[Homemade] French Omelette

by SendMeNoodsNotNudes


  1. unDeadmau5

    You watch The Bear as well! How was it??

  2. mind_the_umlaut

    Why do you think this is a “French” omlette? Are those potato chip crumbs? (*Delicate shudder*) This item had no agitation in the pan. It’s not a French anything.

  3. monty_kurns

    It looks great! I’ve been meaning to give this a try and seeing this is really pushing me to finally do it!

  4. packrat975

    It’s beautiful, chef. Thank you, Chef.

  5. Fthwrlddntskmfrsht

    Did you ruin this with Ruffles bro?

  6. Lemmonjello

    Crumbled up chips? That’s an American omelet French style

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