2 cups buttermilk pancake mix
1 cup friendship starter
1 1/2 cup water
mix and cook

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  1. I never think of pancakes when I make breakfast for dinner. Once in a while I make them for breakfast but nowadays I just don't make them enough. This sounds like pure deliciousness.

  2. Awesome, Kris!! Sourdough pancakes? Yes, please!! Loved your money saving tips! I do as much as possible. I know it's not for everyone, but I re-use my storage/freezer bags. Wash, dry, store them and re-use. I've even been known to wash aluminum foil. I'm telling you, if you buy the good, heavy duty foil it can be washed and re-used many time before tossing. I make my own salad dressings, I keep a freezer bag with leftover veggies in the freezer and add whatever veggies are leftover to the bag until it's full. I use it for soups, or stock. I save all poultry carcasses and make bone broth in my lg crockpot. Old towels become wash cloths or cleaning rags…I could go on forever. I've always been this way. It's how I was raised. Use, re-use until it's all used up. Much love, Kris ❤️🥰

  3. I love Thankful Thursdays and Fun Filled Fridays. Your videos make me feel like I'm sitting with a good friend and we're just shooting the breeze together. It's very nice as my friends have all passed. You make me happy. Thank you

  4. I have a request that will rock Tom and jacks world, you’ll live it too. Make some kibbee then wrap them in foil and keep in freezer. Any time you need a great snack or dish you pull one out and put the put em in foil to heat or even remove foil and heat in microwave. They are amazing . My dad of English German/dutch descent he lived to cook foods from other cultures and this was the top for me as a kid!
    Here’s the authentic recipe I grew up eating. My dad used ground beef for the outer and the filing he used the ground lamb. The lamb is totally needed to taste the best. It will be a favorite for life!

  5. I'm hoping someone contributes a pancake/ waffle friendship recipe without the box mix, so I don't have to invest in that. This however looks wonderful!! Thanks.

  6. Great idea using paper between pancakes. Those really good tips on saving money. I play Sims free play and sometimes buy the specials. They know how to get us. Yes I enjoy lists learning new things. Have a blessed weekend 🙏

  7. Great show tonight Chris! We haven't had cable for nine years and don't miss it except during football season and sometimes watch the games days later on YT. We have Amazon Prime but they don't show them.
    Your pancakes look delicious! How handy too!🥞
    See you later! 😊

  8. They look delicious! I made some this week too and I think smaller ones would be good for breakfast sandwiches too! Thank you for showing us your beautiful pancakes!

  9. I really need to start my sourdough again. I had one years ago and I kept it gone for so long and I don’t even remember why I quit. But it’s so handy to have.

  10. Ohhh I never buy snacks at the gas stations , I always carry snacks in my car ! I guess my only guilty pleasure is Starbucks!😂cable is such a waste of money , we have Amazon prime and Netflix! I am awful , I use my debit card for everything! Gas prices are ridiculous!! A lot of great fun facts! The pancakes look good too!!
    It was so windy out today, I went to Costco and the bank and got myself right back home!! Have a great night!

  11. Yes using name brand will save you so much and for the most part there’s no difference in taste.

  12. Hi Kris 👋 those pancakes look perfect to me, but I prefer thin pancakes and I love crepes 😋 I remember years ago my sister-in-law gave me a start for Amish bread. Well, Amish bread was one of my favorites and I just couldn't wait to make it. So, instead of doing the starter the traditional way, I just decided to add all the ingredients and see how it would turn out. It wasn't any different. It tasted just like Amish friendship bread, but without having to wait all of those days, kneading and adding, lol. I've never gone thru the starter "process" again.
    I loved your money saving tips. I'm guilty of a few, because I won't make my own laundry soap and etc., and my shampoo and conditioner is more expensive because I'm still trying to get my hair to grow back, but others I don't spend money on. We don't have cable or internet. We watch the free channels and TV series on DVD that we pick up cheap. Even though my health doesn't permit it right now, I always worked on our vehicles myself (pays to be raised with four older brothers, lol). I don't play online games, I don't order things online much at all, and until Goodwill became so expensive, I use to buy clothes there. Anyway, your list was great. Thanks for sharing. Have a fun day ❤😊❤

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