Welcome everybody um tonight we’re really uh blessed to be joined by Stefan basso our accredited practicing dietician um and Stefania is going to be presenting on a on a topic that I think a lot of you will find really helpful and that is nutrition hacks for ADHD um

And really what this is it’s it’s not just about ADHD it’s actually about for people who are busy who don’t have time for meal prep but still want to make nutritious and healthy meals so so s defia thank you so much for for coming tonight and we’re really looking forward

To getting some of your ideas on healthy nutritious meal ideas problem yeah pleasure to be here awesome all right so I’ll share share screen beautiful that’s great perfect that should pop up yep that’s looking great beautiful all right fantastic so um yeah hi everyone Thanks for uh thanks for watching so um

Look today I’ll just be yeah um going through a uh resource that we’ve um yeah we’ve developed in collaboration to sort of nice and succinctly put some information together um yeah in regards to nutrition hacks for for ADHD so I’ll basically be going um yeah through the

Resource um and speaking to it um I believe Katherine if I’m not mistaken this will be available um in some capacity um it certainly is it’s already in our in our membership portal so um you can refer back to this resource um yeah in the future perfect all right

Fantastic so I’ll just scroll on through I apologize it is a um a PDF document so it’s not as um fancy going through as a PowerPoint um beautiful so um yeah look as exactly as as you mentioned Kath as well this does have a bit of a yeah

Overtone for ADHD but absolutely those just with the busier lifestyle that are just looking for quick and easy um sort of Solutions in the kitchen I think will take away a lot yeah from from this as well but yeah as I mentioned I’ll be speaking a little bit more to to um ADHD

So yeah um so basically just as a little bit of a introduction um if you have been diagnosed or are in the diagnosis um yeah process or even just have an inkling that this might be a diagnosis um for you so ADHD is um yeah basically a mental health condition that can make

Um yeah weight management and it generally you know following a a healthy diet um a little bit more challenging um than others so as a general overview um one of the sort of um yeah I suppose things that do come with ADHD is impulsivity so it’s and I will mention

As well this is again very much a generalization everybody’s um yeah sort of experience with ADHD is a little bit different but like I said it’s just more of an overarching so we find with impulsivity um it has a lot to do with um basically yeah the the brain’s um

Chemistry so I’ll read off um basically what I’ve written here and then I’ll I’ll follow on um with a little bit more um information but basically hunger and dopamine are essential elements for our physiological and psychological makeup and hunger s signals our body’s need for sustenance and it’s usually triggered by

Low energy levels um on the other hand dopamine is a neurotransmitter which is associated with um pleasure and reward in the brain so in those that do have ADHD the interaction between hunger and dopamine can be quite unique because hunger signals our body’s um need for energy while dopamine enhances um the

Pleasure so those with ADHD they you might um experience High tent impulsivity which leads to sort of um dopamine being released through eating especially when you may be bored stressed or just in general you know throughout the day even though you may not be phys physiologically um hungry so

Basically one of the yeah key things that in my consultations um and even um potentially in in the doctor’s consultations as well is actually understanding um hunger cues because that can be quite challenging for those with with ad I suppose your traditional you know sweet and and salty foods um boredom as well so if you’re doing a an activity or you know through through the day where you are not feeling um stimulated in what you are doing your brain is sort of you know scattering looking for other

Things to um yeah get that that dopamine um hit um I suppose that also flows into yeah low stimulation so again if um yeah just you know you’re sitting throughout the day or doing an activity that is very late ABM for you you know your body is screaming for that hit of dopamine

And that’s where you know the food can sort of come in and um address that for us and I supp lastly knowing within your you know within yourself that you’re using food um yeah to to stay motivated so using it as a bit of a a reward so I

Know that you know definitely um you know um translates out to other circumstances but it’s um yeah again quite prevalent in in those with ADHD so might just um ask you a few questions around that because I’m reflecting on um so if we understand a little bit more about ADHD um you know

It’s a neurodiverse condition it’s a condition where there’s a lack of dopamine and noradrenaline and those neurotransmitters help us with things like initiating tasks with organizing tasks with with having you know uh motivation to kind of get things um started um it helps with concentration with seeing things through and so if you

Think about a typical thing like preparing a meal we’ve got so many elements to that like you know uh getting a recipe finding a recipe that that’s appealing looking through the list of ingredients chopping for those ingredients getting at home preparing the um preparing to cook following that

In that recipe through to completion uh serving the food up um you know all those things actually take there’s quite a few steps in that um many of my patients say that they really struggle with with meal planning with meal organization um with you know just just

Even there’s so much going on in their brain that it’s actually really hard just to think about putting a meal on the table um and let alone a meal that’s healthy so I I think it is a really challenging um challenging situation is that what do you find in that area Steph

For your patients yeah absolutely and um yeah that was yeah defitely it was going to be my yeah sort of following point on on the next um yeah sort of page speaking a little bit more to yeah sort of these additional factors that that come in you know it’s not just um

Recognizing hunger cues exactly as you said um cath it’s you know the all these other things combined as well and um yeah it’s it’s known as sort of executive function so you may hear that sort of term thrown around as suppose in um yeah you know in within your diagnosis or psychiatrist psychologist

You know ourselves we might throw it around but yeah that executive dun um yeah executive function is um yeah um uh impacted and as you said Kath it does yeah it absolutely gets in the way of um yeah planning organization time management so it does absolutely make meal planning consistently you know

Quite a task um so yeah that’s like words in other words don’t you know don’t blame yourself don’t be on and that’s why you know you’ve cleverly put this resource together the job of this resource is to make all that easy so thank you absolutely absolutely

So yeah so this is just a page again yeah to highlight basically what we’ve already sort of um yeah been through um I suppose the other side of it as well to quickly mention is um yeah I suppose the year of ADHD is also undereating as well and and skipping meals and actually

Not getting enough nutrition um as well so that’s the the other side of it and we know that ad HD medication um yeah can lead to that as well so that’s something you know we definitely want to um acknowledge um as well so this is easy

Sort of meals and tips and tricks but also the nutrition side of things you know making sure that yeah you know you’re getting enough nutrition for your body to function as well yeah and I think um part of that is when with ADHD it can be a problem of hyperfocusing so

