GET IT ALL DONE | INGREDIENT & MEAL PREP | HOUSE RESET | SPRING RECIPES, #mealprep #healthyrecipes get it all done with me today, clean with me, meal prep with me, reset my house with me. These spring BBQ marinades will save you on those nights you are stumped for dinner ideas. The weather is warming up and cooking out is the ideal way to keep that kitchen tidy. Daily cleaning habits and reseting the home will make your life much easier so you can enjoy the beautiful spring weather! So, Lets get it all done together!
Start with a small container of Greek yogurt (about half a cup). Add two cloves of grated garlic, two inches of grated ginger, and two tablespoons each of lemon juice and olive oil. Next, add a teaspoon each of cumin and paprika, half a teaspoon of coriander and turmeric, half a teaspoon of salt, and half a teaspoon of cayenne.
Taste and adjust the seasoning. If you want to save time you can pick up premixed tandoori seasoning either online or at your local Indian market. This marinade works especially well with chicken thighs: When you’re ready to cook, roast marinated bone-in thighs in the oven at 425°F for about 35 minutes. Serve with jasmine rice and sliced cucumber salad. 

For this punchy marinade, start with a quarter cup of gochujang, a deliciously spicy-sweet Korean fermented pepper paste. Mix in two tablespoons each of neutral oil (we like avocado oil), rice vinegar, and soy sauce. Finish with one tablespoon each of dark sesame oil and honey, plus two cloves of grated garlic and one inch of grated ginger.
We love this marinade with boneless pork chops: Bake in a 400°F oven for 25-30 minutes (or until the meat registers 145°F) alongside some sliced acorn squash for an easy sheet pan meal. 

This salty-sweet mix is kid-friendly and super-simple to make. Mix together a quarter cup of low sodium soy sauce and two tablespoons each of water and brown sugar. Grate in two cloves of garlic and one inch of ginger, then add a tablespoon each of sesame oil and Worcestershire sauce.
This one works perfectly on flank steak! Pop the steak under your broiler for 3-4 minutes on each side so the inside gets a nice char while the inside stays juicy. Serve with steamed broccoli or cauliflower. 

In a zip-top bag, mix together a tablespoon each of lime and lemon juice. Add one tablespoon of red wine vinegar and a pinch of salt. Stir in two tablespoons of olive oil and two grated cloves of garlic, plus a quarter cup of whatever finely chopped herbs you have on hand. Scallions, cilantro, parsley, and basil are all excellent places to start.
We like this one with salmon. Line a sheet pan with parchment and roast the marinated fish at 400°F for about 8 minutes. Pair with a delicate vegetable like asparagus or thin-sliced zucchini.

London Broil Freezer Marinade
* 1⁄4cup balsamic vinegar 1⁄4cup soy sauce 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce 1⁄4cup olive oil 2 garlic cloves, Crushed 1 teaspoon rosemary 1⁄4teaspoon fresh ground black pepper 2 lbs london broil beef (approx)

00:00 Introduction
00:12 folding laundry
01:31 dusting
02:28 master bath clean
05:09 vacuum
05:44 reset laundryroom
08:25 dust baseboards and vacuum hall
09:11 dinning room reset
12:06 clean office
16:02 vacuum family room
17:03 recipes

Hey guys welcome back to another motivational cleaning video today we are starting off by folding some laundry that Ernie had washed before leaving and I never got the chance to fold it because I was busy organizing my new cleaning closet I hope you all enjoyed that transformation I am loving it so

Much it is Tuesday the day I’m filming and I’m a little behind on my daily tasks because whenever I have projects like that things get away from me so today we are tackling what I consider two days of daily cleaning I’m starting off in my bedroom because when this

Entire room is clean it motivates me to keep going on with the rest of the House I do at least one load of laundry a day this helps me to stay on top of everything in my home that needs to be laundered this isn’t only clothing or bedding it also includes cleaning rags pillow covers or throws I find that if I

Do this routinely as opposed to an as needed basis I’m never overwhelmed with laundry I also make sure that once I’m committed to laundry I stay committed this means washing drying folding and putting it all away occasionally laundry does sit out a day and this is usually

