News On 6 at Noon welcomed back Stacey Jones from the OSU Extension on Wednesday showing us how to do some Lemon Blueberry Muffins.

All right well welcome to the cooking Corner we are happy to welcome back our friend Stacy Jones from the OSU Extension showing us how to do some lemon blueberry muffins which honestly that sounds like the best muffin flavor I could think of unless you’re talking chocolate um that’s exactly what I was

Kind of thinking um blueberries are in season always want to be seasonal um especially if they’re you know a good price so and it has been just a little bit cold so that makes it perfect you can warm it up here and these look beautiful so so where are we starting

Now so we have already sprayed our muffin tin we have half a cup of butter we have a cup of sugar and we also have the lemon zest in here oh yum if you would please please add in the egg and the vanilla we’ll put that in here oh

Right here right here Absol there we go thank you and then we’re just going to mix it in and all together oh my goodness yum So to that after after it gets mixed in we’re going to go over to this flour mixture now the flour mixture has a

Little bit of flour taken out and as you can see it’s mixed in with the blueberries and that helps suspend them within the muffin itself so we have flour we have baking soda baking powder and salt especially in that if you would pour half of that flour mixture into

This batter absolutely do a little eyeball in here C there you go and then we’re going to mix it in you can add in half of the milk please of course and we’re just going to continue to mix this until this batter comes together and it doesn’t take that long

The most time that it does take is actually like getting the ingredients together and then making sure they’re all there absolutely so if we could go ahead mix in some more rest of this back in here yes you want to go all the way or should I go all the way we’re just

Going to dump it all in there and then go go ahead and mix in the rest of the milk of course that I wouldn’t make a mess but you know this just just how it is yeah it’s part of the fun of baking right of course if you don’t get a

Little bit messy it’s not cooking right what you doing exactly so um that was a half a cup of milk and as you can see just kind of coming together it’s going to firm up and make a good batter yeah but um half of this is just making sure that the in

Ingredients are all Incorporated but they’re not over mixed absolutely so you want to just do it until all the flour you can see it disappear but as you can see it’s kind of that quick we’re going to go ahead and add in the blueberries perfect you want me to go all the way

With these awesome just so that they’re evenly distributed throughout the the muffin that’s right and so we have already um preheated our oven to 375° and we are going to bake these for a about 20 to 25 minutes what you want to do is you want to make sure that you

Have a toothpick in there so it comes out clean absolutely and this is a thick batter as you can see like it’s thick you got to really kind of go into it of course and we’re just going to scoop it out with two spoons just kind of like

That and it’s just that easy that’s so that’s simple and I mean so the lemon that’s from the lemon zest that’s how you get that little bit of flavor if you want just a little bit more flavor especially from the lemon there is a glaze that you can make with the lemon

Juice and a little bit of confectioner sugar oh so that would just be like the icing on the cake here literally on the muffin that that sounds incredible we’re going to dive into these pretty soon here and Stacey thank you so much for being here with us we always appreciate

It thank you Kristen and you can check out many more recipes just like this one just go to our website it’s recipes lots more news coming up after the break here

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