Really getting engrossed in in some work and getting so engrossed forgetting to eat so one of the things um that we suggest you do is to have regular meal times as a start so you know whether that’s setting an alarm or or working to the clock and

Saying well my meals must be at sort of 812 and and 6 or 81 and 6 whatever that might be so that you are it’s because what happens is if you don’t eat then of course you know when by the time you do eat you’re you’re ravenously hungry and

Really looking for something and it’ll be the quickest and easiest thing that you can get right absolutely yeah y absolutely and it’s I suppose something that we um yeah we call sort of predictive hunger so you know I know out there in the um yeah you know just in

General the health sort of um and weight management sort of world you know there is a lot um out there at the moment you know listening to your hunger and fullness cues and obviously you know that’s an element that we absolutely believe in but um you know it can be a

Challenge um yeah you know with ADHD on top of that obviously we you know um as with Olivia we work with um yeah weight loss medications so um sometimes it can be overriding that and and looking at more predictive hunger so although you may not be particularly

Hungry and if you’ve set an alarm at you know midday you’re not particularly hungry I suppose knowing that if you do skip that meal that you know it’s going to translate to yeah quite intense hunger you know later on so you’re just giving your body you know that nutrition

That energy um you know in the middle of the day to help get you through to to dinner um yeah so that’s another challenge as well yeah and the other thing um that you put down there around the the binge eating so um there’s good evidence to suggest that um patients who

Living with ADHD often um have uh an element of binge eating or or vice versa patients who’ve got um binge eating disorder um can have ADHD and that’s because these two conditions actually have a common pathway uh they both are conditions where there’s a lack of neur adrenaline and dopamine those

Neurotransmitters that help with impulse control um you know if you think about binge eating sometimes there can be you know looking for food for stimulation for reward um difficulty in kind of controlling those impulses and and you know eating to the point of feeling overfall even to the point of feeling

Sick so um so if you’ve got ADHD and you have um disordered eating or you have difficulty controlling food again You’re Not Alone um and have a chat to your GP about that because um you know we want to sort of manage those two things together um and if the first step is

Identifying that um and there’s some screening tools that we can do to have a look at that and then it’s getting on with addressing both ADHD and bingjing together yeah absolutely yep yep beautiful all right so yeah so I suppose yeah well you know we’ve spoken yeah a

Bit about the background I suppose now it’s um yeah time to get into the sort of nitty-gritty um yeah side of things so I suppose yeah look the the key message is is keeping it it simple um one thing and look this is definitely just more of a a personal um anecdote

Having yeah spoken to many clients that that um do have adhd’s um you know that sort of um we coin it sort of that Health you know um Health Halo where you know Health has to look a certain way and I know the way it’s presented you know through social

Media is that sort of classic um sort of uh photo of meal preparation where everyone’s got their you know their snacks so neatly lined together you know their pieces of fruit and um you know all their meal prep done for the week um and that’s you know we sort of um ha

That as as Perfection and something to strive for but I think you know within ADHD is just um yeah acknowledging that you know Perfection not that we aim for Perfection but your sort of consistency it’s going to look different every day um and not to aim for that yeah that

Level of perfectionism because yeah it’s um not something that we aim for anyway but um I know it can be quite I’m relieved I’m relieved because it’s very messy at my house and and there’s around my food yeah absolutely it kind of set you up for that feeling of

Failure can’t if you look at those absolutely my lunch boxes should look like that or my kids um should be perfect so we say progress over Perfection making progress in the direction of good health that’s better than aiming for Perfection that’s it absolutely beautiful so yeah so um the

Way that we you sort of broken it down is um yeah getting really really into the Practical side of things so um and this has just sort of been cumulated by um yeah conversations um I’ve had with um clients yeah with with ADHD and just yeah generally just looking at um at

Other resources what’s out there and sort of yeah coming together and creating this resource so um basically as a bit of an overview what you’ll what we’ll go through is um yeah just ways to really simplify um your space um in in the kitchen as well and the way that we

Look at meal meal prepping so so first thing that we’ll go through is just sort of um kitchen ingredients Staples so just your stock standed ingredients that are Bas that are basic um ingredients for most um recipes um likewise with kitchen um utensil and and Tool Staples

So again just you know being stocked with all these tools that will make meal preparation um a little bit easier for you um we’ll go through just some general meal planning tips um and then the biggest part of of this particular resource is quick and easy meal ideas

That basically you can throw together in less than 30 minutes and they’re designed specifically around um yeah Supermarket options so um before we get into it but just as an idea you know just a bit of microwavable rice and tuna so some along those lines but we’ll get

Into it a little bit more um I know um you know again with those Basics what can make um things a little bit more interesting especially you know giving us that little bit of dopamine is is making the food obviously quite palatable so um as a part part of this

I’ve just added in some lower calorie um condiments so really handy you know if you’ve got just a a base of you know again if we use you know tuna and rice you can easily add some condiments in there just to you know change up the

Flavor from day to day and make it a little bit more interesting and then lastly one thing that yeah we speak about quite um commonly is um the great thing with yeah Supermarket sort of pre-prepared meals you know they’ve come a very very long way um I think just in

General a lot of people you know depend on them because of their busy you know Lifestyles but they’re there they’re there for convenience and at the same time you know um obviously the demand for these meals to be you know nutritious um has been listened um

Listened to so I know there’s you know initially when they came out obviously they were quite high in salt they didn’t really take you know vegetables into consideration because they weren’t the easiest thing to um to add to these meals so it was easier for them just to

Um to yeah to leave them out but yeah as I’m sure you’ve all you know stepped into a supermarket and yeah they’re they’re um great options at the moment as well beautiful all right so so basically yeah so as um yeah as do um yeah I was gonna say call you Dr

Katherine you call me anything you like St um so yeah this is absolutely available on on the website but um so yeah very obviously very printable something that you can sort of bring to the um Supermarket with you um or even you know I was going to say a great

Thing is just to yeah go online online and um yeah you know place an order through um through your um preferred Supermarket but yeah I going through some Pantry ideas so basically just having an an oil for cooking vinegar for you know salad dressings um soy sauce