When I’m busy with other tasks and Ernie does the laundry but when I’m the one who loads the washer I do not go to bed that day until it’s all put Away I dust my bedroom at least three times a week I don’t always do a wet dust I will do that once a week the other two times I use my swipper Duster this makes for quick work of getting all of the surfaces dust Free that the doors in my bedroom also needed a good dusting so I’m going to go ahead and take care of that also I’m going to dust that mirror that’s on the Wall now I’m in my bathroom I’m going to do a quick reset for the week using my method allpurpose spray that I picked up at a local discount store for only $2.99 this is something that I also like to stay on top of as part of my daily

Cleaning routine I always keep my side of the vanity wiped down as I use it daily and once a week the entire vanity gets a Reset [Applause] Oh The bathtub doesn’t get used unless the grandkids are here but I rinse it out weekly as a Collex Des I scrub and disinfect it after my granddaughter has bathed and usually before she bathes as sometimes it can be a month in between Uses we’re going to finish the bathroom off by adding some fresh hand towels shaking out the rugs vacuuming and then we’re going to move back into the bedroom get that vacuum before we move on to the next area of the House we’ve arrived at that time of year year where we’re finding ourselves very busy on the weekends with chores outdoor activities family activities that type of thing and that’s typically normal for us in the warmer months so this past weekend we were kind of caught off guard

We didn’t have really much to make in the house cuz I hadn’t done a proper grocery shopping so we are finding ourselves eating out more than I’d like so we’re going to be preparing some freezer items to make our lives easier on the weekends if you’ve been with me

For a while you know this is something that I like to do during the Spring and Summer especially and during football season I like to have meats marinated and in the freezer so that all I have to do is pull them out in the morning and

Um in the afternoon they’re ready to go they’re thought out and ready to go um to barbecue and then I like to prepare some sides and have some fresh greens and that kind of stuff in the fridge so we’re going to be taking care of that in today’s video hopefully you guys are

Looking forward to that it’s that I did last year a couple of times I didn’t show every single time I did it I don’t know if that’s something you guys are interested in seeing me do it every single time but it is something that makes our lives so much easier and if

You are somebody who struggles with meals the weekends busy weekends A busy life always wondering what you’re going to make this is such a game Cher to have this and I only make really good food I got in the habit years ago of prepping things that um not that it wasn’t

Delicious but it was boring after a while so I try and keep it exciting and um and delicious all at the same time so hopefully um you guys will agree but now we’re in the laundry room I’m refilling everything I had a little boo boo with

My um fabric softener it came out in big gulps and so um but I needed to refill everything and what’s left over in the actual containers I’m leaving those up so that I can use those first I’m just doing a quick reset of the laundry room this room gets used a lot so it pays to pay attention to wiping the machines down and sweeping and I use my Swiffer to get underneath the machines as much as possible those need to be pulled out probably once every few

Months just to make sure you get everything up from behind them but the Swiffer works really good to get in between and on the sides and just in the front of the machines where most of the buildup is [Applause] At W the rack isn’t going to go to waste I’m going to take it over to my son and daughter-in-law’s house I also have an extra Steam Mop um I think you guys might remember when I bought that I don’t really care for it because not enough steam comes out for my liking but

I think it might be beneficial for her to have upstairs she has um two bathrooms down and one up and so I think the kids will um be able to use this one in their bathroom when they’re cleaning it and um yes the boys do clean their own bathroom pretty amazing um wouldn’t

That be fun to get on film but anyways we’re g to take that to them um I have a lint thing that was really for looks um but she would absolutely um love to have that um um in her laundry room because they would actually use it and um just a

Few things and then I had some stuff on the stairs that I had pulled out from the cleaning closet and now I’m just going to vacuum this hallway and I got the baseboards done really quick you can see how fast it is with that Swiffer Duster to get the base boards It’s Magic I had a few things left out on the dining table you can see that clear box there that is a bread box we’re going to be organizing my pantry soon and I got that because I needed something to put my bread in I was tired of setting it on

Top of things inside the pantry and I was tired of leaving my bread and tortillas out on the counter so I found that on Amazon and when I do the video I will make sure to link it for you because I loved that it was a clear box

