Was it a bad pint or did this flavor lack caramel? Picked it up from Albertsons for $2.50 on sale, and I'd heard so much about it. The texture was amazing though and the other mix-in's were delicious (along with the base haha). Solid 6/10

by myersl0ver226


  1. maltedmooshakes

    UO but I’m not a huge ben and Jerry’s fan. They seem to go harder on the texture than the actual flavour

  2. Jennywhocaniturnto86

    The chocolate fish are my favorite 🤤

  3. heronlyweapon

    In my opinion this is one of the best Ben and Jerry’s flavors of all time. It never has a ton of caramel, I think it’s just enough. To me the marshmallow and the fish are the highlights. Plus their chocolate ice cream is the perfect texture if you ask me.

  4. Infused_Hippie

    The caramel is the texture in the chocolate it’s blended not goop….

  5. This one and chocolate therapy are my favorites

  6. TheEscapedGoat

    I would love this if it were caramel ice cream with a chocolate and marshmallow swirl

    Like a reverse Phish Food

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