Crazy Night in Rabat...

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For hello how are you hi guys I’m freezing it’s cold it’s like actually really really cold hi Aisha hi Aisha wait did I me I know I messaged you but did I message you again I don’t think I did let me get back on Facebook now that I see your

Face I have a shirt on I have a shirt and this but I have my window open while I was gone and I don’t think I learned my lesson with the cats coming in but I left my window open so I think it’s just cold in here I okay someone needs to

Explain something to me I’ve been told that the reason like the apartments and all houses or whatever are cold in Morocco because they’re not used with wood and I’ve seen that obviously they use the cinder blocks or whatever you’re called why don’t they use wood is there

A reason for it I would love to know that I need to make a short I uh for YouTube and it’s literally going to be the thing like where I’m in each different kind of room you could be outside and it’s beautiful you come inside and it’s cold you go in your

Kitchen you’re hot you’re literally going to die from frostbite in the bathroom like everywhere in Morocco is like is different from outside you know what I mean and your apartment is completely different but oh so that’s what it is it’s just wood is expensive but wait a minute is

There some places that do have wood like I mean bougie places like the places that in swee and all those houses are they made with wood or is everybody just cut in that cost it don’t matter if you have money or not people just deal with it I’m

Live one you need to brush your teeth make sure you brush your teeth before you go to bed I did not know what Ward would be expensive okay so so no one in Morocco they’re just not having it right did you guys see my two I

Put okay there are two new shorts out um I put one of them that’s good to know so if I ever run an Airbnb I should ask if there is is insulated um I don’t know when I’m going to go there I was wanted to go at

Winter time but I don’t think so you know okay so I put two new shorts out there Jack got a Brahim Jersey and also Jack was dancing at the train station guys tonight was I don’t want to tell the story more than once so maybe I’ll hold out a

Little bit longer wait it just jumped from 33 to 44 um tonight was a crazy night and I don’t want to tell too much because it’s going to be on my video tomorrow but I will tell you this I hope you’re not being mean cuz I’m getting my teeth

Done my teeth I know they have issues but anyway we’re going to ignore that um I don’t know I just videoed it I literally he was he was already dancing and I’m like oh I should have gotten that old video and he’s like okay and then he started dancing again I was like

All right I seen the wild monkeys I’ve been to I’ve been through a a a Ru I’ve been through there I actually have a video I have a short on my YouTube but it was from a long time ago so it never really got any views Shan sh

Um but yeah so Jack was dancing in one and then in the other one he got his Brahim Jersey you think these are new teeth cuz so many people say stuff about my teeth so you just said nice teeth in America that would be like you know

You’re saying nice teeth like in a smart way but yeah okay no they’re not they’re the same teeth I just brushed them it’s amazing what a toothbrush can do I guess I just had to order food I’m not even joking I’m starving I’m literally starving so tonight’s place we went to

This place was a buffet I love buffets and here’s why I love buffets they’re great for kids because they’re so much to choose from right so buffets are great for kids and this one particularly was amazing you don’t understand we were all three of us were actually so so excited about going

Here like this is the first place that all three of us were like crazy wanting to go right and when we got there we were excited you know um okay um I lost my train of thought so we get there they’re putting out the stuff you

Know we got there very early we got there like 40 minutes early but which is good um but I got my we did some videos you know whatever and then it came down to time to break our fast now here’s why I think they went wrong they didn’t give

Anything out on the tables like I get a buffet but they didn’t have like even they didn’t even give you the dates on the table I think they should have given you the dates and your water on the table or whatever but everything was at the buff table and the buffet table was

Huge it was like three long tables this way and three long tables the other way right and there’s a line people are starting to go I get in line very quickly I’m maybe like the eighth person maybe 10th person in the line right out of nowhere the other people that didn’t

Get in the line yet they just start coming right in front of where you’re in the line waiting to get food and they’re just getting going right in front of us one girl’s hair went on my plate I’m going to calm down I’m not answering guys I’m not

Answering any of these uh questions yet because I want to tell you a little bit of the story okay um so I I feel like Co was bad here because I feel like nobody has has any personal space in here like I feel like personal space

Is not a thing here because I’ve been in other lines like at the train station to get a ticket and people are just like you guys are in lines like you are in driving you’re driving and your line formations and the way you treat lines Um they’re they’re one they’re two they’re the same thing you guys I’m not saying all cuz not everyone was like this but but I will say this place let’s just say there was 100 people there I’m going to tell you right now 90 of them were doing this it was ridiculous and

Then here’s the other problem here’s the other issue is anyone here from America or Moroccan that lives in America or Familiar of buffet outside of Morocco um here’s the thing in America when you go to a buffet you go up you get your plate you f you can fill it up