And it wasn’t wood it wasn’t um you know it didn’t didn’t take visual space up if you will so now we’re going to go ahead and dust um the chairs and the table and we’re going to vacuum the [Applause] Area [Applause] He Wiping the cabinets down was not on my list but when I was vacuuming I noticed some dust and then I noticed a spill and then I noticed some grease so I ended up doing this whole Bank of cabinets here before I finished vacuuming Oh Now I’ve moved into the office I’m going to go ahead and put some of the spring things that I ended up not using um out on the porch or in the house away and we’re going to move this furniture out of the way and we’re going to get that

Window sill cleaned I had a gat issue I think I mentioned it in another video but um I bought a plant and we transplanted it into a pot and we used some um soil that had sitting in the garage are bad and it was a breeding ground for the gnats and I’m talking

Hundreds and thousands of gats and we rectified the issue um pretty quickly we got some PR we’ve been spraying all the plants we got some of those little sticky things to put in all the plants and we’ve just been staying on top of it but um this plant was in this room was

The one that was affected so there was a kazillion dead now on this window sill I spared you guys by not showing you because it was pretty horrific to see but um that way I know they’re gone they’re done um they’re I haven’t seen

Any so I think we got rid of the problem that plant isn’t doing well by the way so I told Ernie we need to get it out of the house I’m not sure exactly what’s wrong with it but um anyways we’re going to go ahead and get this cleaned get um

The office all straightened out I have some papers I need to shred so we’re going to go go ahead and take care of [Applause] [Applause] That W [Applause] Oh [Applause] Oh I only had a couple things left to do I needed to vacuum here in the family room and I needed to get all my dish Rags put in the washing machine and then we can get on to meal Prep [Applause] Yeah [Applause] Okay I hope you guys are ready for some a cooking motivation we’re going to prep some foods to put in the fridge and in the freezer to make me and Ernie’s life much easier on the weekends when he’s home like I said before it is that busy

Time of year the weather is warming up well we had two nights in well one night one night um that killed two of my new plants which I’m very upset about it got down to 27 degrees the other night I could not believe it but we are back up

And there is nothing in the forecast that says we are going to be freezing again so fingers crossed that we stay warm but uh it is that just that time of year right where the days are longer you’re just much more busy um and you know we’re doing yard work we’re um

Spending more time with family just all kinds of different things and um uh and so it’s nice to have to know that we have things in the freezer that I can pull out in the morning and because I’m putting together a marinade in the bag as it defrost it continues to marinate

The meat so by the evening when we’re ready to toss it on the grill everything is marinated and um and is going to be delicious so that is what I found to be the easiest um but first I’m going to go ahead and do some sweet potatoes I’m

Doing about four per bag and I just like to dice those up and I’ll I’ll end up roasting these in the oven but it’s so beautiful to have them all ready to go in the freezer again take them out let them defrost when I’m ready to stick

Them in the oven I you know put the oven at like 4:25 and put them on a sheet pan toss them in the oven and leave them in there for about 25 30 minutes until they are roasted the color that you like we like ours pretty dark so um you just until

They’re soft and um and roasted and they taste good and then I’m going to go ahead and throw together a potato salad because well it’s spring and in Spring we like to have potato salad in the summer um and I’m making one for Easter this is not my typical

Recipe um a lot of the items that I’m putting in here yes but I usually add carrots I know that sounds strange but Ernie’s mom always makes a wonderful wonderful potato salad my mom always made a wonderful wonderful potato salad so my potato salad is a kind of a mix of

Both of theirs and so today I decided to do my own and um we love olives in our potato salad my mom did them and did that and so did Ernie’s mom um we love olives the only thing that’s missing here is um I didn’t put my eggs in there

So I added those later I’m going to go ahead and put here on the screen I’m making um I will also put the recipes in the description Down Below in case you are not able to screenshot these um but these are just marinades that I’m doing

I think I did a total of five you can use any meats that you want um I’m I’m have a adversion to Pork right now and everybody asked me what does that mean an adversion well I’m I love watching homesteaders and these darn homesteaders is make me fall in love with their

Animals and then they take them to freezer camp and one of the homesteaders took the pig to to freezer camp but I know that I know that it sounds weird um but it just I can’t I can’t it just makes me so sad I had an aversion to

Beef for a while too um because one of my homesteaders did that um I’m not opposed to it I think that it’s wonderful that they raise their own meat and all that stuff but um I’m weird and you know it gives me an adversion to the