You know comes into things um a lot as well you know salt pepper um stock powder as well so a lot of recipes you know call for stock um but I find myself I don’t actually use the entire sort of bottle of of the you know pre-made

Liquid stock so I end up throwing a lot of it out so that’s where um yeah stock powder comes in handy it’s quite shelf stable and you can you know use it as you go um as well so just reduces wastage um again likewise with garlic

And onion powder so they can be used really interchangeably instead of using um yeah sort of fresh onion or fresh garlic um obviously if we don’t use them in time you know again something that you know they’re perishable go off we end up throwing them out where obviously

You know your onion and garlic powders are yeah really um shelf stable um likewise with chili flakes obviously if you like a little bit of spice likewise with um paprika um again likewise going for dried herbs as opposed to Fresh so um you know when you go and buy some

Herbs you know you get you know quite a decent amount of it and all you really need is one sprig so again you end up throwing you know a decent amount out so going for your dried options are usually um yeah usually best there in regards to

Wastage um canned tomato are really good for a lot of a lot of bases again uh likewise with sort of your canned tuna salmon that’s also with you know beans canned veggies um for example so again really shelf stable um reduces wastage microwavable rice and then yeah breads

Wrap pasta rolled oats those type of carbohydrates are usually great um sort of bases to add yeah you know add onto meals and then yeah and then likewise more of your options just to have in sort of the fridge and and free up so um

Greek yogurt so great to have as a snack uh for breakfast even just to use um as a dressing as well so yogurts quite quite versatile um eggs again I know we you know we usually talk about eggs traditionally for um for breakfast but really great to make like a zucchini

Slice or just have you know eggs on toast for for dinner um so eggs are quite versatile as well likewise with cheese um and then again going for more of those perishable um Foods looking for options that are a little bit more sort of yeah freezer stable I for so um

Minced garlic that you can get in sort of a squeezable um yeah little squeezable container there’s lots of other herbs and spices that come in that option as well um or yeah your Frozen um frozen veggies um you can now get frozen diced onion as well which is obviously a

Base for a lot of recipes so saving yourself having to cut through an on onion yourself and again that wastage um you can take out what you need and it’s done for you um frozen fruit again great addition to for breakfast into smoothies and likewise with Potentially really specific things you may not have for a recipe but you’ve got most of the things there at home ready to go yeah beautiful so perfect so yeah next um next little site oh sorry I have the little wheel of of Doom there that I

Call it when it’s loading um so yeah so these are um yeah kitchen Staples so look definitely understand with a few of these options you know it does come down to you know to budget also you know space um within the kitchen um as well um so definitely keeping that in mind

Mind but generally speaking these have been yeah quite quite helpful tools so um I know obviously a lot of us jumped on the air fryer bandwagon um for the exact reason you know but it did make things a lot easier um and it’s a nice

Sort of you know set and forget you know it’s it’s they’re so user friendly um you can set the time the temperature so you can put something in there walk away I know you know I’ve made things multiple times forgot to turn off the oven and you have um charcoal chips for dinner

So dark is one of my specialties likewise if I’m yeah if I’m not paying attention or you know set of timer on my phone and I know you know ovens can be quite complex to um to use they’re very um more traditional um ovens so yeah air frers have you know

Been a bit of a a game changer and you know to on top of that as well you know because of um you know the brilliant um Engineers that have come up with it um not you know definitely reduces the amount of oil needed to get that sort of

Crispy you know sort of um yeah b or um yeah um vegetable um texture that we’re after so from a health perspective really handy as well because um yeah need significantly less um oil to get the same effect as yeah potentially deep frying so um yeah so air frers are

Fantastic you know there’s air fryer cookbooks out there now um and you’ll probably notice um and some of the examples will be um mentioned later on but there’s in the supermarket there’s yeah B basically things that are ready to go in the air fryer so you know you

Pre crumbed sort of protein options um yeah basically designed for the air fryer so um yeah and the great things is most things are done within sort of 15 minutes um again if you yeah you know you sort of have something to do for half an hour if you go back you still

Have your you know your uh whatever you’ve cooked won’t be um inedible um obviously it turns off by itself so it’s really really helpful um and really great for leftovers as well so you know one um I know just generally speaking people are a bit adverse to leftovers

Because they’re soggy the next day or don’t have the the best texture air fryer um sort of helps solve that as well because it yeah helps get things back to its um yeah form of Glory so um air fryers are great in in that respect um to make things even easier for

Yourself um yeah there’s these great you can just get these silicon inserts um yeah bit of a Google you can find them online or um in most homeor stores um but they these make it even easier so some sometimes cleaning the um yeah the basket of the um air fryer can be quite

Laborsome um as well and just a whole task within itself whereas yeah if um just putting those silicon sort of um um inserts in obviously take it out shuck it in the washing ma um the washing machine my goodness well you can if you want the dishwasher is what I was meant

To say um yeah and you basically yeah you’ve cleaned um you know your air fryer without having to get yeah you know right into it basically yeah so that’s one tool a second thing that I found it to be a game changer is a mandolin slicer so um you know no one

Part of meal preparation is just what goes into sort of chopping and cutting you know your your fruits and and veggies something like this can yeah um almost half quarter the time you spend um doing that so um obviously there’s all different types of slices available

That as you can see they come with a lot of different um attachments um as well depending on what you’re after but even the most basic you know U Mand slicer will do your you know your thin slicing you know your chopping um as well so

Yeah this one’s a a game changer saves yeah a a lot of time so um yeah you can do an onion in a minute and I know I spend a lot of time with you know the tears as well so um this can to be really really helpful um beautiful and

This one might be a bit sort of um yeah left of center but um I suppose what um I found it in conversation is actually the type of cookware that you use can be um yeah quite um a factor in deciding whether you are going to create a meal

So funnily enough you know the the weight or the difficulty in regards to sort of cleaning particular um yeah sort of utensils can play into it so I had one client who yeah you know at home um used a lot of ceramic which was quite heavy cleaning it was quite laborsome

Because yeah it you know required a degree of of strength um she Yeah by happens dance found a stainless steel bowl and she found that yeah she was much more likely to yeah cook and she found it less laborsome because again something like that you can just easily

