I have a space in my yard with full sun all day, and I’d like to start a small garden in it.

The squares in the diagram are 1’ each.

I have never gardened before outside of standard yard maintenance, but I’d like to slowly work up to something like I have in the picture.

Is a garden this diverse and compact feasible? For some reason I feel like it would have hindrances.


by eyyyyy


  1. P.S. Are any of these particularly-difficult to grow from seed as a beginner?

  2. I see two issues. First, it seems like it’ll be very difficult to get to the center of this garden. I don’t know what the dimensions are, but your tomatoes and sunflowers will likely make it hard to reach the inner sections.

    Second, and similarly related, these taller plants may over shade some of the shorter plants in the middle.

  3. No-Requirement6211

    I think the strawberries would be problematic unless you want to replant the runners so the entire bed to be only strawberries. First year you’ll get no strawberries and it will kind of be a waste of space in an annual bed in my opinion. The cucumbers are another one I’d be iffy about unless trellising directly up on stake, pruned to a central stem. They will want to smother everything around it otherwise. As for difficult to start from seed crops, I cannot make out what some of them are to be honest but the peppers will take awhile to start doesn’t make it hard per se but leaves more time for something to happen (like the dog eating them if it’s at my house lol)

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