Join us in the kitchen as we unveil the secrets behind a Simple Vegan Coconut Macaroons Recipe that’s perfect for those craving a sweet treat without sugar and aqua faba. In this video, we’ll walk you through the easy process, ensuring your macaroons are not only delectable but also suitable for a vegan lifestyle.

150g Coconut Milk
4 Tbsp Maple Syrup
1 Tbsp Nut Butter
Pinch of Salt
100g white Rice Flour
200g Shredded Coconut

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Are you looking for a coconut macaroons recipe  that is glutenfree and maybe also sugarfree this   recipe is without egg white of course because it’s  vegan and without Aqua Faba it is a very simple  

One so you can try that one welcome or welcome  back to r simple home I used 150 g of coconut   milk of a can I had mine in a fridge so you can  see it’s almost like a cream 4 tblsp of maple syrup a pinch of

Salt 1 tbspoon of nut butter of choice I used  cashew nut butter 100 G of white rice flour   combine everything nicely then I added 200 g of unsweetened shredded coconut this is   how my dough looks like I turn on the oven to  350° F I used this small cookie spoon to set  

My coconut macaroons onto my prepared baking  sheet if you don’t have a cookie spoon just   use two teaspoons and shape them to a ball  and put them on your prepared baking sheet   that works just fine too if you enjoyed my video  so far please like this video subscribe if you  

Haven’t subscribed yet and share my videos  with others that means a lot to me thank you so it turned out that I  had almost two baking sheets full so I placed my cookies into the  preheated oven and baked them for about 15 minutes and that is how they turned out pretty simple

So my kids make the taste test and this is how the coconut  macarons look from the inside my son is wishing for lots of views  thumbs up and shares thank you so much for watching

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