Rinse it off um a lot lighter easier to maneuver so she found you know just that you know that slight difference of effort perceived effort you know made a big difference so sometimes it can just be changing yeah the the utensil so two um examples are yeah just going for sort

Of your more lightweight options um and yeah usually it tends to be going for something silicon so that goes for you know the um inserts above again something that you can just Chuck in the dishwasher non-stick um so easier to M maintain as well so yeah there’s some

Options to look into as well to make your life a little bit easier beautiful so perfect so the next um yeah next one that we’ll go through um continues on with the kitchen stapes so this is more of um yeah sort of um yeah your meal

Preparation and storage so um um yeah so one thing that we find um is quite common in those with ADHD is um yeah object permanence so basically it’s um yeah this phenomena where if something’s hidden in the back of a pantry or um or fridge we we forget all together that we

Have it it’s not until we do you know we get a little burst of motivation that we um start cleaning and we’re like oh I didn’t know I had that in the um in the um in the pantry or in the um in the fridge and unfortunately you know it

Probably gets to the point where it’s well in truly past it’s used by date so usually um you know some sort of um organization can be quite helpful to make everything um quite visible or to the Forefront of your um yeah pantry and and uh fridge so I’ll skip I’ll just say

Too you can hack that as well because you know permanence you can equally put the things that you know maybe the treat foods that you don’t really want to com often towards away from that line of absolutely ABS bottom shelf of the pantry if it was me I’d still know that it’s there

But and another one of our doctors talked about um having a a basket in the fridge which is just called use this first so you know the the veggies that are um you know close to getting by the Ed by date um they might just go in the

Use this first basket at the at the front so yeah all those ideas just help to keep those you know fresh things front and center um and the S high D C dense foods away from line of sight yeah absolutely absolutely and another thing we find as well you know I suppose you

Know all these uh brands of foods obviously they want to be quite eye-catching and have you know really um lovely lovely sorry um yeah um designs when you put it all in your pantry it’s so overwhelming and you don’t know what’s what so sometimes taking that

Noise away and empting it in just a plain container sort of helps yeah just simplify um just what you’re what you’re looking at and it just helps your brain organize um as well yeah and on top of that as well sometimes you know I think I know there’s um yeah a couple of

Videos I’ve watched of um people going through wondering why certain foods are packaged a certain way because they just don’t make sense or they’re really inconvenient um one of them is a flower packet where you know you open it and you lose half the flower as soon as as

Soon as you open it creating a bit of a mess so again putting that more in a user friendly you know container you know you know it’s going to reduce the mess make it a little bit easier to to manage in general so that’s where these

Yeah um clear sort of pantry um storage containers can come in handy and again obviously doing a little bit of a label will be quite helpful so it’s sometimes hard to tell the difference between uh sugar and salt if you’re not paying attention so that’s obviously where the

The labels come in there as well um beautiful so we’ve also yeah got food um food storage containers um as well so that goes into yeah I suppose you know if you are doing meal meal preparation or simply just have you know leftovers um even looking for um transferable um

Uh options so even something that’s more glass or sort of microwave friendly so when you’re sort of packing up dinner for the night putting it into a glass container and then you’ve got lunch ready to go for the next day um without having to double up on on cleaning and

And transferring from another um container yeah from one container to another so you know that’s great I love that idea and it’s what I do frequently as well is yeah the leftovers are fantastic you’ve already gone to the effort of making the meal yes my dogs

Are wanting to say hi as well and and then you’ve got that leftover is already done for the next day and I think you spoke of this when you spoke to us as doctors you know meal prep is if you’re preparing one meal why why not prepare

Two or three like you’re already in the act of Act of it um so yeah um increase the volume make yourself some leftovers pop them away in one of those freezer um containers and and then you’re good to go um the other thing we were discussing

Today at lunchtime was um and I know you haven’t got on there yet was the slow cooker idea and there’s um someone was talking about how they if they’re doing some meal prep they’ll chop up all their carrots they’ll chop up their their green beans their onion their chicken

Their tomato sauce pop it all in like a big Ziploc bag store them in the freezer and then it’s like bang okay there’s my slow cooking meal Chuck it in at the start of the day done ready to go so pulling those out can be to me you know we’re filling containers

Of of foods that we’ve purchased um to go into the pantry we have a little bit of overflow so you know those are great just to um yeah to use to use first as well so yeah and then likewise yeah look reusable Lids so I know um yeah

Definitely my Tupperware um Draw slash um I was going to say yeah SL cupboard SL wherever I can fit them um is very disorganized and I you know we all lose um yeah Tupperware Lids or can’t find you know we don’t put them back where

They’re meant to be and it becomes a big um yeah a bit stressful so um yeah people have mentioned these reusable Lids have been really handy you can get them in lots of different sizes but yeah obviously they um and and shapes as well they’re not they not just come in a

Circle shape but really versatile so you’re not there sort of having to yeah struggle to find the right lid if um yeah if you don’t have it lost it then that pops over something quite nicely or even just a again if you’ve used a stainless steel bowl and you’re like you

Know what I don’t want to put this in in another container again just Chuck on um the reusable lid if you know you’re going to have it the day before or later on y so again it saves um yeah extra cleaning beautiful so all right so that

Pretty much yeah covers the sort of um uh more physical side of it this is more of the art side of it so meal preparation and and recipes so perfect so look I haven’t done this in um you know any particular order um and it’s

Not to say that you have to do these all at once either these are just just some ideas and again you know consistency can just be doing one of these things uh frequently it doesn’t have to be that that picture of of perfection by any

Means so um yeah first thing I find that I go through in my consultations is I suppose that overwhelm of you know trying to find um recipes so um I know you know looking at um recipes online you know before they get to the actual

Recipe they do have to tell you you know their life story of how their grandpa grew up on a farm and you know I know for those with ADHD reading long long paragraphs is not not our Pho by any means um so um yeah you know usually just finding some some great recipes

That sort of just get straight to it can help again reduce all all the noise so that’s where you know um myself you know we come in and sort of help with um yeah you know uh recipe books that we recommend obviously you know we are in

In the space of of weight loss and weight management so we tend to look for more of those you know calorie friendly um um nutritious meals and just an example I’ve I’ve used is the yeah the CSI cookbook so the great thing and this is just one example of many but um the

