This tasty artichoke dip is easy to make and is a perfect appetizer for any game day or if your just in the mood for some gooey cheesy goodness. Loaded with pepper jack cheese, mozzarella cheese, parmesan cheese, and spinach, this cheese dip recipe is a must have when watching the basketball tournament and is a great for a snack, lunch, or dinner.
#spinach #spinachdip #appetizer #cheese #dip

Want something cheesy add butter to a Ramin shred Pepper Jack and mozzarella cheese grab butter sauté minced garlic add in spinach cook until wil It season with salt and pepper drain spinach melt butter add UT truck Hearts then drain grab butter add flour cook 2 minutes add

Milk once it thickens add cream cheese grated Parmesan the shredded cheese and cayenne pepper chop veggies add to pan pour in ramkin top with more cheese subscribe if you’re going to make this over this weekend


  1. U BettA gObgURo cuz that'll be dinner for tonight guRo you just got my nails done with this one thas wassupER!!!✌️✌️

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