Uh people some people do go crazy and they fill it up but they fill their plate up one plate and they bring it back and they eat they may go up for a second plate and get other regular Foods right not dessert yet they come back

They eat they go up and get their dessert right no not you Moroccans everyone was literally getting three plates and filling all their plates I’m not joking there was a group of 12 to maybe 14 22 25y Old Men okay it was like a football team okay he people not not Kora football

Because there’s more people on an actual American football team than there is a Kora team if you didn’t know that um there was like a whole football team in a half okay they’re big guys they’re going to eat a lot right but listen listen that’s not the problem the

Problem is they were taking everyone and I’m not just saying the guys the women too were taking more than one plate at one time so we did it the proper way well first we didn’t do the prop we did the proper way but I didn’t eat there

Guys just to let you know I played paid 300 89 Duram I think or something like that it was 100 Duram per kid and I was 179 Duram right so 379 I paid and like I said we were in line I finally get to scoop something on my

Plate and then this girl comes and her hair goes in my food and I’m like are you freaking kidding me my kids know me they know that I’m getting upset like people were literally just not I don’t know how to stress it they literally were just not using a line and

They were just or some people would start at one end which that’s another thing like you don’t start at one end you start at one you know and then they would come back they would get that stuff and then they would cut in the line in front of you to get what they

Didn’t get in over where we were anyway my kids I’m I’m like I’m not even going to eat right now let me get your food and then I’ll go right this continued to happen I finally left my kids in the line I said guys I’m gonna freak out I’m

Gonna go sit down right and um I go sit down my kids get their food listen the food was not an issue I actually never even ate anything but the food looked amazing the kids said the food was very good they came back got their food they ate some Cameron wanted

To go get dessert now mind you only 8 to 10 minutes have passed since her getting her food and her going back up to get her dessert okay she only got one plate she goes up to get her dessert guess what there’s nothing left because everyone everyone took plates and on

Plates and on plates and it was just chaos chaos and the owner here’s the here’s the cherry on it um here’s the cherry on the whole thing and this is why I don’t care about this video me saying a bad thing about this because the owner himself do you know what he

Said to me cuz he spoke English he says I said he saw what was H he saw what was happening he saw these people keep coming just cutting right in front of us pushing Cameron like it was not good right saw this and I looked up I said

This is not how it’s supposed to work work he said it’s culture it’s our culture no that’s not culture that’s just people being rude like that’s not a culture that’s just no that’s people being rude and they do the same way how they drive so the driving here and

Buffet lines or lines in general lines in general because I’ve I’ve had this issue before um no this is not culture shock this is rudeness this is rudeness that’s not how it works it’s not a culture it’s a culture of rudess believe me I come from America we

Have a lot of rude people we have people that will just kill you but most people can respect the buffet line I was hungry guys an Aima an Aima I was starving so then and you for those that know you know I and I hadn’t done that either

Okay starving you know what I mean and I paid good money and for people just to be so rude and and lean over and your hair go in my plate and and when I said like I said smia she looked at me and start get keep getting her food fat

Like I was so mad so mad I will tell you one thing in America you always see kind of heavy people at buffets guess what I actually saw a lot of heavy people at the Moroccan Buffet I know see many people here are very thin or they’re

Very thit you know what I mean you don’t see a lot of overweight Moroccans but I guess it’s same thing in buffets because there was there there there’s more there than I’ve ever seen in my life um listen I still love Morocco nobody has to chew

My ass out for my video tomorrow um I don’t even really talk I I do I do I did make a few video clips uh I tried to like go to this place CU we were so excited um I’m a whale too look I’m a

Foodie I love love to eat and my kids the reason I went to this place was because my kids were so excited and their kids it’s a buffet there’s lots of choices there was a chocolate fountain for them to dip fruit and that’s what Cameron wanted Cameron was going the one

Thing my kids were so excited about was a chocolate fountain with the fruit right right she goes up there there’s no fruit left you know um the burger place was amazing they were all very very kind but I I guess uh you know I have to

Um I have to not go to buffets and I’m really upset because I love buffets but I just know how to I know how to work a buffet you get in line you wait your turn you know you take one Plate at a time you go eat your food you go back

You get go back as many times you want but don’t go especially this thing wasn’t like it’s not like a restaurant that was going to continually serving all night they obviously only made a certain amount which honestly they should have made more because they ran out of freaking fruit which is the

Dessert within eight minutes hi Tampa you did the okay I can’t what kind of burger did you get I I I love the burger but the tasu don’t Stir It do not stir the tasu my daughter stirred it and I’m like I told her I was like you messed that t massu up

