Like the title says this is my best loaf ever. Any notes for improvement welcome.

900g Bread flour
100g whole wheat flour
650g water
200g starter
20g sea salt

-Mix everything together and continue mixing until dough starts to pull away from the bowl clean
-Let rest 45 mins
– 3 sets of stretch and folds with 45 mins in between
-Bulk ferment total 4.5 hours to a 30% rise (dough was at 82F)
– Laminate, divide and preshape. Bench rest 30 mins
-shape and spritz tops with water and dip into sesame seeds. Place into banneton and let proof on counter for 30 mins. Put into fridge for another 2-3 hours
– Bake at 450F covered for 20 mins and 25-30 mins uncovered (until desired crust colour. Normally I like it darker but sesame seeds go from beautifully toasted to burnt in seconds and I didn't wanna risk it).

by SmilesAndChocolate


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