Best loafs yet! Are they underproofed? Or maybe some shaping issues?
I kinda like not having heaps of big holes but it seems to be what everyone’s going for

50/50 wholemeal/white Flour
75ish% Hydration

by paula_bennett


  1. AlbanElfed

    🙌🏼 Looks good! I also prefer a tighter (but still light) crumb. I like butter and sandwich fixings to stay on my bread, not leak through a bunch of holes!

  2. This is the crumb that I want sometimes. Mine keeps ending up with larger holes.

  3. paula_bennett

    So I this is the recipe I have been using… it’s kind of a work in progress because I’ve been changing small things each time and also not recording things very well 😄

    I feed wholemeal starter night before 2:2:1 (usually been chilling in the fridge for a week) ( my starter doesn’t really seem to care how much I feed it, it will always almost double in size the next morning)

    – [ ] Pour starter into bowl (150ish gram)
    – [ ] Add 700ml water, lightly mix.
    – [ ] Add 500g wholemeal and 500g white flour
    – [ ] Let the dough rest once combined for 30 min
    – [ ] Add a wee handful of salt (2ish Tbs)
    – [ ] Mix well. Stretch and fold 4 times, 30 mins apart.
    – [ ] Half dough and pre-shape, rest for 30 min
    – [ ] Shape and place in form with rice flour
    – [ ] Bench proof for further 30 min
    – [ ] Refrigerate for 20-24 hours
    – [ ] Bake at 250C for 30min in Dutch oven and further 5 min with no lid

  4. autumnmelancholy

    You are using quite a bit of wholemeal, so it’s only natural for your bread to be denser.
    Looks good to me. You could probably push hydration and fermentation a little to get a slightly more aerated product.

    Now, pass me a slice please 🍞

  5. EatTheScrum

    OP, I really like the color scheme of your kitchen space 😀

  6. Suspicious_Ad_6390

    It looks soooo perfect! First loaf I’ve ever suspected AI generated! 🤣🤣

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