Eating it the way it comes um you have to eat it like that what’s hamar Sha Sha DEA um oh what’s the word I learned how to say I’m learning but I forgot okay so you got the the classic one okay yeah it’s it’s really really

Good good um it’s a good burger it literally tastes like five guys back home oh oh hamar means donkey okay yes yes yes no I have not tried snails but I think maybe if I get to 20,000 that will be my next thing I’ll try when I get to

20,000 I’ll try I’ll try snails shakon I’m not here for that Alexis are you a guy or a girl Alexis could go either way but you’ve made note of my looks I appreciate it but I don’t really care what it look like I’m telling you I’m

Telling you I want to just oh wait there’s one other story I don’t actually think I put this in the video so I will tell you guys this now this part is actually um really really funny okay so I’m mad we leave the kids ate don’t get

Me wrong I the kids ate their food but I actually did not eat anything there I was so mad I’m like I’m not eating this man’s food I’m so mad and he’s seeing me the whole time sitting there not eating and he’s he looked a little worried look

I’m not out to bash anybody’s business like I really am not like but this was actually out of control this was actually out of control and the fact that he said it’s culture I was like no um so okay so here’s what happened so uh I got permission to fill them I

Filmed them and then I caught up to them and I said I have YouTube can I put this on there and they said absolutely mesim mushkil they were like probably 16 years old they and you can’t even see their face what are you talking about you can’t even see their face you

Can’t even see who they are it’s not a problem I I would never post anybody on on anywhere unless I got permission and I got permission from them they were like 16 17 years old I said this is crazy I said I have YouTube can I post

It and I showed them the video they said it was fine so yeah yeah I would never listen I you if you’re new here my big thing is I’m very respectful of everyone here I will not film anybody that doesn’t want to be filmed and if they said no I wouldn’t

Even have I wouldn’t even kept the video you know what I mean it’s not a big deal okay no no no listen I’m paying 400 Dam a night for these dinners and and like I think that’s a lot so these other ones are like $400 400 durhams per person

Like the one the one ifar that’s at a hotel The View maybe or something it’s like 400 durhams no um okay so listen listen we leave I’m starving guys it’s now about 7:45 7:30 maybe I have not eaten I have not broken my fast 7:40 7:30 I’m still fasting and

I’m cranky as hell I am like we’re going to go to the Medina maybe there’ll be something in Medina they’re okay the kids are fine because they ate they had their Cameron was mad because she didn’t get her fruit with the chocolate but Savi you know so listen so I’m getting

To the Medina and I come to a light and um oh yeah I’m not going to pay that for children I I only want to pay that for me I no if they want to give it to me free for the video that would be awesome

But I’m not going to pay that much I’ve spent too much money in fact tomorrow I’m staying home I’m cooking tomorrow um and guys please don’t say like oh you need to stay home and cook like this is we we enjoy going out it’s Ramadan we

Want to go experience new places is um you know and so nobody needs to worry I do cook I know how to cook but we want to go out but we are going to stay home tomorrow I’m going to cook chicken um so listen uh I get to a light

And it’s a red light I didn’t real and I go through the red light all of a sudden Horn uh police sirens I was like oh my God oh my God oh my God I’m like I use the fact that I’m American to my advantage I will tell you and here’s

What happened I’m in the circle and they pull up right against me stop I sto we’re both stopped in the circle do you guys know where I’m talking about right in front of the Medina like if you go left there’s the parking okay that’s where I’m up it stopped right in the in

The middle of the circle and he rolls his window down he starts speaking Arabic and I’m like no ftic or FY uh and I’m like English English I like anima anima food I’m hungry and I said smia and I knew he was saying that I went through the red light and um

Um I’m going to an ifar next week for family’s house so I’m I am going there I I I’m not going to meet anybody like just randomly off the internet especially a YouTube that I don’t know anybody like I am going to places guys I’m going to a family’s house next week

Um but like I’m not comfortable just taking my kids to somebody’s house that I do not know you can understand that right like I get to know people and then you know it happens like that but it’s okay I’m good I’m good um so anyway he the guy that’s D the one

That’s on my side doesn’t speak English the one that was talking to me but the driver did speak English He bent over he said mesim musil he said follow us I will take you to food and he’s like I’m going to take you to the Medina I got a

Police escort to a parking spot and he told me where to go in the Medina to get food tell me that that that’s not like amazing like I didn’t get a ticket by the way he let he you know yes today I did too um listen I’ve

Had no problems with cops here I mean I got one ticket before near the Medina for 400 durhams I am top goat you’re new here is top goat new here I am learning theia but on a spot of the moment like that I can only remember certain amount

