The garlic really adds so much flavor to the olive oil. Delicious with salad dressings, marinades and makes a wonderful cooking oil too!

Recipe from:
Pacific Northwest PNW 664 – https://extension.oregonstate.edu/catalog/pub/pnw-664-making-garlic-herb-infused-oils-home

⅔ C Garlic – coarsely chopped
1 Tbls Citric Acid
2 C Water – warm
6.6 C Olive or Canola Oil

Tools Needed:
Clean Storage Container

Follow me on:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/staceycancan
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StaceyCanCan
Instagram: @staceycancan
TikTok: @staceycancan
Website: https://www.staceycancan.com/
LinkedIn: stacey-can-can
Pinterest: Stacey Can Can

Additional Resources:
National Center for Home Food Preservation – https://nchfp.uga.edu/
Ball/Kerr Website – https://www.freshpreserving.com/
Pick-Your-Own – https://www.pickyourown.org/
Local University Extension Service – https://www.nifa.usda.gov/land-grant-colleges-and-universities-partner-website-directory?state=All&type=Extension

Hi folks welcome back to Stacy can can today I am making a garlic infused oil another great winter canning item because it’s something that as long as you acidify the garlic prior to mixing it with the oil it can it can last for a year possibly longer so uh before I go

Over all the ingredients and everything you can follow along Down Below in the show notes and while you’re down there please hit like And subscribe because that does help so the ingredients that you need are two 2/3 of a cup of garlic that you’re going to coarsely chop a

Tablespoon of citric acid and I’m going to go over more on the citric acid needs in a bit uh two cups of warm water and about 6 and 1/2 cups of olive oil or canola oil um you would use an olive oil if you like that kind of a stronger

Flavor the difference with the oil itself um olive oil has much more of a fragrant flavor because of the olives uh or canola oil if you want more much more of a garlic punch canola oil doesn’t really have a whole lot of flavoring to it so if you want just like garlic oil

Then canol oil might be a preferred flavoring for you so the tools that you need you need a knife to cut up um chop up the garlic um need a measuring cup in a funnel it would be nice CU I am putting uh the O the garlic and such in

This nice little clean container you do need a clean container to put this in or you can actually use um an actual bottle of olive oil if you would like so those are the tools and so let’s go ahead and get started let’s talk about acidifying our garlic the

Reason why you want to do that is garlic is an incredibly low acid food and it will if you were to mix it immediately without acidifying first with um any of your oils you would have to store that in the refrigerator it and it only lasts for a couple of days before

Um GL glum velim I believe that’s how you say it I’m butchering it starts to um starts to grow and um and that leads to botulism if you were to injust it so it’s it’s really important it just it’s just a low acid food it has to be

Preserved properly in order to do that you have to acidify it how do you do that you can use citric acid it is a much um better ingredient to use versus uh lemon juice or vinegar because lemon juice and vinegar have really strong flavor paletes and they they would overpower some of the

Garlic flavor so citric acid doesn’t have a flavor and it’s great for this purpose so that is why you have to aify prior to um mixing in with oil and you have to do the same thing with some of the herb herbs that um people like to

Add like some uh Rosemary or some other herbed uh vinegar or herb herbed oils you have to acidify those as well using citric acid too but for today I’m just showing you how to do garlic oil infused oil so that is a little note on citric acid go ahead and

Continue the first thing we’re going to do is prep our garlic and then we’re going to coarsely chop it to where the garlic is um no more than um a of an inch in um in size this is a pretty good size that needs to be cut a little bit smaller if

That gives you an idea but you can get out your measuring a ruler and check it out cuz I actually did that just making sure I was on the on the right track with the correct size of garlic I’m now going to add the um citric acid and

To the warm water and you can use a whisk if you want or you can use a fork we’re just you’re using warm water just to kind of help dissolve the citric acid so I got my garlic done here and I’m mix it in in with the citric acid I changed

Containers and so here I have um I actually ended up halfing this I did uh instead of 2/3 of a cup I did a third of a cup because um I didn’t measure properly but it’s actually going to work out better because I don’t want 6 and 1 half cups

Of uh garlic olive oil I don’t think I’ll use it quick enough before before I think some of the flavor will be over I just don’t think I’ll use it as fast as that so I’m going to be using less which is fine so I just did

