everything is complimenting the beef everything is elevating the flavor

Of the beef it needs a little salt and it needs a little peps M it’s time to play the Tartar and I am joined once again by my protein fiend Cosmo hi will you dress the fries yes so the fries that we’re using today cuz I

Feel like Tartar and fries have to go together are the same ones that we decided were the best in the fancy fry episode they are from Traer CH Cosmos made the executive decision to add some Aleppo pepper I made that decision take it to the plate do you know what a ring

Mold is do they do that on the social media if you like it then you should put a ring on it that’s the only ring mold that now if you like it then you should have put a ring mold on it so I’m just going to spoon this onto the plate kind

Of compressing it a little bit this is what I call a tidy beef Mountain that’s what they called me in college you haven’t gone to college you crazy that’s what they called me in high school tidy beef Mountain I also haven’t been to high school nobody needs to know that all

Right a little bit of flaky salt perhaps wow those are good yeah they do betcha Trader Joe’s could you imagine if we got Trader Joe’s and TJ Maxx we’d be like tjs on tjs TJ squared DMS are open would you like a toast sir oh my God

Make sure to get some sauce did you try both sauces when you tried it that day nope just the green one okay but I I like the green one we’ve gone with the green one I love tartar do you nothing makes me feel more like a man than eating raw meat

Same M two great things that are great on their own but even greater when they come together like me and you like a mother and a son like me and you oh that’s so sweet if you want to make tartar and you’re not sure whether or

Not you want to have a kid you could borrow Cosmo for the low low price of what’s your price for t a tartar date at least $5 for the love of God like And subscribe please so we can keep making tartar I would really like to eat

Tartar again I’m doing it right now thanks for being here CA fries tartar like uh like sandals and socks if you don’t wear socks with your sandals what are you doing think your life please I don’t put your feet out of my face I don’t want to look at your

Toes all feet is that a rule for you with all feet yeah you don’t want to see the toe I don’t discriminate okay even like a dainty elegant like lady toe rather not would you eat peanut butter off of a really cool pretty dog’s tail I don’t think so I’m having a martini


  1. ANY reason to see Ross is a good reason for me. You should start randomly adding him to all your videos like a reverse jump scare.

  2. Chives and garlic chives (beautiful garlicky edible flowers come July) are the easiest, most resilient herb to grow. They also come up first in the garden so I have a container popping off already in the driveway. HIGHLY recommend, they reseed themselves and tolerate containers and neglect. Oh and the purple chives flowers are edible too early on, so beautiful. Consider it, friends!

  3. Great video, as always! I have one correction, though: Koji is aspergillus oryzae. That's a mold, a fungus, not a bacterium.

  4. I never had steak tartar. I might try this with the tonnoto sauce. Cosmo, come to Kitsap Co. just across Puget Sound. You could have salmon tartar and even wear socks with sandles.

  5. welp. guess i'm making this ASAP wow! never thought of tartare as doable at home, but i've made poke and how different is it really except completely different?

  6. I don't know if I can actually do a rare tartar but it looks good. I'm not gonna knock your yum. I love everything you do so yum, yum.

  7. Mmmm. Looking forward to trying this. I love tonnato sauce but haven't made it ages. Once made, I put it on everything. I really like your take on the recipe. Thanks!

  8. Several things.
    First, I'm only here because a few years back I watched your Victoria Granof stuffing recipe on the Bon Appétit channel, and fell in love with it and you. Second, your channel has since become my favorite in all of the Tube of You. Third, growing up we always had steak tartar for New Years Eve. I loved it, but this is the elevated version I've been dreaming of. Fourth, Cosmo is about to morph into a stone cold snack. Shield him from the girls. And the gays. And most importantly, this will be on my Easter table. THANK YOU Carla!

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