Of words so I’m saying the sorry you know shukran I’m saying I’m hungry you know but um you know I’m learning it’s going to take time I’ve been speaking English for 44 years only only English so my mouth is like set on how to say um um yeah the Polie let me off

They brought me to where to park because I I was like where do I park they found a parking spot for me that wasn’t a parking like where I had to pay and they help they told me to park here then they uh one told me where to

Go and he said enjoy your welcome Morocco so yeah I got PDFs I got a good PDF somebody on here sent me PDFs and that’s really good and I have a lot of I actually ordered videos from a girl in Kaza she’s really good and

Um leave the no ew ew don’t call me Mommy you’re gone don’t that’s please don’t do that that’s actually you’re going like he knew we don’t need him here don’t be calling me that that’s disgusting um my kids are on here oh I do yeah cuz you’re you’re like are you

Like white I’m imagine you’re like white and then your kids are like Moroccan looking cuz they’re half Moroccan they’re probably tan as hell because they live here so uh no I’m not going to lie shron shron um so you’re super white and the hijab that’s you you’re you’re

Fine you’re going to be fine in Morocco forever no I don’t work as a teacher I literally just do YouTube guys and I’m not looking to teach I don’t want to teach I just ordered food I ordered dominoes cuz that’s all it’s open um I ordered dominoes I ordered

Hawaiian pizza and for those that don’t know what Hawaiian pizza is it is the pizza with pineapple because Pizza should have pineapple on it and I ordered um a lava cake I don’t know if it’s going to be any good we’ll see I have 103 people on oh

Um it was 103 now it jumped down to 93 no way I would never teach anybody are you kidding me guys I do not speak good English like I talk too fast and I don’t have patience to teach anyone and I don’t want to teach anybody does pineapple belong with pizza

I’m curious to see this one no I have I haven’t been to a Moroccan thing and I don’t really want to to be honest and I’m not being rude I just don’t want that I like my shower at home can we get rid of him what kind of a question is that time

Out what kind of a question is that like those people are just going on timeouts you know like they just need to go on timeout but listen it’s sweet and salty you guys are big on sweet and salty you guys should be the biggest ambassadors for pineapple

And pizza you guys are all about sweet and salty like my favorite Tajin it’s sweet but salty no I don’t speak French and I don’t I’m not going to learn French I’m learning theia because I live in Morocco and Morocco I should respect the people and speak their language you know

Seafood Pizza is my cup of tea I don’t really like seafood oh that’s good I don’t know how good you’ll do because I do speak fast I’m sorry how come I have a feeling that you’re not going to have pineapple on Pizza in this pole uh Malika you like pizza pineapple

Pizza ew watermelon has like no no bread is plain bread is plain bread is not salty I’ve never had salty bread shakran thank you but I’m learning on my own I do better I do way better believe me I signed up for lessons before I stopped it I would do way

Better on my own I talk every day when I’m out every chance I get I use the theia that I know and then when I learn something I asked I ask them to repeat it that’s how I learn cuz my my how I learn stuff in my head

My I feel like I just heard a grilled pineapple is so good grilled pineapple I just heard a cat I feel like guys nobody’s answering me uh have I been to Chef shaan no I have not been to Chef shaan uh inshah soon I will it’s a one day trip though

Like oh oh yeah you guys don’t like your pineapple and pizza is that even a question I would I have no interest of what India and Morocco I left America to move to Morocco they do I really do think so you’re looking at it I do YouTube

I want to live in robot but I’m content for living in um um the burger is pretty decent wait what’s the I know that what is that nope and we’re not doing political talk either please no political talk or you’ll go on a timeout yes there’s a lot of stuff in robot um

Oh that actually means caramelized onions with raisins like that word um that’s good to know okay thank you but you know I’m not here for that guys I’m here to talk about like my life not they’re online then I love T how do you say it t t t I’ve had that

Um 8 fa I have been to tangir and I’m going next week guys this is not a political stuff please we’re not doing this I will get off if we’re going to just talk about political stuff I’m not here for that that just gets me annoyed you

Know seriously no political stuff if you political stuff I’m going to time out you what is what are the what’s the thing what is which of these has the best street food Kaza robbot Fez or mares I’m gonna say Kaza I’m gonna say Kaza honestly I don’t know if they watch

Him uh my oldest one does because he’s commented like he’s commented before but honestly I don’t know if they do I used to send him the videos but but I did just order pizza and I’m really really hungry now wait a minute to is astray

What yeah but I don’t want to live in Kaza not with my kids yeah Kaza is going to have way more like other nationalities food like I feel like I’m on IG right and my um I like couscous I really do yes I actually had that when I was in uh