Great thing we find with these is um yeah they’re australian-based um so their yeah recipes are yeah so the ingredients sorry are easy to find and genuinely they they take you know maximum about of of 30 minutes on top of that as well obviously you know if you’re part of the membership program

We’ve got the our recipes online as well so yeah we’ve got yeah a few there that should um give you some yeah some inspiration there as well I know yeah Kath if you were going to jump in yeah you could actually um with the recipes there you can search by you know

Breakfast lunch and dinner you can look recipe that’s got chicken in it un let say you know you’ve got you know chicken Tomatoes you can throw that into the search bar and and find the right recipe um there’s yeah um around 200 recipes in there for a bit of inspiration um our

Diet as well if you’re seeing them then they actually put together some specific meal plans if you’d find that um helpful with with recipes and shopping list so it kind of takes that thinking out of you and then you can just kind of plug that into your online um you know

Ordering and get that food delivered home um so that we’ve tried to do those things to take the thinking out for you but often you know it might be that you are just incorporating you know like you popped in there one or or two recipes per week perhaps where you might have a

Really a good staple of things that you’re familiar with because wholesale changes are often hard so it might be focusing on I’m going to introduce one or two new recipes to my repertoire and you might do that each week until you’ve got you know some really um Nutri

Nutritious and healthy meals um and you you’ve changed the focus of what you’re eating um yeah so preventing overwhelm start with one or two things and then gradually build up over time is often helpful as well absolutely yeah absolutely and you know I suppose the the say is you know room definitely

Wasn’t wasn’t built in a day so we’re definitely doing it you know Brick by Brick um absolutely so yeah you know it can be as simple exactly as you said just starting with one new recipe you know per week keeping everything else the same and then before you know it

Yeah your your repertoire has expanded and you’re yeah you’re feeling a lot more confident um in in the kitchen as well so yeah so finding recipes um whatever yeah however you know that that looks um for you um secondly is using um yeah I I say sort of a magnetic um meal

Planner um I say that because I suppose you know writing it down again if it’s in a book close it lost forever we rarely go back to it so um yeah having a sort of meal plan that’s sort of stuck on um on a fridge even just to jot down

You know it can be really basic ideas so it does again you know like the recipes it doesn’t have to be a complete week um that’s been planned and mapped out um it’s just you know chucking on some ideas just to give even the week some

Some sort of structure and and flow um I suppose another benefit with having the meal um yeah meal plan sort of visible is to also help with um yeah depending you know who you live with whether it be family um housemates for example but getting everyone else on board as well

So um I know you know I speak to a lot of mothers and um again um more of a generalization but tend to be responsible for you know making the the home meals and the onus and responsibility is mainly you know on them and they find it quite overwhelming

Um so it’s sometimes you know putting the plan on the board if there’s you know um sort of teen older teenage adult children even you know significant other or housemates as I mentioned um you know they can get on board and maybe do you know some of the meal prep um or just

Share the load as well so if there’s that communal plan um it can be really yeah helpful to take the hus off a particular person who may be responsible for the yeah the entire family or household so and we have got a little meal plan um downloadable as well so if

You prefer to dot it down on a piece of paper stick on the fridge we’ve got a little know map out a Monday through Sunday you know breakfast lunch and dinner um and then that way you’ve just got a bit of a framework of of what you

Intend to um eat for the week there’s a little bit of structure if you can’t cook then somebody else can kind of jump in as well and um yeah it just helps to organize thoughts and give everyone a bit of clarity around what’s happening this week yeah absolutely and look that

Can be definitely you know challenging to sort of delegate tasks um yeah when you’ve got ideas obviously in in your head and you know the way that you know I suppose you plan things out but um yeah with a bit of bit of practice it does yeah again again it becomes a

Little bit easier um youtiful and then um yeah lastly is online grocery shopping as opposed to yet physically going to um supermarkets so I suppose um yeah sort of two Hallmark things uh with ADHD is yeah the sort of decision overwhelm um sort of walking in you know especially

Not going in with with a plan it can be you know really overwhelming and many clients have mentioned to me they walk in and straight away walk out because it’s um yeah you know it’s just um too too much so online obviously you’re in a more comfortable um environment you know

There’s no pressure you’re not trolling down you know the aisles um so usually online shopping is a little bit more relaxing um and then the other part of it as well is that impulsivity so um you know seeing something that sort of catches your eye and it sort of yeah

Finds its way in in your basket um but also yeah you know tending to if you haven’t gone in with the a list you know forgetting a very um yeah you know important ingredient which can be quite frustrating so the great thing with online shopping is it does sort of help

Keep you on the on the straight and narrow um for the most part definitely less overwhelming and yeah you know reviewing you know your cart before you you purchase as well so if there’s anything that you missed obviously you can go back and um yeah and and put it

In and obviously you know shopping online it makes it a little bit easier to yeah from a visual perspective um yeah to organize yeah the thoughts around it so we find that online grocery shopping is is really helpful as well beautiful so perfect so now I think yeah we get

Into some yeah some ideas um so it is um excuse the title page um so we sort of start off with um uh yeah I suppose breakfast ideas the way that this has been um created is um yeah sort of separating the yeah the particular Foods

Into as you can see protein vegetables I suppose I should maybe should have done that more as sort of like um your your fiber but um I suppose lots of different foods contain lots of diff different things so they sort of do mesh into a few different categories I’ve tried to

Make it as um I suppose succinct as as possible and then in that yes at of last com column so you have your carbohydrates and any extras um that yeah just sort of H um help tie the recipe um together so um yeah one one thing that um yeah um Katherine told me

It reminded me was that yeah this is obviously not an extensive um yeah um or exhaustive list of you know products that are available and obviously combinations of different products you can put together it’s more just to get their creative juices um sort of flowing and obviously adapt them to your

Preference you know obviously everyone is is so different um with the the particular brands that um have been used here they tend to be more of um yeah the sort of uh yeah calor conscious um um options of yeah for example you know um the yogurt option there with the chbani

So generally speaking it tends to be a lower fat lower sugar yogurt compared to some others on the market so the options there are um yeah more of your calorie friendly higher protein um options but again you know they’re not the only brand that exists that do those um yeah

