The BEST Dump and Go CASSEROLE without Cream of Soups!

The BEST Dump and Go CASSEROLE without Cream of Soups!

Welcome back to my channel or welcome if this is your first time here!  In today’s video, I am sharing a casserole recipe that you and your family will love! It is so easy to make, doesn’t use any cream of soups, and is absolutely delicious! If you haven’t done so already, I would love to have you subscribe and join my YouTube family!

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#dumpandgo #casserole #casserolerecipe #chicken

I have found the perfect dump and go casserole recipe it does not use any cream of soup so if you don’t like using those you will love the alternative ingredient in this casserole let’s go ahead and get on into it today’s recipe is for this chicken and orzo casserole

And we’re gonna just start out we only have two ingredients that need to be prepped the first one is garlic I’m just using the back of my knife to gently press down it makes it a lot easier to remove the skin off of the garlic now if

You didn’t want to do this step you’re really in a big rush you can always substitute garlic powder if you wanted to but I love the flavor of the fresh garlic so I’m just going to mince that I’m going to start out by just slicing it thinly One Way giving that a quick

Turn and then slicing it the opposite direction and then once I have those cloves all like minced up I’m going to put them together in a pile and run my knife through it I like to just use my opposite hand to hold the tip of the

Knife down and just do a rocking motion it makes it really quick and simple to get this minced up nicely now for the chicken you need about one pound you could do chicken breasts or chicken thighs whatever your preference is I’m using chicken breasts and I’m

Just going to start out by cutting this breast into thirds and then I’m just going to give it a quick turn and cut it the opposite way you just want to try I just like kind of aimed for like bite-sized pieces the recipe did not say

How big or small to make them so I just kind of went for bite-sized pieces of what I would think I would want in a casserole and it turned out perfect like as far as cook time went and you just want to try your best to make them as

Close in size as possible but it does not need to be perfect and then I’m going to show you on this chicken breast how I clean mine up I have had people ask me before like oh your chicken looks really good where’d you get it from I

Like chicken like that it does not always come like beautifully um and I’m really picky when it comes to chicken I wish I wasn’t that way so this is just like a quick overview of how I try to trim my chicken breast without losing too much of the meat I don’t want

To be wasteful but I just know myself and there are areas if there’s any like veins anything like that that I’m just not going to eat so I just try my best to not be wasteful and cut out what I know I need to remove and then same

Thing with this one I’m just going to cut it into little strips since I took that top section out this one I just went ahead and cut on the side and then I’m just going to put those into some bite-sized pieces as well one of the amazing things about this

Recipe is that we don’t need to pre-cook anything so you don’t have to worry about having chicken already ready to go this is all going to go in together and cook together which makes it really nice and easy Once you have this part prepped so while the chicken is on The Cutting

Board I’m going to go ahead and season it with some salt and pepper and then we’re going to go ahead and put everything into our baking dish prep my pan I’m just going to spray it with a little bit of non-stick cooking spray and then I’m going to add in one

Cup of dried orzo like I said you do not need to pre-cook anything for this recipe and then two that I’m going to add in one and a half cups of chicken broth you can use vegetable broth if you prefer and then I’m going to go in with

A little bit of Italian seasoning and some crushed red pepper flakes you can use as much or as little of the red pepper as you would like and then the star ingredient here swapping out for that cream of chicken soup is going to be prepared spinach and artichoke dip

Then you’re going to throw in your minced garlic and give that a good stir and then we’re going to add the chicken in I just wanted to combine this together before adding the chicken in just so I can make sure everything was dispersed well but oh my goodness that

Dip adds so much flavor to this recipe the recipe calls for a half cup of the dip and I use just over that the next time I make this which we absolutely are going to make this again I’d probably do like three quarters it says to taste and

We love the taste of it and it adds like a good creaminess to it so I’d probably do like three quarters of a cup then you just want to toss everything together and then cover that tightly with foil it will go into a 375 degree oven for

Anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes just until your chicken is cooked to temperature and the orzo is done mine took about 30 minutes once done you just want to bring that out of the oven and then I just gave it a good toss just to kind of fluff

Everything up and then you’re going to do a little topping on this which is optional but it kind of just takes it over the top a little bit and that’s going to be a Sprinkle of some shredded mozzarella cheese and some Panko bread crumbs another optional ingredient to throw on

Top of here which I am going to do in just a moment is some everything bagel seasoning if you don’t like it leave it off but it just adds like a little bit extra flavor on top and then you are going to pop this back into your oven

Under the broiler just until that cheese melts it’s already melting over that warm casserole here as you can see but you just want to let that kind of brown up a little bit and then you’re going to bring it out of the oven let it cool for

Just a few minutes if you can even stand to do that and then you are ready for dinner thank you so much for joining me today I really hope that you enjoyed seeing this recipe if you give it a try and let me know in the comments down below what you

Think make sure that you subscribe before you go so you don’t miss out on any other recipes and I will see you in the next video Foreign


  1. I love this!! Sometimes i dont have cream of soups and think i can't make any casserole! This ks prefect and looks amazing!

  2. Ashley, your casserole looks simply elegant and glamorous, my friend. My mom's making me egg drop soup and Maruchan Instant Lunch shrimp ramen for lunch, and then General Tso's Chicken with carrots and broccoli for supper, and then for lunch tomorrow, Swedish meatballs and Brazilian steak.

  3. I freeze all chicken trimmings and when there's enough I make a soup – fry the chicken, add to water and veg or ready stock then add whatever you wish for a simple chicken broth or a full creamy soup. Waste not want not!

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