Marush the first time we live in Tamara an Aima every day this was day 10 ashra I was definitely don’t worry we hid him we got we timed him out I can’t look I’m I’m not here for politics I’m not here for I’m pretty okay thank you I appreciate

It but that’s not what I’m here for and my kids watch my live like they don’t need to just keep seeing men saying caling all my looks um I’m not watching anything on Netflix I really don’t watch TV that much I feel like I I watch YouTube a lot I watch a

Lot of stuff on YouTube no I don’t do any sports I’m too old for sports um but yeah no I live here tra TV I already live here look can’t you tell that’s Morocco that’s a Moroccan window I feel like this is a Moroccan window you don’t see these windows anywhere

Else I’m staying home tomorrow I’m cooking beef legs as opposed to beef what it was good I’m glad you liked it um you got the tasu did you get the chili the chili thing was amazing uh it was really really good and I recommend listen I recommend the burger uh yeah I don’t

Know what a leg of beef is I just get beef oh yeah no I’m not eating Cal FEI yeah we don’t have Windows like that in America we have screens you guys don’t have screens I need screens cuz my bedroom I’m getting mosquitoes in here Tas you ate it that quick no just

Joking but this was like a unique bougie um a bougie chili like it didn’t it wasn’t just regular bougie it just was a regular chili um what are some some things I enjoy about Morocco and some things you wish were better uh I love the people except for in lines

And driving um I love how there’s just always something unusual you’ll see like tonight we saw um a guy in the Medina with a chicken he’s in a wheelchair and he’s on it with a chicken and he’s petting the chicken the chicken’s just going around with him like that was amazing like

Um yeah there’s a game tomorrow night uh no but in America we can have bars but you also have screens so that bugs don’t come in yeah we’re not going to it we were going to go to it but now I’m going to go to Tanja next week so I don’t want to

Go two places I have ad2 but I can wait favorite food in Ramadan y’all like those soups huh I’m not going to lie I’m a fan of the soup with the hardboiled egg no we’re not going to go that one but actually guys you know there’s free

Games for like the 20-year-olds I was talking to somebody on the street tonight with the kids and he thought I was lost and he I he’s like I guess he saw like oh I’ll take this opportunity to help her which is really nice but I wasn’t lost I was just showing the kids

Places but I asked him like I showed him on IG how they were advertising the 20-year-olds playing in some robot stadium and he’s like yeah yeah it’s free but it’s too late 10:00 to go so we won’t be able to go to during Ramadan because it’s too late to take the

Kids I like the Herrera soup or whatever it’s called cuz I came here on vacation and I I liked it yeah oh yeah yeah I um I do that with uh I make the tajine with the tomatoes and the Egg you know that one the morning

One like you make it with the tomatoes and spices and then you put crack the eggs in it I make that I like that yeah yeah I will they are they are friendly but but driving bye Freedom next week I’m going to a friend’s family’s house nope not vacation I live here Alexis

Yo it’s crazy on the road between like four and 5 four and six every time I’ve been on the road people are crazy with the with the but with the horns my kids are online yes I don’t think it’s crazy if you knew the United States you would understand

It I love broccoli my kids love broccoli Jack not so much but my daughter and my middle son my my my second oldest son literally will when I make it they would devour a whole tray but I make it a certain way I put in olive oil salt pepper garlic

And parmesan cheese shake it all up put it on a fry um a baking pan and you just put it in the oven for like 20 minutes and it gets like this crunchy so good we love broccoli I’m going next week to someone’s family if

T no no I don’t do DMS I’m sorry I don’t eat DMS especially from Men I’m sorry my DMs are like thousands guys I really don’t poor I who’s a woman who’s an American who has kids trying to talk to me for two weeks and I finally just got her

Message um I’m sorry I don’t too many men in my DMs and I’m not into that yes Christie oh my god listen Christy do you remember the girl that we went to high school with Maria and her sister Christina from Portugal I’m going to meet up with her

Um they uh her husband was is ger German but I think they’re in Germany now well no actually I think they’re I think they’re actually in United States right now I think I saw them oh wait wait the polls are getting wild I think it’s like I think it’s a

Girl’s name too but the person kept saying I’m beautiful and usually women don’t do that over and over so I’m not sure yeah but we’ll be fine like the medical care like listen we’re we’re not going to like public hospitals you know what I’m saying like I mean I haven’t had to

Go to a hospital but like I’m getting good doctors like listen don’t scare my friends in America that I’m like in this horrible place it’s really a great great place um but if you need extensive obviously have issues like really major issues then yeah I guess you wouldn’t

