Penne Alla Vodka jeanine's kitchen

Penne Alla Vodka jeanine’s kitchen

Recipe :
2Tbs olive oil
1/4 large onion, finely chopped
1 garlic clove minced
1-2 tbs of tomato paste
2 oz of Vodka (if you want you can omit this)
1 cup of heavy cream
Pecorino Romano cheese to finish
S&P to taste
12-16oz of pasta of your choice, I use Penne
serves 4
additionally, if by chance you are like me and only feeding 2. You have to reduce all items to half and taste as you do the tomato paste and heavy cream components. The garlic and onion halved will do fine, it’s really the 2 main sauce ingredients that will make the difference in this dish. Happy cooking.
Chefs note: you can add anything you want to the finished pasta ex: grilled shrimp or chicken ect…
This Recipe comes from a book called “the Encyclopedia of pasta”
hope you ejoy it! love J

Hi my YouTubers I’m excited today first of all it’s sunny in pompo Beach you can’t see but I’m looking at the ocean and water is fabulous and there’s a lot of construction going on so I’m happy to look forward today is as you can see my

Pasta day it makes me very happy I haven’t made it in a while and basically my channel was supposed to be all my passion for pasta and all the dishes I love and I will Kickstart with this I’m going to show you the fastest easiest pasta Penny alaka which is everywhere I

Learned it in this book by accident about 15 years ago I’ll link the title in the description on page 124 that’s where I found it I’m not even going to open it because it says it in Italian and I looked at the ingredients in the

Picture and I said I think that’s what I want and sure enough it is it’s the tomato paste version you can make it with fresh marinara or tomato paste the tomato paste is the fastest so let’s get to it it’s silly quick and you could see it’s so fast I

Didn’t even have to put my apron on which I live under good olive oil put a little see this is so good they they ration me out I have to have to do this okay and that’s not too much don’t worry about that okay first thing shallots okay looks like a lot but

It’s not because it’s one of the main flavorings in here along with the garlic but we’ll let the shallots have a head start okay I’m going to go up to a medium as always and in the meantime let me tell you you can use any pasta in this but

For some reason they’re on point and correct with the Penna it it is nice when you’re doing nothing in addition but you could do it with fucili I’ve seen it done with spaghetti you could crazy now the beauty of this and what I love and want to share mostly with you

And I’m speaking to people who don’t really know Penny alaka or aren’t familiar with the the speed of this dish and the deliciousness but once you master this I had it crazy in a um lunch in a a family funeral lunch in and I was embarrassed

Or ashamed to even dare ask the way to what was that I just had and how do you make it I had to go home research research and I found that book and then that’s what I said I said that’s it that’s the pasta I had and it’s it’s lighter with

The tomato paste if you use a marinara and too much cream I’ve seen Penny alaka it could get heavy okay so hopefully you’ll love my version like I said it’s everywhere uh on YouTube on Instagram it’s calming down now which is why I decided to take a go at it and share my

Recipe and uh let me see I have my pasta cooking it’s Al Dente so see that’s it now we just going to add the garlic okay that’s what I wanted to tell you guys on the other version I am only making a half a pound okay maybe even a

Little less that’s because it’s just venim for lunch but I’ll put all the ingredients measurements in the description it’s much easier to beef up a recipe meaning to double it than to condense it and maintain that flavor I struggle with that it’s not an easy feat

I had to do it my past of aul and I was telling everybody carrying on as I do but it’s important to know you know because if you see my dish and say oh but she only made a half a pound I can’t many people like me I know are out there

And they just need a dinner for two and you don’t want to make a whole pound and that’s another thing I see this everywhere and all the pasta dishes that I’m going to make for you guys in a one pound version I don’t see anybody doing

It less than a pound I go out there I watch I like a lot of recipes and as soon as I see them go a whole pound of pasta into the water I’m like what am I going to do with that okay next thing simple easy two

Tablespoons in the main recipe which I’m sure they used a pound also so now we got to be careful I’m going to use less but you want that tomato that’s the main tomato flavor in here so you want want to make sure you put the right amount I’m just using

Chento okay now while I’m getting this to blend that’s what you got to do you got to get this to blend I’m going to talk to you a little bit about what I do with the extra tomato paste do not throw it out I used to throw the whole half a

Can out because I wasn’t using it for a week or two so I don’t have any other recipe I’m not going to make anything with tomato paste again no no no no no I’ve been showing you in all my recipes they’re the little condiment cups cups I

Buy at Publix and what I’m going to do is going to portion this out to two cups like that and freeze it freeze is beautifully and then next time I want to make this or any other pasta or soup or fazul foli with the paste base you just

Pull it out of the freezer it saves you and paste is getting up there it used to be like 39 cents 33 cents a jar not anymore now they’re a dollar a139 for that tiny can see what’s happening here it’s getting mixed and Blended in the

Tomato paste is taking on the flavor of the garlic and the shallots and you got to let that cook a minute see Let It Sizzle let it cook and you might be saying why is she doing it in this big wide pan well there’s another reason for that I love

This pan shape and size when I do any of my pan pastas when you do a pan pasta nine out of 10 times you have to toss you have to blend you have to emulsify you have to get those components to get together especially in spaghetti with