Meat so right now I’m I’m I’m not eating pork because I keep thinking of you know my poor little guy um that I fell in love with so anywh who um but you can use these marinades with any meat fish chicken pork beef whichever you like um

I’m doing chicken and beef today London Broil to be exact um I’m doing thighs and chicken breast um different marinades for everything and and um what I think the marinades would go good with so this particular one I think that they said goes really good with salmon um in

The description um let me see uh let’s see no it’s bone and thighs so perfect um I did bone and thighs with this so um I think one of them says it goes really good with the with uh with fish but I’m not a fish eater Ernie’s a

Fish eater I’m not so no fish for me um no salmon for me in in this video but like I said you can use these marinades on any kind of meat that you wish so I want wanted to bring out my um seiller my bag Siller um bag saver but uh I just

Decided to go ahead and use freezer bags because we’re probably going to use a good three of these at least this weekend maybe four I’ll have Ernie maybe grill grill one of them up for me for the week um and so we’ll we’ll see I don’t know we might have leftovers one

Night of one and we’ll just see how much we’re we’ll Grill up and you just never know if somebody’s going to stop by you might have to take a couple of bags out you know but what I do with these is brown rice broccolini I might do white rice um you

Know I might just make a salad we eat very light in the spring and summer we’re not heavy eaters as opposed to like fall and winter where we eat heavier foods which is so strange um we eat a lot of Mexican dishes um but in the spring and summer we are more Grill

And Rices and pastas and sides and that kind of thing so um it makes for it makes for easy meal prep for me I love spring summer and some of fall cooking because it’s just super easy breezy easy on the kitchen so I don’t have a lot of

Cleanup I love it so we’re going to go ahead and take care of this get all get my freezer stocked and then I’m to clean my mess up I’ve got to mop the entire downstairs and um yeah so we’re going to do that and then I will jump on and say

Goodbye to you guys before we end the Video Oh This is going to drive Ernie absolutely crazy seen me Barefoot he has thing about seeing uh the girls some of the girls that I watch um are Barefoot all the time and it just he it grosses him out he just absolutely can’t stand it um anyways so

It’s going to bother him that I’m on camera and I don’t have shoes on but I had slippers on and um I went outside to take a break um and it’s hot which is crazy because I like I we had a 27 degree night the the night before last

And now we’re you know 70° people are out doing their yard work kids are playing riding their bikes it’s just it’s fabulous I love when it warms up but anyways I took my slippers off because the sun was beating on my feet and I was hot and I just didn’t put it

Back on when I came in and um anyways I’m more comfortable Barefoot I am a California girl true at heart I do not like to wear shoes I hate to wear shoes um and that is one of the things that I had to get us used to when I moved here

To the South was uh you know the colder months fall and winter where I had to stop wearing flip-flops um we wore flipflops 247 in California and um it’s even when it rained it was like you know I mean we wore Uggs but it almost seemed

Ridiculous to put Uggs on but um anyways I am a Barefoot girl I’ve been like this since I was very little there’s pictures somewhere somewhere and one of my older sisters must have these pictures where I’m sitting in front of the fan when I was a little girl I would come home from

School and the first thing I would do is take my shirt off and my socks and shoes off and I was sitting in front of the fan there’s a picture of me um half naked but that was just me I just I hated I hated wearing socks and shoes

And apparently shirts too when I was little it’s a good thing that I like wearing those now but um anyways uh I just was comfortable and it’s going to drive ear crazy so sorry babe but anyways I’m just going to get my mess cleaned up here and um I needed to get

The floors I didn’t mop it the day before after I was done cleaning the house because I was going to do food prep and I was intending on doing this video and filming it all in one day but I just ran out of steam yesterday and

Could not um get the energy up to go to the grocery store sometimes you just you know I had a list you know cuz I had my recipes and I had a list and sometimes it just takes you know the right mindset and energy level to go to the grocery

Store so I decided to film it in two days and I didn’t want to mop um the day before this uh even though the floor needed it um because I knew that I was going to be cooking and you know I wanted to wait until I was done food

Prepping and cooking to do a good clean and get those floors mopped but um anyway so we’re going to take care of that I’m going to dry and put away the dishes but I need to get this sink cleaned out because I was dealing with a

Lot of raw meat um I may get questions you see me wash my chicken I wash my chicken all the time I’m a chicken washer um and I was watching this video this one time this girl she washed her beef and I thought that was I’ll wash my