One cup of of citric or of warm water one um a half a tablespoon of citric acid and then 1/3 of a cup of of the uh coarsely chopped garlic that you know is that a quarter of no more than a/ qu of an inch but not minced definitely don’t

Want to do minced because it’s not going to it’s not you need it chopped if you haven’t minced it’s going to it’s um it’s the pH is going to be off it’s just it’s not going to be that right so now I’m going to set it out um for 24 hours

You have to let this set for 24 hours on your countertop just at room temperature and uh and then I’ll see you tomorrow because I didn’t have a whole lot of time today I went ahead and did all of this yesterday so it’s actually been 24 hours through the magic

Of editing um but now we’re going to go ahead and strain this really well so I have a little my little C strainer and we’re just going to pour it through here this next part is totally up to you the recipe is a one part garlic 10 part oil ratio so what I

Am doing is because I don’t want to start with a whole bunch I’m just doing a tablespoon of the garlic adding it to my um adding it to my my bottle here and then I am pouring in the olive oil so I’m using 10 tablespoons of olive

Oil and this is how you make garlic infused oil and I’m very excited about it um I’m going to be kind of using a smaller sample just just for my own benefit and and giving it a giving it some taste tests as I go it’s one of the

Reasons why I didn’t make a whole big bunch of it cuz I just want to taste it and see see how much how how I like it so the this recipe from an um uh from the extension office is they they were gauging it from 1 to 10 days so

Is how long you need to let sit in here to kind of Infuse to start giving the oil a garlic flavor so you need at least a day up to 10 days but the longer it sits in the in the oil and you can leave it sit in the oil until you’ve done

Using the oil if you would like um the longer it sits in there the stronger the garlic flavor so maybe after 5 7even days you might go for that it’s plenty garlicky enough for me then you just strain out the garlic um and you can use

A SI to do that and then put your put your oil back in the container container this is a clear glass container it’s really better to have a have a darker um a darker a um container to hold it in um just it oils do get um they are affected

By light so um if you have a I will be storing this in a dark cupboard in in my pantry so it’s not going to be that big of a deal for me uh and and that’s fine to do you can also you can also just make sure you have the measurements

Correctly and put some of the cified garlic in your olive oil container if you want it’s it’s up to you on there uh it’s really a personal preference for it as long as the Garlic’s acidified you’re good to go keep that in mind the other

Thing you can do is you can make a whole bunch of that um like the 6 and 1/2 cups of it if you want get it to the flavor you like and then you can um strain the garlic again you don’t have to if you don’t want to but you can strain the

Garlic and put it in some ice cube trays if you and then freeze it and then have those little little bits of pre-measured garlic uh oils to then cook with at a later time that’s a really great way um that’s a great way to store this it’s

Fine it’s shelf stable to be on your countertop but you can refrigerate it or or um put it in the freezer for later use for the garlic that you didn’t use if you would like you can measure that out too and put it in little Ziploc bags

Measure it out into you know a teaspoon tablespoon however whatever size measurement you want and use that at a at a later date as well so freezing is a freezing is another good option for for these things but um it’s the house is very garlicky which I like and the

Citric acid does a really good job it does it kind of whitens the garlic a little bit which is sort of nice and so it does a good job of of you know acidifying it so to speak it is not impacting the flavor at all I took the lid off of that

And it smells it’s very garlicky in the house so it does a good job that’s how you do it uh the recipe is down below and while you’re down there please hit like And subscribe that does help and if you have any questions comments suggestions feedback concerns by all

Means please reach out to me on on Facebook at Stacy K can you can at me on Instagram and Tik Tok at Stacy Kenan my website is www. Stacy can.com my email is info Stacy can.com and I’m on LinkedIn and Pinterest at Stacy K can thanks so much

For joining me today and until next time time happy camping

1 Comment

  1. O.M.G…… I have / had been making garlic infused olive oil on and off over the YEARS, but could never understand why the garlic/ oil would start getting cloudy after a week or so. I ended up thinking that it was just a lack of properly sterilized bottle/ knife/ chopping board/ garlic etc and would therefore make tiny quantities .
    But it turns out I had to acidify the garlic first !!!!!!!! 😮😮!!!!!!!
    Game changer

    THANK YOU!!,😂

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