i got kinda stoned and decided to throw together some egg salad. little too much mayo but there’s some good things going on here.

by callmestinkingwind


  1. TheVerjan

    Yummm I love a good egg or chicken salad. It’s fresh and tasty and yours looks super good. Also Duke’s mayo is the best

  2. bookish_sub

    needs djion, chopped cornichon and maybe one more egg to cut down on the mayo

  3. GoodChuck2

    That’s a very fancy egg salad and it looks fucking amazing!

  4. moologist

    Thank you for showing your process 🙏🏽 looks so good

  5. Diesel07012012

    “Throw together”

    [makes restaurant quality sandwich]

    Bruh 🤤🤤🤤

  6. billyskurp

    I would destroy this lol. digging the step by step and the ingredient layout!!

  7. thibedeauxmarxy

    Looks like you had all the accoutrements.

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