Spend a cozy fall day with me catching up about life and making fall recipes!

Apple crisp
6 apples
3-4 tbsp maple syrup or any sweetener of your choice
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1 tbsp cornstarch
crumble topping:
1 cup rolled oats
1/2 tsp cinnamon
2 tbsp maple syrup
1/4 cup creamy almond butter
bake @350 covered for 25 minutes, uncover and bake for another 20 minutes. let it rest for 15 ish minutes before serving.

Pumpkin pudding
2 tbsp hemp seeds
2 tbsp chia
2 tbsp ground flax
1/4 cup cashews
1/2 cup pumpkin puree
5 pittted dates
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup water
1 cup soy milk

butternut mac n cheese sauce-
2 cups butternut squash steamed
1 small red bell pepper steamed
1/3 block of tofu- soft or firm but not extra firm
1/4 cup rolled oats
2 tbsp olive oil
1 clove garlic
2 tbsp nutritional yeast
3/4 tsp salt
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 cup reserved liquid from steaming the butternut or milk of your choice

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Music is from epidemic sound

Hey everyone welcome back to my channel I’m still here at my mom’s house visiting her for a little bit and today I’m going to do a fall meal prep and make us some fall snacks that we can enjoy the first thing I’m going to make

Is a apple crisp I have like 40 apples that I need to use up so let’s make that first let’s just jump right into the Video Do I really have to peel apples for the apple crisp so me and Colin went to Vermont a couple weekends ago and we went to shelburn Orchards and picked two pecs of apples like $40 worth of apples so I really need to make some apple crisps

And I’m just going to wing it with like whatever I have on hand um I have some Oats cinnamon maple syrup from Vermont as well so we’re going to make a little apple crisp I was going to peel these but I feel like the skin is where all

The nutrients are so I don’t really want to peel them Apple picking is one thing I really miss about living on the East Coast it’s such like a nostalgic fall activity like we always used to go apple picking when I was a kid and I’m so glad that this year I got to go apple picking I’m staying at

My mom’s house currently I come here and visit for the summer um and she lives on Cape Cod Massachusetts and it’s so beautiful but she he’s actually moving in like a month and I’m so sad because we absolutely love this house it’s like an amazing location and I will miss it so

Much me and Colin were actually thinking of buying this house because we’ve been wanting to buy a house lately anyways but I don’t know because Cap Cod is still kind of far away from where all my friends and family is we don’t have any like friends or family down here

Full-time so if we live here full time we’d get pretty lonely all of my friends and family are like 2 hours away these apples are so Good by the way but the thing about living at the cape is that Winters are pretty mild like they don’t get where I’m from in

Massachusetts we get like huge amounts of snow but at the cape they don’t really get that much snow like my mom said she never had to shovel once last year like the snow just like doesn’t stick it would be a great opportunity to have a house

Finally and like be closer to my parents so I don’t know I’m stressed you guys let’s see we got some cinnamon I don’t have that many spices here cuz I’m at my mom’s house so cinnamon might be all we have oh look nutmeg okay we got cinnamon and Nutmeg so I’m making this

Healthier apple crisp as I normally do with these recipes um I’m going to use just maple syrup to sweeten it I picked up some maple syrup when I went to the farmers market in Vermont and they seriously have the best maple syrup so I’m going to use some in my apple pie

Filling about 2 to 3 tablespoons you can do less if you don’t want there to be so much sugar in it I’m going to add in a bunch of cinnamon I just kind of eyeball it and a pinch of nutmeg also about a tablespoon of corn

Starch mix these on up you really don’t need that much to make an apple crisp it’s actually really easy pour in our apples then I’m going to mix up the crumble ingredients so I’m using some rolled oats about one cup should be good let’s add in some more

Cinnamon a couple more tablespoons of maple syrup this is the secret ingredient some almond butter mine’s kind of thick so I don’t know if it’s going to be the right texture but if you add in a couple tablespoons of this it makes it super good and you don’t have to use any

Butter okay let’s mix this thick batter you need kind of runny almond butter but you could also just use like regular butter so just spread the crumble on top our healthy apple crumble it’s going to be so good we’re going to cover it with soil and we’re going to bake it at 350

For 25 minutes and then we’re going to take the foil off and bake it for another like 20 to 25 minutes and it goes at 350 Sometimes love is A I made my mom this pumpkin chia seed pudding and she loved it she like kept asking for more and and so I’m going to make her more of that hopefully she’s not sick of it yet I have been cooking for her while I’ve been visiting and

It’s hard to find recipes that she likes she’s been saying that even Pizza tastes like cardboard so her taste buds are just like all out of whack cuz of the chemo I make the same like pudding recipe um just kind of like tweak it so I’m using some hemp seeds chia

Seeds flax seeds I do about two tablespoons of each but I’m just eyeballing it I’m going to add some cashews to this to make it creamy I also add in protein powder sometimes to make it like a protein pudding about a half a cup of pumpkin about four to six pitted dates

Depending on how sweet you want it these are not very good dates they’re like kind of dry so I’m going to add in a little more today some more cinnamon half water half soy milk I feel like the soy milk helps make it extra creamy and Vanilla M it is so creamy so I don’t have my mini pudding cups that I like to use I only have these mason jars so we’ll just have to scoop some out it smells so good in here it smells like Thanksgiving dinner smells amazing okay I’m going to put these in the

Fridge and they’ll firm Up Apple Pie has yet yay scouty oh I think she recognized you when she came in I think so scouty yay scouty you’re so cute baby b i you know how to do that I can’t even look at this I know I’m waiting all right thank you I smells so