Meat my red meat if it comes in the package really bloody um but if it’s not really bloody then I I won’t bother but um the um this girl got uh a lot of flak she was making viia and she was she rinsed her roast before she put it in

The in the pot and I was reading the comments and everybody was just giving her a lot of flat for rinsing her beef off and I thought my goodness it’s not that serious um so you’ll have to let me know if you wash your meat before you

Cook it I wash my chicken all the time without fa but um not always beef so um pork yes I I rinse that as well I don’t know why I I haven’t a clue why but um that’s just kind of a thing that I do but uh anyways oh my cleaning

Closet I just love it I just love that cleaning closet I mean it’s it’s the little things in life you guys it it really is the little things I’m going to give it a quick vacuum because I did spill you know little pieces of this on

That here and there before I get the mop out and start mopping um there was some sticky stuff stuff too on the floor I’m not sure exactly what happened um what I spilled so that was driving me crazy cuz my sock kept sticking to it um I want to get

Some of those mop socks um have you guys seen those before they they look like the the mop head on um on my Spin Mop but they are their mop sock so you put them on when you’re mopping and if you walk across the wet floor it doesn’t

Leave Footprints you know and um and probably a lot more comfortable than getting your socks wet because you know I have to move the camera around to get different angles and so I’m always walking on the wet floor to grab my tripod to move it so you guys can see

What I’m doing and um my socks end up wet so um I’m thinking about getting some of those mop sock socks I can’t even talk okay so here’s a question one of the girls that I watch asked this question today to her audience and um I thought

I’d ask you guys I did somebody did ask me to do a video um on my favorite cleaning products so um I did see that um but I’m wondering what type videos are you guys looking forward to or looking for or would like to see on my channel um besides gardening that’s

Coming um I’m cleaning decorating cooking gardening I do it all here that’s why the name of the channel is at home with Anna and look at that swag is that swag not adorable I was watching bana k um do her spring cleaning she’s a Speed Cleaner she she’s I wonder how

Many times she has her videos sped up by she whips through her house she has such a cute little house um I wonder how how fast she speeds her videos that but I was watching her and I had that on pause um because I did I I never know if I’m

Going to do an um ASMR video if I’m just going to do music or I’m going to talk or do a voice of over so I try and remember to always turn the TV off or put it on pause while I’m filming just in case so um but anyways uh what kind

Of videos are you guys looking forward to would you like to see on my channel I would really appreciate that input um because I want to make sure that I’m I’m giving you guys good content I’m struggling with views um I’m struggling with growing it’s driving me

Crazy so I hope I’m doing a good job you know um I always question myself I always self-doubt so um you guys are just so sweet but I’m just going to get the bedroom mopped up and um that is going to do it for the

Video um but I’m going to pop on here really quick and I’m going to say goodbye to you guys that was a long video thanks so much for staying till the end I hope you guys leave inspired and motivated that meal prep will save your life I hope that you guys got some

Inspiration from that the house is clean the freezer is stocked the sides are in the refrigerator I also picked up some veggies like broccolini and that kind of stuff that we can whip together a quick salad a quick side um I got some brown rice to go with the meats so very quick

Sides to go with those barbecued meats and we have a dinner we didn’t have to think about it I got those eggs boiling I totally forgot to put those in the potato salad so I’m doing that now so just know my potato salad has eggs in it

Anyways guys thanks so much for staying till the end we’ll see you in the next video Bye-bye


  1. I enjoy what you're doing now. I look forward to the decorating, Cleaning and cooking. Grocery hauls are always good.❤

  2. I wash all meats. Just makes me feel better, don’t really care if anyone has a problem with it. Sometimes people just need to understand not everyone is the same and if it doesn’t directly effect you, walk away😂

  3. I wash my chicken, beef, and pork before cooking. I also wash my bananas 🍌 and a lot of people don’t understand doing that since you don’t eat the peel. Never know how many have touched them in the grocery haha.