Come here but but there are many other places the only thing is is the cost of living living in a lot of other countries are higher like chrisy I went to Spain I felt like I was back in the US I was like whoa like it was crazy and

It’s the Euro so it’s more yeah well I had to go through a couple dentists to find a good one and it’s really just because people are different here people don’t use the Nova cane apparently as much I don’t know you guys are all built different not like here you know

But like I’m getting referrals like from other like foreigners that have been here for a long time and like in my area and they they’re telling me like I just got a couple for um a couple of the doctors that I need no to be honest I don’t really want to meet

Americans the Americans I have met here like the straight Americans that I’ve actually interacted with there was a few women I have not contacted them again they were exactly what I didn’t like in America they thought they’re [ __ ] didn’t stink they thought they were better than everybody else and I’m not

About that you know but Aisha you’re in mcnees do you think you would have a better chance if you like we’re in a different city because I’ve listen I’ve heard many many things that like rabot and Kaza there are many many good doctors you know what

I mean but like I guess the smaller cities aren’t so good it I just lived there for 43 years of my life and my husband died like four years ago and Co hit and money got Tighter and it just wasn’t I wasn’t happy anymore I was just depressed not

Depressed but like I just wasn’t and I came here on vacation and I absolutely loved it and I’m like I could live here like we could live here like it’s modern you guys seen my videos people that are in America you’ve seen my videos yes there are Villages and all that but I

Don’t live there I live in a more modern area and robot which is the most modern city in the whole country I’m 10 minutes away from like there’s so much stuff that’s here that’s nicer here than in America I’m not disal America I just don’t want to live there no more

You know what I mean uh see Android is popular here iPhone’s not as popular here guys don’t listen to him these poles are not annoying I enjoy the poles can you get it yes help me oh I got you guys spitting this you’re spitting it and you guys are going to get

Pi up for theat it’s a here up the cats are behind you turn to she dropped my pizza oh the dentist and mcness are good all right no give me that here is my pepper my pizza with pineapple just put it on the counter in the kitchen see we enjoy

Poes oh I forgot to say just no I’ve never been to Florida um no girl if you don’t stop asking me something more than one time if I say no it’s no this is actually really good Domino’s here is very good okay Alexis stop stop stop I’ve commented before okay stop talking about

My looks that’s why I think you’re a guy there’s no way a girl keeps talking about someone’s looks especially when she tells you to stop yeah I agree um it has pineapple New Jersey and a lava cake guys will you stop go to bed eat your pizza and go to bed

Like I’m over it this is my work yeah I got one for the kids even though they already ate I mean I ate to but but I got one for them because they would have said they would have wed one so I just got one small pizza they

Exploded guys it’s midnight go in your rooms I’m not going to Alexa’s house I’d have to hear the word I can’t I don’t know what that word is just by reading it I know I’ve seen it before But this pizza is really good oh no I don’t know what I’m supposed to do go in your rooms I’m not playing I need plat you don’t need a plate get a plate no but you’re not respectful I I’ve already asked you a million times not to keep talking about my looks It’s a boy it’s a boy let that be a poll is Alexis a boy or a girl oh Pizza Hut is definitely better than Domino’s but this is good but we don’t have a Pizza Hut that will deliver to us the closest Pizza Hut is to us is in robot

Um but doino is right in Alora okay can we not write that on Here guys my kids are on here that’s actually not cool that person’s going in a Timeout Alexis is over no I’ve never watched a Moroccan movie I listen to morck and rap though true but I don’t want to be up all night definitely a dude like I said I literally they kept

Saying how beautiful I am and how pretty I like while I’m eating and I said stop and they weren’t listening it was definitely a dude a girl wouldn’t do that all right so oh Domino’s game back out and beat him oh yeah you can’t get an electrician job without a high school

Diploma it belongs on my pizza wait there’s there’s stuff crust here my robot Pizza H has stuff crust MC nees might not have stuff crust but we have stuff crust mhm because Jack that’s what Jack gets Stu pressed I don’t know I’ve never been to Virginia beads I don’t really follow

It my son does I have been to KLA quite a few times why are you in mcness is that like where your husband is from there’s a pizza place in rabbat that there’s two pizza places in rabbot the one in Medina Pizza rookie they’re really good as well as this bougie

Little restaurant that’s like a seafood restaurant their pizza was like thin grust it literally tastes like Italian pizza it’s very very good it was like 60 Dam so no I don’t smoke cigarettes please don’t ask these kind of questions my kids are on these lives Guys cost a living safer words of History that’s not good no that’s not pizza oh if I’m going to make tuna I’m going to make it at home you guys love you guys love your Tha here you know I actually told Jack not to go on