Good here you go oh my God that’s a bigger piece can I have the smaller piece so good is it yeah this is your first time um on my channel this year I know cuz you weren’t here when I was filming last time you want to say hi to

The people they’ve been asking about you Hello friends I’m doing good are you I have had 10 chemotherapies and I have two more to go and I’m doing good thanks to my daughter cooking for me really good I got to try it yeah and you got a new

Puppy Scout I love him her chant telli yesie this is phenomenal really yeah did you keep the the skin on yeah I did oh I love it and uh God it just felt so wasteful to cut it off so I kept it on it’s so so good oh my God look at the

Baby so good look at the baby yeah but this is so good and the people want to know if you kept up with Dr furman’s diet I did not I did not it’s very hard to do when you don’t have someone prepping oh yeah

So when you left I had no prep work Yep this came out so good so when you take it out of the oven you have to let it sit for a little while nice so good do you think we should buy this house from you no why because it’s

Not going to work don’t you want me to live 2 hours away instead of Yeah but I I want you to live closer to Boston and this is not close to Boston all right say goodbye to the people bye say thanks for watching thanks for watching two more chemos thumbs Up so after making apple pie and pudding we needed an actual recipe for dinner tonight so I’m making some butternut squash mac and cheese such a comforting fall recipe recently to a family party I went to I made this dairyfree nutree nacho cheese dip and it came out so good

I made it nutree cuz one of my friends is allergic to nuts so I’m using that nacho cheese sauce for the base and I’m going to tweak it a little bit for this mac and cheese recipe so you need a half of a butternut squash and one red bell

Pepper my favorite way to cook butternut squash is to steam it in the instant pot so I added two cups of water to the instant pot and then the steamer rack on top and then add add in your butternut squash and the chopped red bell pepper

Put the lid on and pressure cook that for 5 minutes then while that’s cooking you can boil some water for pasta the rest of this recipe is so easy all you do is put all the sauce ingredients into a blender so to the blender add 2 tbsp of nutritional yeast

The juice of 1/2 of a lemon A3 of a block of tofu 3/4 of a teaspoon of salt 2 tbsp of olive oil and then you need 2 cups of the butternut squash plus the red bell pepper so I like to save some of the butternut squash and add it in

Later then I added in a clove of garlic one cup of the liquid for steaming and 1/4 cup of rolled oats the olive oil and the oats is what’s replacing nuts in this recipe to make it nutree it makes it super silky smooth and creamy oh smells so good let’s try it

When I made this nacho sauce I added in spices like cayenne and chili pepper and it came out super delicious really good I also like to save some butternut squash chunks so that I can like mix it in there but if you don’t like that you

Don’t need to do that and to make this more of a complete meal you can add in a veggie like broccoli or peas or you can add in like a protein option but I just made this as simple as possible today so we could have a quick supper on the

Table but anyways then just mixing your sauce with your pasta look at how smooth and creamy this sauce comes out if it’s too thick you can add in some of the pasta water to thin it out a little bit oh my gosh it looks so cheesy and then season it with a little

Bit more black pepper and you can adjust the salt levels to your preference my mom’s not used to eating really healthy recipes that are like low in sugar and salt so with these recipes today I tried to make them really tasty and have a lot of flavor but still be really healthy

And I think all these recipes came out so delicious and that is it for today’s video thank you so much for joining me today in next week’s video I’ll be back in my own house in La getting all settled in and doing like a huge grocery restock but thank you so much for

Watching today hopefully you enjoyed these recipes and spend a chill day with me and my mom well thank you very much for joining us today bye-bye we’ll see you next time I’ll see you next time Bye


  1. Great recipes but the best part was seeing your mom🥰. She looks great and what a gift she has in you! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Your mom is so precious she makes me tear up! So glad she’s on the up and up and how wonderful you’re able to be so helpful! Family truly is everything! Best of luck making your decisions on the house. Your intuition will tell you what to do!

  3. Wishing your mom all the best!! And hopefully you can move closer to her soon, all the recipes look so good for fall, I want to give them all a try

  4. Your mom is the cutest! I hope everything works out with her treatment. And yes! You guys should get the house! Life is too short.

  5. Hi Chanty. All those recipes look amazing! I have added them to my next week's meal prep- thankyou!
    Sounds to me like your lovely Mamma wants you closer to her all the time! 💕💕

  6. Awww 🥹❤️ All the hugs and best wishes to your Momma!
    Im going to make that apple crisp next week. Thank you for sharing!

  7. Hope you're using vegan cheese for pizza for your mom who has cancer? as it is no secret that regular milk in cheese is jet fuel for cancer cells because of the hormones found in the cows milk.

  8. and I am not being mean but your mom needs to lean out some. Cancer and excess body fat are not good. I had an Aunt your moms Current size die from Cancer. Would be great if you could get her on a Vegan plant diet for at least 1 year. No sweets.

  9. You are such a good daughter, Chanty! If love and nutrition are medicine, and I think they are, you're giving her better treatment than anyone. I definitely want to try all of these, especially that apple crisp. She only complained about the bigger piece of apple crisp at the beginning, then cleaned her plate, so I'm definitely picking up some almond butter this weekend! ❤ Thank you. Your passion comes out in your food! Go mom!!!

  10. Hi! I just found you recently when searching for Nutritarian. But I just saw you use olive oil. I’m not criticizing, just trying to figure out if your channel fits what I’m looking for.

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