How to bake a Ham in an Oven Bag | Easy Glazed Ham Recipe

Here is an easy way to make your holiday ham. No basting required. This juicy tender ham was a hit. I decided to try baking a ham using a Reynold’s oven bag so I filmed it. Thanks for watching!

9 to 10 pound boneless ham
1 turkey sized Reynold’s oven bag
1 tbls All Purpose Flour
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup honey
1 tbls spicy brown mustard
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp to 1/4 tsp ground clove
**OPTIONAL 1/4 cup of glaze that came with ham


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Holiday Ham Recipe
How to bake a Glazed Ham
No Basting Ham Method
Easy way to Bake a Ham

Foreign I just wanted to show you the type of ham I’m using and this is around a nine pound ham this is a Smith Field Smokehouse Reserve boneless ham it is fully cooked this is a fully cooked ham and it also comes with the pre-packaged

Glaze that you can use but I will be making my own glaze today and I’m going to go ahead and start removing the ham and I do want to give a disclaimer to this video the glaze that I’m using is definitely a recipe that I have used before it’s

Something that I just kind of came up with a basic brown sugar glaze but I really want to showcase how I’m making the ham which will be in an oven bag so here is the pre-packaged glaze as you can see it has whole black and red currants in it I’m probably going to

Give it a taste and I might even mix it I don’t know again the recipe I’ll show you for the brown sugar glaze you can most definitely use but I just really want to show you what it’s like to make the ham in a bag I’ve never done it

Before so I’m giving it a try so here are the warming instructions for the ham but I am going to be using an oven bag to cook this so I will be following the instructions that come with the oven bag okay so now I am going to start making

My brown sugar glaze here I have a half cup of brown sugar I’m using light brown sugar by the way I’m also going to be using a quarter cup of honey I’m using a local honey an eighth of a teaspoon to a quarter teaspoon of ground clove and one

Tablespoon of spicy brown mustard you could use Dijon mustard as well but I use spicy brown mustard I also forgot to show you that I’ll be using a quarter teaspoon of ground cinnamon and here is the pre-packaged glazed I gave it a try so I might be adding it to my glaze and

I will be putting the ingredients and measurements for the brown sugar glaze in the description box below so now I’m going to combine all of my ingredients and I will be probably adding about a quarter cup of the pre-made glaze Oh Thank you I’m also going to be adding some fresh cracked black pepper to taste it’s probably not even an eighth of a teaspoon I just wanted to add it Foreign Is combined I’m going to prep the area and I’m going to show you how I score the surface of the ham Foreign Okay so here I’m just going to take a sharp knife and I’m going to cut it diagonally about a half inch deep into the ham Foreign Now I’m just going to turn it and do the same diagonal Cuts in the opposite direction and this will create somewhat of a square or diamond pattern on the surface of the hand Thank you okay so now that my ham is completely scored on the surface I’m going to move it out of the way and now I’m going to show you how to prep the oven bag and if you remember from my turkey oven bag video which I will post the link below

Should you want to check that out I had to prep the bag and at this point I’m strictly following the instructions that are given with that come with the bag so here are the cook times for pork and here is a fully cooked boneless half

Ham mine is under 10 pounds so I’ll be cooking mine for about two hours but it asks for you to shake one tablespoon of all-purpose flour inside the bag so that is what I’ll be doing here’s my tablespoon of all-purpose flour and now I’m just going to shake and make sure to

Coat the inside of the bag foreign Into a roasting pan this is typically the pan that I use for my turkey And now I’m going to place my ham inside the coated bag the instructions also said to put a half cup of water into the bag so that is what I’ll be doing again I’m just strictly following the instructions that come with a bag And now I’m just going to pour my whole glaze on top of the ham I’ll probably brush it to make sure some of the glaze gets on most of the surface and I tried not to get too much glaze on the bag but you know it happens Foreign And I do want to point out the reason why I want to try doing a ham in a bag is because I really don’t like basting and glazing the ham throughout the cooking process I have other things to do when I’m making a large meal so

This is why I’m doing it I’m trying it this way so now I’m just going to close the bag and I lost the tie that it comes with so I’m just going to tie it off into a knot at the top and again following the instructions that are that come with the

Bag I am going to cut half inch slits six of them by the way into the top of the bag foreign Baked I will be baking this in a preheated oven of 325 degrees for about two hours okay so I was just checking in on my ham and this is about an hour into the cooking process and it looks great Foreign has been only an hour and 45 minutes I decided to pull the ham out because it is only nine pounds so an hour and 45 minutes in the oven bag looks to be sufficient enough and I have to tell you I can’t wait to

Open this bag because I want to see how my ham looks okay guys Moment of Truth and FYI yes the bag is very hot so be careful when you do this but I do see a lot of pan drippings that I will be using later and I’ll show you how Foreign Yes this is exactly how I wanted my ham to look now I can see the prominent scoring of the ham as it has opened up the glaze is a nice deep brown color and I just can’t wait to slice into it Foreign Now I’m going to carefully remove the ham out of the bag while trying not to spill the juices out of the bag Foreign Back on The Cutting Board and I’m going to allow it to rest for a little while probably like 10-15 minutes in the meantime I’m going to show you what I did with those drippings and the extra glaze that came with the ham I went ahead and put it into a saucepan again

This is the glaze that came with the ham and the juices that collected in the bag I’m going to let it simmer and reduce until it thickens okay it has been 15 minutes and I have to start slicing into this ham I can’t wait to try it and to see how moist it

Turned out I do have to say while slicing it I do like the way the scoring and the Deep brown color that the glaze gave the ham Thank you Now that my ham is sliced all that’s left to do is to take my reduced juices and drippings with the extra glaze and now I’m just going to pour it over the slices to give it an added sweetness and spice to the ham Thank you I hope you give this recipe a try I hope you like it and thanks for watching Hey guys you can click on the video icons for more recipes or you can click on my picture icon to subscribe thanks for watching


  1. I love your choice of music, your narration, and your editing! It gives me confidence in the cooking advice.

  2. I enjoyed your video & instructions for baking the ham in an oven bag. I like the way you used the drippings with a variety of ingredients.
    I will try this next weekend.

  3. My family and everyone else i know , chooseto buy the bone in ham for some reason or another , why it's beyond me though I'd rather have the boneless ham 👍 !

  4. I combined this video instructions with your other oven ham tutorial. It came out delicious. It was the first item on Thanksgiving to be dissappear.

  5. I always make my ham in an oven bag juices stay in an ham comes out flavorful, oh and ham cooks faster.. I add pineapples brown sugar an ham cloves ,an use a Turkey baster,comes out Amazing

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