Hi everyone, just wondering if anyone has used thermal slow cookers with meat based recipes?

I'm tossing up between getting an electric slow cooker or something like the billyboil ( https://reductionrevolution.com.au/products/billyboil-thermal-cooker). I like the idea of it not costing anything to use throughout the day, but how does it compare to usual slow cookers with things like lamb shanks etc?

by bigwhitesheep


  1. I wouldn’t trust it. You’re basically cooking a meal in a big Thermos bottle using retained/residual heat. Does the thing retain enough heat to cook your meat thoroughly? Who knows? Are you going to experiment and let your family find out?

    Plus, that seems like a lot of money for something that may, or may not, work very well. I’m going to stick with what I know works. Plus, slow cookers, don’t use THAT much energy, do they?

  2. yessri1953

    It may not be much more effective than a slow cooker in a cooker chest with extra insulation filling the gap between cooker and chest interior. Interesting comparison test if nothing else.

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