That do these um these things so you’re more than welcome to find um alternative Brands so beautiful so yeah start off with with rcky so you’ve got you know I suppose just um yeah just a single pot of your yogurt um to make it a little bit more interesting that’s where you

Can um yeah sort of add a tablespoon or two of um yeah some musely on top for a bit of crunch um likewise with a bit of Wee pigs and then top that up with a bit of fruit so um with this as well I haven’t added um you know the nutrient

Breakdown because everybody’s needs are so unique so that’s where I suppose you um yeah a consultation may be handy you if you’re really liking these these ideas but unsure of um yeah sort of what your calorie goals are or your protein goals are we can obviously go into this

In a bit of detail and really break it down um but yeah the great thing is with these as well you know they’re mainly Supermarket options so the nutrition panel is quite um yeah is there and yeah can be easy to sort of get workout in

Your mind as well if you know roughly what you’re looking for beautiful so perfect then we’ve got um yeah look eggs with a bit of cheese um some veggies on a slice of two of of toast um eggs very versatile so you know you can make yourself an

Omelette you know scrambled eggs um again you know if you’ve got some time during the start of the week you can sort of you know pre um yeah pre- chop some mushrooms capsican and spinach and Chuck it in a bag so you’ve got that in

There ready ready to go but um yeah just with a bit of a fry pan mix that all together cook it for a couple minutes H toast a bit of yeah a slice of toast and you’ve got a really well balanced meal um there the great thing with um yeah

Eggs on on toast not only you know for breakfast great lunch great dinner option as well so um there’s an option um and then going from you can can I interrupt for a moment um I’ll just remind you and this might sort of bump off your screen sharing for a moment um

But I just remind you in the um members area we have one of my favorite breakfasts I think if you’re looking for something quick and easy um is those little breakfast muffins or um because you know those little egg muffins you can just um make them up in batches they’re high

In protein you can throw in whatever kind of um condiments you want there whether it’s going to be you know some tomato ham and cheese and a bit of onion or it might be some you know chicken and asparagus or or or other different sort of protein and veggy combinations in

There when you make them up in big batches that you they can just be frozen chucked in the freezer you pull out one or two in for your breakfast and they’re really good for on the go as well yep absolutely yeah all right back to you beautiful all right so

Perfect okay beautiful is that yeah back on on screen yeah fantastic beautiful so yeah so other breakfast um ideas as well is yeah again going down the more convenience route um I suppose you up and go um RAB Farms do a protein smoothie as well so I suppose both of

Them are are marketed as sort of a a breakfast smoothie um but they’re yeah quite high high in protein great for on the go um and then yeah look pairing that if if you feel with a piece of fruit as well just for some um extra

Fiber that these can be quite a little bit low low in so great yeah sort of grab grab and go option there then we’ve got um yeah I suppose a bit of um so this can be interpreted in many ways so you can use these ingredients here to to

Make a smoothie otherwise you know something like um overnight oats um as well so um again and these can be meal meal prepped um as well so the great thing with overnight oats you can make a batch they last in the fridge for about

Um 3 to 4 days so you can make your 3 to four serves um yeah place it in a larger yeah a larger container and just take you know a quarter out every time or you can you know put them in sort of smaller containers as well um takes about Yeah

Couple minutes all you need to do is mix the ingredients together pour them in your container and set it in the fridge and then the next day you’ve got your or you’ve got breakfast you know for 4 days in in a row and the great thing is you

Know even if you just wanted to make the plain base with um your milk yogurt and roll dos that’s when you can be playful with um what you put on top you know change the fruit if you change the nuts change you know the the um toppings if

You want to put a little bit of um sugar-free syrup or bit of peanut butter for example so yeah really really versatile as well and with then again there’s a nice bir recipe in the membership area as well for a bit of inspiration yes absolutely I was going

To say that gives you the more yeah suppose the measurements that go into it beautiful that’s great um a going on from that um I I’ve just seen these myself so particularly the car brand so they’re um pre-made um overnight oats so all you need to do to this is either add

Water or milk and Chuck it in the fridge so it’s got as you can see that one’s a cacao and hazelnut flavor they’ve got a lot of other flavors as well so that’s an even easier option as uh what we’ve just just discussed um otherwise yeah um again

Likewise with um as we were speaking with the pre-prepared meals musly bars have also come a long way as well so you know there’s no um no doubt that they’re you know really convenient option for some nutrition so um yeah you know now there’s a lot out there um that have

Tried to be a little bit more calorie friendly tried to you know um look at lower sugar um uh what’s the word um methods I suppose of of making them and also yeah putting in a little bit more fiber as well so these are again just

Two brands that tend to be on the lower calorie side of things um higher protein and again um yeah you know pairing pairing that with a bit of fruit just from for some extra um fiber and sustenance as well um here we’ve got some um I suppose This lends itself more

To a um a smoothie so again a bit of yogurt milk U whatever you know whatever milk takes you know takes your fancy um and again just playing around with some seeds to make it easier for yourself using that this is where the frozen fruit comes in handy or even sort of um

Yeah uh tinned uh tin fruit as well so again you know lasts for a very long time in in the freezer um very low wastage and yeah you know you can change it up you know you don’t you’re not forced to have mango every day you know

For um you know for the week you know you can get sort of frozen berries so you know one day have berries one day have you know your Frozen mango for example so it makes things quite um versatile Beau this is also something new I came came across so um yeah um

High protein sort of pancake mix so I know um uh in in general they’ve been around for a really long time but they haven’t been um in supermarkets it’s usually been in a sort of a health food store um offering but now yeah the greens brand is available and you can just pick

That up from the supermarket so again adding a bit of um bit of milk and then yeah top topping that with I’ve just put here some um sugar-free maple syrup but again you know um whatever sort of topping you like but yeah takes a couple

Of minutes to to cook a couple of those up as well again you don’t have to use the entire um yeah batter you can you know have it um if you just wanted to make your yourself some um yeah you know a single serve or the great thing is you

Can sort of pre-prepare um yeah pancakes as well put those in in the fridge um and heat heat reheat those beautiful so then yeah look I suppose we get more to um yeah more of your sort of more bulkier meal so more traditional sort of