  4. Good morning Anna !! Love all the meal prep , I'm sooo hungry now , need to pull out our grill !! I like to go barefoot as well ..I'm in south Louisiana so we have a lot of very warm and humid days that you posted early , I've got my motivation going now !! Have a great weekend and lassiez les bon temps rouler !! ⚜️❤️⚜️😎⚜️

  5. I wash almost all the meats that I cook except for ground meat 😁. I love your videos so uplifting! Have a great weekend Anna n Ernie. ❤️

  6. Hang in there – Your videos are awesome and you will continue to grow. I love all of your content and look forward to spring and summer garden.

  7. I always enjoy your vedios. I love your energy and the joy. It picks me up and tells me to get going!! 😅

  8. I wash my chicken and pork too, it's just what I do. I wanted to order the clear bread box but I didn't see the link.
    I enjoy all of your content, cleaning motivation, cooking, shopping and all the tips for organizing.

  9. Hi Anna Happy Friday! Thanks for sharing the recipes like some cooking videos those are always good. Now for rinsing meat I do rinse chicken and pork chops never did ground meat. Gotta start cleaning! Have a good weekend .

  10. Hi Anna, such a good video, I enjoyed watching you prepare your meal prep recipes I may try a couple. I go barefoot in my house all the time😊we never allowed shoes in our homes, slippers yes….growing up my mum only allowed socks or feet, that’s it.😂 Have a glorious day, spring is in the air!

  11. Happy Friday !! We love all of your video content. Shopping for thrift finds, meal prep and all. Even the simple cleaning vids give great ideas. Motivation is definitely needed and we get a lot from you. We enjoy your chats during the video and hearing about your family and life styles. Thank you for all you do !!

  12. Yea seen the mop socks there nice i wash all my meat family thing i was raised to do that ur home is beatiful shopping cleaning meal prep laundry diys n out door ones too

  13. Your home is beautiful! 🌷🌸🌻
    I have a big problem, my cleaning motivation is overpowered by my cleaning procrastination! 😊😊

  14. Hello Anna! We’re like that in the spring and summer as well. Anything on the grill & a nice salad and a quick side is all we do. It’s wonderful! Edited to say that growing up my mom would use salt water to soak & clean her chicken. I have patted meat off with a paper towel to remove some blood but never rinsed it. Also, love my mop socks! 😂 Anna I love your content! Just keep doing what you’re doing, your people will find you.

  15. Im from SC i where flipflops year around the house even when im doing yard work in the winter, when i go to work its enclosed shoes. I know how you feel love, love flipflops.

  16. I would like to see you cooking your recipes, Ernie more and maybe your family once in awhile. I know alt of family members do not like to be filmed.

  17. Love all your videos….grocery hauls, food prep, cooking. All your favourite things, cooking products, cleaning products etc. Hope that helps !!

  18. I love all of your videos Anna. I am definitely inspired every video. I love seeing your meal preps,such a time saving when you want to spend time with family and friends. I wash my chicken too and clean up all of the gross stuff on it. I don’t wash 🥩 meat. I am always happy when I see that you’ve put up a new video Anna an I thank you.❤Barb

  19. I enjoy your cleaning and cooking videos. I also enjoy day in the life videos – including calming things shared. You have so much energy and I admire you for that. I believe I’ve heard you mention that you enjoy relaxing as well, once your work is done. I’ve enjoyed getting to know you better and your happy nature and helpful ways. I sometimes have a hard time watching sped up videos, it can make my heart race (and you think you’re weird?😃🥰), and it’s more challenging to watch while I’m trying to get things done. Have a great day, Anna!

  20. We had the same issue with gnats invading a big pot of plants in our master bathroom. Out of the blue our tub and window sill were covered with dead gnats. There were hundreds of them crawling around in the dirt. We removed the pot from the house and haven't had anymore problems. I don't like liver and onions, but my husband and son do, so I'll cook beef or calf liver for them. When we lived in Texas there was always fields of calves in the Spring. I drove by some calves one day and when I got home I told my husband that I'd still cook the beef liver, but that I'd NEVER cook calf liver again. It just broke my heart thinking of those calves being slaughtered for their livers. I'll sure try your marinades…they look yummy. 🤣🤣 My husband is the same way as Ernie. He can't stand for me to go barefoot. Shirtless would be okay, but not barefoot.🤣🤣🤣 Have a good weekend!

  21. I followed you a while back and some how became unsubscribed. Last i remember, your don had moved to TN. I see you are in a different home. Did you move to TN too? I have really enjoyed seeing your videos again ❤

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