Hi, resep olahan kentang ini sangat mudah dan praktis. Cocok untuk sarapan dan juga makan malam. Dengan mengolah tanpa digoreng dan kentangnya dipanggang tentu saja lebih sehat.
Semoga kamu suka dengan resep ini 🙂

Bahan Bahan :
– 1 Kg kentang
– Air untuk merebus kentang
– 1 sdt garam (untuk merebus kentang)
– 150 ml minyak zaitun
– 2 batang daun rosemary
– 1 genggam parsley
– 5 siung bawang putih
– 1 sdt garam
– 1 sdt lada hitam

Selamat Mencoba 🙂

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Terimakasih banyak ya
Sehat selalu untuk kamu semua 🙂

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Bored with processed potatoes? Try processing potatoes this way, apart from being healthy, they also taste very delicious! 1 kg potatoes Peel the potatoes Then wash the potatoes Cut the potatoes according to your taste I cut them into medium sized cubes Add water to cover the potatoes Add 1 tsp salt and spread evenly

Boil the potatoes 10 – 15 minutes Boil over medium heat Once cooked remove and drain 150 ml olive oil You can replace it with vegetable oil. Turn the potatoes over so they are exposed to the oil. Preheat the oven for 10 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius.

Oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 40 minutes. 2 stalks of rosemary leaves. 1 handful of parsley leaves, roughly chopped rosemary leaves and parsley. From which city/country did you see the video? This? Write in the comments column, thank you very much 🙂 5 cloves of garlic, crushed and roughly chopped.

Now, the potatoes are half cooked . Add sliced ​​parsley, rosemary and garlic, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon black pepper . Don’t forget to press the like and subscribe button 🙂 Thank you , stir well. Return to the oven for 15-20 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius. The baked potatoes are ready.

I like to eat this without sauce or mayonnaise. Because eating it without sauce is very delicious . Have a try. I hope you like this video 🙂 Thank you for watching this video , healthy and happy always to you all


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