Oil and garlic you have to TOS you have to do this stuff and I’m still working on my shake my pasta shake my toss all right now comes the good stuff people we have to again watch our measurement here because let me let me switch spoons

Because I think I may have a little too much paste anyway she’s not to worry watch me and you will never worry vodka okay nobody knows what the Vodka does including me but it does something it does something to enhance the flavor of this dish and you cook it off I could smell

It cooking off okay okay now I just add the cream now you don’t want to put all of it one time you want to maintain the balance between the tomato paste and the cream that’s going to make it the alaka okay keep mixing you see how it’s

Getting orangey now this is a preference thing everybody likes their Penny alvaka different ways different um levels of tomato flavor I know me I like a perfect B balance I’m not gonna lie I like it Perfection and that’s a certain orange which I see almost here with a little

Bit of white white mixed in so I’m going to watch I may not use that and as you see me always guys when I’m doing a cream or this I learned the hard way you can take out you can put in to add but you can’t take out okay see now I think

For me that’s a Perfect Blend if I put more it would have been too too much now I’m just going to go get some Parmesan Loca Telly for the Finish okay there with me that was the one component I forgot of everything it’s the main

Part of the dish let me get that pasta which is already Al Dente nice and hot rather than take the whole bowl over there I’m going to be fixing to do double at the camera no worries I just need my new burners getting delivered and when you’re doing this at home guys

Don’t worry about the pasta being exactly ready the moment the sauce is mine I had cooking and I know exactly when to stop and how much time it needs just watch the package the rule of thumb here is the sauce waits for the pasta the pasta doesn’t wait for the the sauce

Because you will wind up with soggy soggy that’s like my soya say soggy pasta okay now look at that show the color good it’s long orangey I like it we have the cream there if I wanted more if you see when you’re cooking for friends and family you want more that’s

What I like now you just add your pasta you’d be doing this at the stove over there where I was and retrieved my pasta and you’ll be doing it there now you see why I like this pot don’t worry about any excess water from the drain pasta go

Right from the pot to here because this is a cream sauce and it tends to dry up as you think it looks watery now watch what happens when I add the peino Romano it’s going to change completely that’s a beautiful penny Penny alvaka guys 10 minutes okay now the other thing I love

This this you can eat just like this but we add the cheese and I’m going to tell you something else and then we’re going to go and we’re going to eat because it’s always real food real time I don’t make it up if you see me taking a double

Taste I wanted to say this the other night it’s because it’s dinner time I’m late with the dish and I’m hungry you’ll see that happen say why is she taking three bites okay let me get a spoon me back up okay now you can put as much or as

Little as you like on the cheese look at that okay we get a little bit of black pepper black pepper okay sorry somebody’s cell phone is interrupting the cameraman but he’s not leaving because I will kill him okay guys that is your penny alaka last thing

To say I will put all the ingredients and the recipe in the description as well as the title of the book if you choose to get it and the last thing I want to say once you master this Penny alaka you could add on anything you like

In the recipe I’ve done it grilled shrimp Brut though toasted up sausage crumbled um anything anything you want salmon chunked up anything Cho meat this the ideas is are endless the possibilities but there she is Penny alvaka 10 minutes see perfect consistency the cheese took her right to

The final um let me just plate it quick it wouldn’t be me without my taste right let me put a little bit out yeah look at this see I finally got a pot that’s another reason I like this spouted one because it has the little

Pore okay let me give you guys a little taste because I am hungry and it wouldn’t be me without it okay I want a little bit of extra cheese because I love you know that’s my other thing and this is going to be the kickoff to my pasta guys write in the

Comments if you want to see more and you want the easy Breezies because I got a lot of them in my pocket and in my pantry what can I say it’s Penny alaka and it’s delicious enjoy I hope you make y


  1. I’m going to call you the “Pasta Queen” 😀Looks amazing Jeanine 👍👍👍😋Yummy. Love your cool Spring top & your cute bun you r rocking! Great video my new friend ❤️

  2. this is one of my favorite simple pasta recipes its so good! oh boy, after listening back the video,theres a spot with a wierd voice,have no idea what that was hope it was the micraphone lol!!!!😳😂🤣

  3. What a super pasta recipe! I'm glad I discovered your channel today, such a fun fabulous cooking experience. The tomato paste, garlic shallots, wow! The creamy texture is very tempting. New sub, looking forward to more 👍👍🍝😀😀👍👍

  4. Its lovely to see you cooking and the way you explain its awesome, thanks for sharing this delicious Pasta😋🤌

  5. I make a different version…it's a one pan dish and I add Italian sausage and shrimp…the pasta cooks in the sauce.

  6. I have been experiencing technical difficulties. I asked my husband to leave a comment about the Lime Slices and Sugar recipe. Yes, it's only sugar.

  7. Jeanine I think that website is protected and caused my technical difficulties. Google Lime Slices and Sugar.

  8. One of my favorite 😍😍Thank you for sharing 🎉 I also like Pasta Puttanesca 🙂
    If you have a good recipe for it, would be great if you can share 😉

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