Um yeah lunch lunch and dinners so um a lot of these as I mentioned will center around sort of your your ready to go Supermarket options so and as you probably see here a lot of salad kits um come into the mix so they’re fantastic and um yeah there’s such a large variety

So I know it’ll keep um yeah keep you interested for for quite a a long time it’s hard to get sick of them with how many are available at the moment um beautiful but yeah so I suppose first cab off the ranky you’ve got a bit of um

Yeah salmon so I know people love salmon but they’re a bit unsure as to how to cook it so um you know they tend to not have it because of that so now there’s some sort of pre-cooked options that again just need to be whacked into the

Um the air the microwave that could be paired really nicely um and made into a bit of a I suppose like a a bowl with a bit of brown rice and some yeah some Co SLO and down the bottom again you know there’s some condiments you can add to

That so um you know for example some lowfat you know mayonnaise vit of sriracha or even um yeah um some other like soy sauce for example that will help tie that um quite nicely together um again I know many people are fans of yeah sort of um crackers and you know

Various toppings they can be an absolutely you know great option as well so um we tend to yeah lean towards more of those multigrain um more sort of seated crackers just because they are they tend to be higher fiber higher protein um a bit more nutritious as

Opposed to um yeah I suppose more of your planer options um as well so a little bit more satiating and again you know just adding whatever type of of Veggie you like on top of that with yeah again a bit of tuna cheese you can use cottage cheese cream cheese so really

Really versatile and I know um yeah on the vwe um website they’ve actually got a few really interesting recipes on there as well um yeah that are quite quite creative and sort of concoctions I never thought of putting together so yeah that can be quite interesting as

Well um beautiful then I suppose yeah you’ve got um I was going to say with fried Rices now they’re not just your plain um yeah sort of fried rice um yeah uh sorry microwaveable rice is what I was meant to say there but um yeah Ben’s

Original is sort of one one that comes to the Forefront of my mind where they’ve got you know coconut rice they do have their own fried rice Mexican rice um that’s sort of pre-f flavored for you and again just simply um yeah Chuck into the the microwave and got

Yourself a really nice base and then topping that with you basically whatever you feel um would suit but yeah usually you know a 10 of um fish goes nicely with that with a bit of avocado and um yeah sort of making yourself like an open um uh sushi roll um I’ve seen that

Float around and know um if out there like me you know get a bit of inspiration on Tik Tok so that’s sort of popped up in the past and it’s quite tasty you know beautiful so I know we tend to shy away from yeah sandwiches and wraps but to be honest there’re you

Know for the most part they’re a fantastic option um and again for the most part quite easy to to throw together here we’ve got I suppose a bit more of a um you know more of a burger option but again it um what makes a huge

Difference is um with the the mints used you know going for an extra lean mints as opposed to a fatty a mins and there can be a significant change in the um the protein and the calorie content just by making that change as well but the

Great thing with them is you can load it up with veggies and again use a you know a seated roll um to make a really well balanced meal beautiful and then um yeah so again with with your protein using sort of yeah pre-marinated um yeah options so obviously Supermarket options you know

Butchers are great for that as well you know they they get quite creative with their marinades so you know they’re all ready to go all they need is a little bit of cooking and again really versatile so um yeah and here we go I

Was going to say this is one of the air fryer options I was speaking about before so these are Moroccan spice sweet potatoes so again pre-f flavored for you quite interesting and all you need to do is just yeah simply Chuck it in the um

Yeah in the air fryer and then yeah for a bit of um fiber and veg just to add um yeah again another salad kit next one is a little bit of a um yeah a stir fry so again um yeah you know you can get sort

Of pre preut um beef beef strips even chicken you can get you know tenderloin or diced chicken ready to go um likewise with um so with the ve veggies you can get um obviously you know Frozen veggie stir fry mixers but now they’ve got them

In just the fridge section as well so um yeah so that’s an option you know if you’re making you know um stir fry within the week or that night that’s a yeah great option if you’re going to use the veggies straight away um yeah and then basically yeah just going for a

Marinade that’s been yeah pre-made um with a bit of noodles and yeah You’ definitely got yourself a meal there within less than 30 minutes um everybody love well I say that very very generalized but most people love a good fish and chip um and even any you know you’re quite impartial

To to fish um yeah people do lean towards a nice battered fish so again um there’s some great options there um and some of them are you know lightly battered so that again they are a little bit more calorie friendly and because um yeah I suppose going through an air fry

You’re not needing to deep fry them um these are also great in the oven as well so there’s some options um also saves you know a lot of time battering fish um or yeah any um protein can be quite time consuming so it’s done for you simply

Put some air fry it um some chips in the air fry or oven and again another salad kit and you’ve got yourself yeah sort of fish and chip for yeah hot Friday night for example um another one that people I love this one but Nitros um I know um it

Seems yeah somewhat a little bit silly but again it’s a quite a um a well-rounded meal and you can um I suppose if you’re being mindful of you know carbohydrates per se you can simply take out you know the corn chips and just make a yeah a nacho Bowl um or

Simply swap it out for a bit of um rice cauliflower rice as yeah Kath was saying before but um for that step we use bit of mountain bread um slice the diagonal into triangles spray with a little bit of olive oil pop it in the oven they

Crisp up nicely into some healthy corns yeah absolutely yeah yep absolutely so and then yeah obviously you know you can um yeah I suppose increase the difficulty by making the you know guacamole yourself and um pre-cutting you know all the um the ingredients are going into the mince mixture but again

The great thing is you can find lots of pre-made um yeah Sizzle sauces um yeah spices and as you can see there you know there’s some great guacamole options yeah just in the in the fridge beautiful uh Roose chicken goes a long way I know you know um culturally

We rely quite a lot on a on a good um uh cooked chicken from the supermarket so um again really really versatile so you know um putting it in a wrap sandwich even just a filler for um a salad as well so obviously a very plain option

There with just a yeah bit of um lettuce and cheese and again using a bit of a sauce and you’ve got again a really awesome meal leveling it up a little bit um I’ve just yeah myself seing that um yeah uh the one down the bottom so coal specifically have done yeah basically

