Made lunch for friends, they said it was super good and the finished the whole bowl including the soup which is always a good sign!
But for me its still not it, not giving me the punch and that good feeling that ramen is supposed to give.
I feel that ive hit a glass ceiling in terms of my ramen making, ive been making for more then 6 months, and i cant figure out how to take it to the next level, my focus was always on the soup, mainly tori paitan soup, which ia always a good base full of umami, but the final thing is never that umami bomb that i want my guests to feel, maybe its the tare that is missing something? The whole country has no niboshi for example right now so ive never tried to make dashi with it. The chashu is also something ive been struggling to do good woth only chicken or beef (pork is very rare and most people dont eat it here).
Any suggestions? How can i elevate my game?

by KibuzniK

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