Live tonight with like watch my live and I’m glad I did because something weird was T this is why I don’t let them in the lives because look at this you know they beg me all the time let me be in your live let me be in your

Live see now tuna in America is not cheap tuna like in the can is not cheap at all like for a can now I’m I only eat a certain kind of tuna I only eat solid Apple which is like the solid I don’t eat the

One the chunk l in water I don’t do that I do solid Al albore in um in water and one can is like $149 oh really wait a minute chrisy I’m just talking about like a starus solid albacore you know like I thought it was like a $149 Alexis is gone

Though I put them in time out holy crap $3 a can now I love tuna like I love tuna mix all you guys don’t eat it the same way we do I thought it was raining like in America here’s how i’ eat tuna I mix it with mayonnaise a little bit of

Dijon and salt pepper and I up sweet and sweet and sour pickles I mean not sweet and sour bread and butter pickles chop them up a little put them in there put onion mix it all up toast some type of bread like bread or Bagel put it on there and that is my

Sandwich and let me tell you it is so good you guys just throw like just tuna in the salad like we don’t I don’t eat tuna on a salad like I oh that was another thing we learned very early on a salad here is not a salad like it is

In America you guys throw everybody’s everything but the kitchen sink in your salad like there’ll be corn tuna all different kinds of cheese like there’s a lot of beets you guys put a lot of stuff in your regular salad and we learned that we don’t we we can’t just order a salad like

That cuz my daughter will go somewhere she like oh want a salad I’m like no you’re not getting a salad I’ll make you a salad at home but but are they really Moroccan tacos cuz isn’t it like French we’re over those we’re over the tacos like we talking ourselves

Out maybe I’ll take him to the game not to the game but to watch the game what time is on 10:00 though I don’t want to take so that but you’re talking the one where you get Kea nuggets chicken mix yeah we’re over those there’s one that I’ll still randomly get

Now and again there’s a place I think it’s Taco 75 I’m not sure we have so many taco places but it has they call it a they call it a Manhattan or New York and it’s actually really good I forget what’s in it but it’s better than like the other ones I’ve

Had we still prefer Mexican tacos what are my hobbies I like to eat I really like to eat I have not been to hon and I probably won’t go one second I’m going to drink oh yeah I knew that I knew french fries weren’t really French wait car for hard shell

Tacos we have a really hard time finding hard shell tacos here like like the one time we found them they weren’t good I’ve lived here for nine months I’ve had that salad and some places I’ve liked it and some places I didn’t like it so the sushi place makes it good

Oh no I live to eat I definitely live to eat for sure I mean I’m ready to go with the Snickers um I have Moro Telecom I think it’s fine my son complains about it we have the 500 Duram package can we get rid of

Him wait I need to get rid of him shoot sh shoot what was his name no there was a message that came through I don’t remember what his name was once I deleted the comment him right there he’s gone him earol Sanders he’s going okay that is

Thea no not timed out he needs to be gone exactly I’m so happy jack um I got rid of him I’m sorry no he’s not coming back and starting his crack it’s been 30 minutes already I’m not ready for him yet I have somebody that helps me behind

The scenes so sometimes I have to message them to tell them what’s going on I can pick my time out so it depends on your it depends on your offense there’s a 5 minute timeout 10 minute 15 20 and 30 and then there’s remove alog together two people just got removed completely but

Um yeah normally I do 30 minutes but 30 minutes went quick and one of them came back already he must have been waiting I wonder what happens if somebody gets put in a Timeout like do they know that they’re in a Timeout anybody want to volunteer to be timed out by me

For five minutes I just want to know I think it’s wait let me see how long I can do it oh wait who wants to volunteer for a 10-c there’s a 10-second timeout somebody volunteered to be timed out by me for 10 seconds tell me what happens mm-m

Al I think Alexis was removed oh my God I can’t eat that look it’s making my mouth black okay Kareem Kareem was the first one to volunteer Kareem you got 10c timeout you tell me what happens what do you see and ready 10 seconds Kareem’s gone for 10

Seconds I’m curious like look at all you guys all you children want be timed out I’m just curious ious what they see like do they tell that you’re been banned for 10 seconds or you just you lose the stream and you don’t know I’m eating this thing from it I can

Put someone in a Timeout if they’re being Kareem he should be back soon where is he it was only 10 minutes 10 seconds okay I’m a little worried where’d he go it’s been 10 seconds Curry okay so you knew we we were worried for you so it does tell you that you’re timed

Out that’s good so you know that you’re do bad behavior if you’re you’re going to get timed out and you’re going to know it good I will never use a 10-second timeout I can’t eat this guys it looks like I have dirt in my mouth and I can’t talk like this