Pre-made slow cooked um pork there’s lamb um chicken as well they’ve been pre-marinated um again or you need with these ones you just need to um Chuck it in the oven for 30 minutes um just so it it heats up even but great um yeah addition to make um

Yeah a s Lu if you yeah want to mix things up a little bit um as well um so that’s an option there um yeah dumplings have yeah sort of hit um yeah sort of boomed a little bit so a lot of different um versions at the moment but really calorie friendly

And quite tasty um really easy to make so again air fryer you can do them in the pan or microwave so really really versatile um great source of of protein as well and then yeah again just sort of pairing that with a bit of fiber and um

Yeah if you need a little bit more sustenance that’s where something like a fried rice can sort of um come into the mix as well and then yeah I suppose um yeah pasta so I know we tend to I know pastas you know can be sort of um demonized in

A way but pasture itself can actually be quite a um yeah a good source of of protein it does come down to you know um the the portion but as you can see here there’s um a lot more um high protein pastas available on the market as well so just within themselves they’re

They’re a great source of protein um if you’re wanting to reduce you know the um the carbohydrate content that’s where you can beef up the pasta pardon the P but yeah s of beef up the pasta a little bit more with um yeah you know some

Veggies so throwing in I’ve just put you know some mushrooms in there but adding in you know some yeah some capsicum carrot celery um spinach um so making it you know quite a vegetable heavy pasta but again you know just going for um yeah a simple tomato based um Source

There to bring it all together love those dietician jokes you know I I genuinely did not mean that one yeah and then yeah look lastly I suppose keeping with the um the Italian theme is yeah you know homemade um yeah pizzas as well so um again you know um

On the market there’s a lot of um sort of lower carb higher protein um options definitely not to demonize carbohydrates but I know that’s one thing that we play a lot um play around with um at a levia um yeah so um that’s where it can be

Quite handy to yeah sort of go for those options you’ve got a little bit more protein with the base again you can be as as um inventive as you like but usually yeah as you can see you’ve got you know your pre-made um yeah pre-cooked roast um roast chicken breast

There that’s already been um sort of cut up for you so yeah basically it’s just simply sprinkling all these ingredients on top and whacking it in the oven and again you’ve got a really well balanced meal there as well so that was pretty much exhausted my creativity for all the

Um yeah the supermarket options I’ve I’ve come across but look it’s ever expanding and there’s new products you know popping in every sing you know I be pretty confident to say every single day so like I said this is not exhaustive but it’s just to sort of yeah you know

Get the ideas um flowing as well yeah that’s great yeah so yeah and then look here we’ve just got some yeah lower calorie um sort of condiments that can yeah Elevate any of the options um above so um some of these are more yeah more sort

Of brand um yeah brand specific um as yeah I suppose they’re not all made sort of equally so um yeah these ones tend to be the lower lower calorie options um out there and they yeah as you can see they vary so there’s lots of um yeah

Cuisines and and cultures that have been considered there as well so they Lim themselves quite nicely and then yeah look the last little page um as we mentioned before was yeah you know these pre-prepared meals or even meal delivery um Services um so things like um yeah I

Suppose some of them are the ones down here so be fit foods you can find in sort of selected supermarkets but they’re U mainly online Thrive Chef food macros um again macros are sort of making their way into the supermarket but again um mostly sort of online um

Salara and garden of ve um vegan tend to be more of your plant-based options there so they’re um they’re in there but Stan did you just want to speak to some of those um pre-prepared meals but your favorite ones there have you got any comments about the preferred ones there

Or yeah look I really I was going to say I definitely have my you know my preferences um and to be honest I’m not um I’m not overly um yeah I would say critical I I think I’m pretty open with um yeah with food I tend to it doesn’t

Take a lot to um yeah impress me so I know sometimes I’m not the best um the best judge um but genuinely I yeah you know having conversations with um with people um yeah they’ve mentioned you know they’ve tried and tested some and they’ve just found what’s worked what’s

Worked for them for you know off the top of my head just at you know looking at the screen here I’ve had some people that absolutely love my muscle Chef um and and really don’t like you foods and then the next you know next Cent comes

In vice versa you know they really don’t like my muscle chef but have really loved you food so my genuinely my advice is just to yeah give give some a go um you know go for the ones obviously that’s yeah speak to you or that you you

Know that you know you lean you know lean towards um yeah and just and just go from there so um obviously there’s only yeah x amount available you know in in supermarkets so we tend to find the online options um yeah obviously how um a lot a lot more options from just the

The variety but also tend to cater to particular sort of dietary um preferences or you know intolerances allergies um but they’re also great as well because they’ve got um yeah sort of I suppose packages where um you can yeah just order you know breakfast lunch and dinner plus plus minus snacks that fit

Within you know a calorie goal um and or it can be just as simple as ordering you know uh lunches and dinners for 5 days a week so they’re really um versatile um as well and can be quite handy but yeah otherwise just popping down into the

Supermarket if there’s a few you like just want to have them um for a just in case meal then they again you know um quite easy to have in the fridge or freezer yeah amazing wow so comprehensive um so helpful I love um you know everything

That you’ve done there from you know the the the kitchen and the sort of pantry fridge Essentials to to even the the cooking wear that we use um and meal ideas um to pre-prepared meals what I love about these pre-prepared meals is it’s great if you got like you those

Nights where you just come home and you can’t the cooking and you’re tired you kind of go for your Healthy takea away from the freezer um and it’s not doing any damage and um you know and it’s okay to do that you know is about you know

Just um doing the best that you can with nutrition and um but sometimes the best that you can will be one of these meals rather than you know a takeaway meal so yeah I think it’s great you know it’s great to have all these resources um

Thank you so much stefia U for such a comprehensive and really helpful presentation um tonight um I’m sure that many of our patients will find this really helpful in inspiring them with their um meal ideas um if you do have any questions for stf um or if you’ve

Got something where you think you need some more specific advice feel free to book a time with her um stepania will be offering a um a Q&A if you have any sort of um you know whether you think oh I’ve just got a little question I want to ask

But don’t think I need a consultation she’s going to be available on Fridays between 1 and 2 um starting from April 5ifth of April so yeah make sure you jump on board and uh ask any questions that you might have um but thanks everyone for your attention tonight and

We forward to seeing you next week thanks everyone

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