hi guys i just started growing this bell pepper plant a month or so ago because im really wanting to get into gardening and growing my own fruits and veggies, i was just wondering what u all thought about it! i'd really appreciate tips and tricks to help my plant grow strong and healthy 😊

by Commercial-Formal-27


  1. MaterialEmpress

    I usually pluck the first few flower buds off to allow my plant to grow taller! Which I think produces more overall

  2. No-Faithlessness8347

    Same. I’d pull that pepper and any flowers til it gets established.

    18” give or take.

    What you have currently is a poster child for a stunted pepper.

    That pot also looks a little small for a bell pepper.

    I’d think a 2 gallon minimum. They’d ideally be grown in a large container or in the ground.

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