How to Make Chocolate Covered Strawberries - REUPLOADED with sound

Easy tutorial on how to make chocolate covered strawberries with step-by-step instructions! This is a very old video that I am reuploading because the original is missing sound!!


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Hi everyone my name is Tatiana and today I’m going to show you just how easy it is to make beautiful chocolate dipped strawberries so valentine’s Day is just around the corner and if you want to make something special and homemade for that special someone in your life I’m

Gonna take you step-by-step through all the instructions and all the ingredients you’re gonna need to make these beautiful strawberries and I’ll show you some special decorating techniques that are going to make these strawberries even more amazing before we begin let’s go through all the ingredients you’re going to need to complete this project

We’re gonna need about two pounds of extra-large organic strawberries you want to wash these and Pat them completely dry before we use them we will also need some regular toothpicks and then we’re gonna need some kind of variety of either nuts or you can even use like the little mini chocolate chips

Here of hazelnuts you can use almonds cashews whatever it’s a variety you’d like then we’re gonna need three different types of chocolates we’re going to need dark chocolate milk chocolate and white chocolate and today I’m going to be using little chocolate chips you can also use the baking blocks

We will also need three one-time-use pastry bags now if you don’t have these pastry bags you can also use little small Ziploc bags they will work just fine and last but not least we’re gonna need some kind of foam block or styrofoam piece that you’re gonna use to

Hold up your strawberries and let them set completely our first step we need to prep our strawberries so what we’re gonna do you want to just gently pull the leaves back and then we’re gonna insert a toothpick into the center of each strawberry so what this does is it

Gives us a little bit more handling space so instead of holding the strawberry by the leaves while we’re dipping we’re just gonna hold it by the toothpick and it makes it that much more easier now I like to set them out on a cooling rack that way they dry completely before we

Dip them into our chocolate this is really simple it goes in there real quick just like that for our next step we need to mount our chocolate now there’s a couple of different ways you could do this if you have that double boiler go ahead and use that just

Remember to stir your chocolate frequently so that it doesn’t burn if you don’t have one you can also use just a small pot fill it with a little bit of water bring it to a simmer and then place a glass bowl with your chocolate in it over the top just remember that

The bottom shouldn’t be touching the water I think what I prefer to do is just use a microwave so set your power level to about 50% and then stir your chocolate every 30 seconds with white chocolate it can be a little trickier set your power level almost down to 30 even 20 percent

And if your chocolate starts to clump up just add a little touch of shortening give it a quick stir and that should help make the chocolate smooth melted on my chocolate and I just wanted to show you the consistency that it should be it should be completely smooth and again if

You’re having difficulty and it starts clumping up add a little bit of shortening they could it to my white chocolate white chocolate can be really tricky to melt alright for our next step we’re gonna transfer a little bit of each into our pastry bags okay I’m going

To scroll the top down put a couple tablespoons of each chocolate into these bags we’re going to use these for decorating later hold the sides back up press the chocolate down give it a nice twist and again the tiniest little piece off the tip just so the chocolate starts coming out Now comes the fun part of actually decorating the strawberries I’m going to show you a really simple technique just chocolate strawberries with our diced nuts now what we need to do just grab the strawberry bite the toothpick and we’re just pull the leaves back so they

Don’t get chocolate um and you just want to gently roll the strawberry in the chocolate just twist it as you go just like that pull it out give it a little twirl just tap up any excess chocolate on the side okay and then what we need

To do is we’re going to just gently tap the strawberry into the nuts now you don’t want to press it in there you just want to gently just tag the nuts onto the chocolate just like that make sure you get all the sides now we’re gonna go

Over to our foam board and we’re just gonna prop the strawberry right into the foam and this gives it a beautiful presentation this way you don’t have any flat sides on your strawberries your leaves are perfect and it sets up really nicely so this next technique you can

Also use our dark chocolate and it’s a really simple easy technique that you can use before the chocolate sets so just simply roll your strawberry as you normally would don’t forget to tap off any excess chocolate because otherwise it should get it run down the strawberry all right

We’re gonna grab our white pastry bag and we’re just gonna make horizontal lines running across the strawberry okay if you want to add some extra Flair grab some milk chocolate as well then and we’re just going to grab a toothpick and we’re going to make vertical lines running down the

Strawberry I’m just going to pull the chocolate down it’s going to create this beautiful design and then we’re just going to set it up on the styrofoam to set Swirl it against the side there okay we’re gonna grab our white pastry bag and we’re just gonna make those simple horizontal lines that run across the strawberries and this is a really quick motion just soup the chocolate back and forth really quick just like that it’s a really elegant presentation yeah it’s so

Simple and we’re gonna set this up onto our phone to dry so now I’m just prepping a cup all these strawberries I’m dipping about three of them and milk chocolate three of them and white chocolate and three of them in dark chocolate we’re gonna set them up on the

Board and we’re gonna stick them in the freezer for about five seven minutes until they’re just about halfway set up and then we’re gonna come back and we’re going to show you a couple more decorating techniques that you know just grab an alternate colored chocolate and we’re just gonna make loops across the

Strawberries and you want to start towards the leaves and just work your way down and as you’re doing this just rotate your strawberry by its toothpick just like this there you go and then we’re gonna set it back onto the styrofoam board to set these they’re

Beautiful now I’m going to show you the same technique using a milk chocolate covered strawberry with white chocolate it’s just the same just loop across rotate your strawberry in the Nifty chocolates a little runny just hold it like this let it drip off and then we’re

Gonna set it back onto the styrofoam to set for this next technique I’m going to show you how to make those really cute tuxedo strawberries that you see very often at weddings what we need to do is dip just one side of the strawberry into white chocolate

So gently tap it in there get rid of the excess white chocolate just like that and then we’re going to set this up on the styrofoam board and we’re gonna place this into the freezer for about two to three minutes just so it lightly sets up we’re gonna finish these tuxedo

Strawberries now if had the white chocolate sit in the freezer for just a couple minutes now we’re going to dip them into dark chocolate but we need to create that v-shape on the front so we’re going to dip the strawberries into the chocolate kind of sideways but not

Completely one side second side can it tap off the excess chocolate off the back just like that okay now we’re gonna grab our dark chocolate pastry bag and we’re gonna create those little buttons on the front and a little bow just create a little doctor And for the bow you can also grab a little toothpick to kind of make it really nice and even I absolutely love all the variety that we have here today and I hope my video has shown you just how easy and simple it is to make all these beautiful strawberries I hope this short film on chocolate dipped strawberries has been fun and educational if you have any

Further questions please feel free to leave comments below and I hope everybody has a wonderful Valentine’s Day if you want more recipes and tips you can visit my facebook page it’s called Tatiana’s everyday food


  1. Easy peasy way of gifting someone so simple yet romantic and erotic. Gonna try some of these and gift to myself 😉😂😁

  2. Amazing! I saw this in a display and i thought i could never do it. But now im confident i can do it… Many many thanks. Also i really love your channel everytime i watch i learn new techniques.

  3. Oh my God you look so beautiful and elegant 😍😍 by the way thanks for all the tips you shared with us in this video👍

  4. LOVE! Love this video! So happy you uploaded it witH sound! First video where I discovered your channel. Amazingly good!

  5. You can tell it was one of her earlier videos because she was a little nervous and talked so fast. As the old commercials said, "You've come a long way, baby!"

  6. You became Fat 😜
    Be careful do some exercise and nutrition system Because of your health and beauty 💗💓🌷

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