Dry brined, smoked, butter and aromatics basted reverse sear. Grilled broccolini. Baked potato with butter, sour cream, and green onion.

by minimalstrategy


  1. Suchboss1136

    Why not just toss them back on for a min or so, that way you can share the (far) better cap pieces?

  2. DMNDHandRocketman

    That’s a perfect medium. With a great sear. Give her your slipper if she wants something tougher to chew on. Great job.

  3. It’s become a meme on this sub, but bro, I’ll suck your dick for a piece of that steak.

  4. DW_Softwere_Guy

    yall need to start inviting me over for the more rare parts

  5. 123supreme123

    maybe just my imagination, but the small reddit thumbnail picture looked like a dead rat in a trap.

  6. Cantdrawbutcanwrite

    That’s because your partner is common.

  7. AssistanceSweet7219

    I’d eat that all day long easy

  8. Nedstarkclash

    Next time, just microwave the toughest piece and give it to her.

    Looks perfect to me.

  9. Charger_scatpack

    Slightly too cooked if anything

    But really nice looking none the less


    That looks perfect for me, but I know my wife wouldn’t touch it.

  11. Simple-Purpose-899

    Cool story. Cook it the way she likes.

  12. bsigmon1

    Sorry, but your partner is an idiot. This steak looks 10/10

  13. seattle_lite90

    I did basically the same thing last night but with some New Yorks! My girl doesn’t like rib eye’s. She has redeeming qualities though I swear!

  14. RowdyRoddyPipeSmoker

    too rare! ha. this shit is perfect.

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