No we didn’t lose them thank goodness but I don’t know what the purpose of a 10-second timeout is people deserve more than 10 seconds I’ve been to Tanger Tanger T Tanja and inshah I’ll go sometime next week maybe couple days I’m gonna get an Airbnb I’m actually really excited I love going to

Airbnbs um I just got to find one okay I said I don’t want to eat this but I want to eat this I don’t know if I’m going to watch it because it’s at 10 o’clock at night and I can’t watch it here I have to watch it

Out like a warning it’s my warning shot yeah it’s pretty up there they’re in a Timeout cuz I don’t know how to watch it at home like I don’t know how to use my TV Moga MoGo has been my favorite yes I do like sweets I used to be

Fat which I’ll never be fat again but I like sweets they did I did like double decker you know what I like I like the crunch WRA Supreme crunch WRA Supreme is a good one come on guys I can’t read Daria what are we saying actually no I don’t know what that

Says oh no I’ve seen fat people here I didn’t think they actually existed when I came on vacation I was like there are no fat people in Morocco I have seen them now actually I saw him at the buffet tonight guys what are we talking about what are we talking about in

Thoria someone translate I see Visa men oh excuse me I’m sorry what is that please m e f euu oh I’m not like that crazy over that stuff no what do you mean by organic like I just get it from the like people on the street like they’re not processing it so

What do you what’s going on I don’t really care about organic like in America like honestly the joke is like people they just slap the signs on it’s organic but is it really look I know I’m getting my fruits and vegetables off a cart that literally

Have dirt all over it that’s good for me no I don’t want to live in tenier I like where I’m at if I’m going to move it’s going to be robot I’m going to live in robot that’s where I want to live live I don’t know what you guys are all talking about

I’m lost guys I feel like there’s three different conversations and I’m not part of any of them here I feel like there’s less people here I mean but I hope there’s no zombie apocalypse my name is Aaron please Jack get off my live I don’t care get off my live you’re

Not on my live tonight there’s too many weirdos I’ve never met the king inshah I will what zombie apocalypse is happening Jack I’m serious okay I’m going to put jack in a Timeout just in case I put him in a Timeout just so you can’t get back

On yeah it’s a thing here Christy it’s like they see Mom of and it’s Momo and actually that is a nickname for people here so a lot of people just think that’s my name I’m not answering any political questions online or offline I hate politics definitely won’t answer like

It’s I don’t like politics there I don’t like politics anywhere yes their pronunciation is pretty good way better than mine but hopefully I’ll get better politics it’s like politics like the government and stuff presidents Kings anything that has to do with that’s what politics is it’s Aaron spelled e r i n

Oh that’s true that’s why I didn’t want jack on here I don’t know what that says again I feel like there’s like different conversations going on with people and I don’t know any of it for sh grun all right guys I’m G to go I I’m

Sorry but it’s like 12:30 I want to relax a little bit B on the little table out there rechargeable no oh wait there’s rechargeable in the kitchen no I’m not going to go to sleep um what just leave them in there I’ll get them in a minute um

Who is Diaz I don’t know what’s going on guys I’m G to go I have to good night Christy um I want to relax a little bit I’ve been out since like 5:00 I got home like an hour and a half ago and you know oh my God I gotta go he’s calling

Me bye guys


  1. I am living in the US as Moroccan American. I agree, Cutting line is a bad thing in Morocco, always got me frustrated when i was living in Morocco

  2. Most of Moroccans dont respect lines, it is not an islamic thing…thanks for pointing out that kind of cultural rudeness. I am Moroccan American btw

  3. معظم مغاربة لا يحترمون اسبقية لراجلين وهده تقافة تكبر وتعالي من أصحاب سيارات عل راجلين انه امر سيء 🛑🚨

  4. This made me laugh…I guess better to laugh about it given how frustrating that must have been at the buffet, I'm Moroccan living in America. I've never been to a buffet in Morocco but what you said doesn't surprise me. Buffet style is not a common or traditional thing in Morocco. It's sort of a new concept. What's crazy is wasting food is Haram in Islam (forbidden), yet they are all Muslims but don't practice the faith in that aspect. Islam is not only about praying etc. Everyone at the buffet thought they'll miss out, and they made it true. Kind of like a bad self-fulfilling prophecy. It's not supposed to be an issue, but they literally made it an issue by thinking that everyone else will do that, so they have to. Like the saying goes "When everyone is out for themselves, it's like a bucket with a hole at the bottom – people lose out in the end." Unfortunately it's a bad mentality. Going to non-buffets eliminates that, buffets in Morocco seem hectic. I'm Moroccan and have never gone to one.

  5. ألله الوطن الملك 🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱

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