I took an absolute shit kicking over in r/food for calling this a ” Deconstructed Steak Sandwich” …no sense of haha over there. Redeemable at all?

by WookieSuave


  1. Syst3matic_Chaos

    Could do well to reduce the grey banding. Looks good for the most part (the steak)

  2. New_Smell5070

    Big ol’ dollop of horseradish cream sauce on that board and I’m paying 38$ for this

  3. dolphin8282

    Put it in a blender and deconstruct it a bit more

  4. TazzleMcBuggins

    Give me an aioli and maybe a vinaigrette and I’d be okay with it. But no lettuce? No form of cheese? Where’s the sandwich parts?

  5. Skeezertron

    You call ****THIS**** a *deconstructed* steak sammy????????

  6. azbbqcars

    10/10 OP. Some folks don’t get the joke here…. All things aside… has steak and looks to be prepared nicely. Subreddit appropriate.

  7. Willcatfish69

    Looks delicious and cooked perfectly 🏆

  8. tiptoemicrobe

    Looks delicious. Probably too fancy for r/shittyfoodporn.

  9. Emcee_nobody

    Looks good, but should we talk about your photography skills?

  10. Livefreemyguy

    It’s like a delicious steak sandwich except it got dropped on the floor

  11. TheHoleThatPuffDug

    You’re home now, brother. We love you.

  12. Old-Machine-5

    We got your back. You want us to fight them? 🤣

  13. canada1913

    Who cares how it’s constructed, it’s steak and alcohol 🤤🤤🤤

  14. Human-Abrocoma7544

    For some reason I have never thought of eating steak with toast. I’m going to try that.

  15. Im_Ur_Cuckleberry

    Eat it, take a picture of it as shit in your toilet, repost it.


  16. AwesomeHorses

    It looks delicious. Weird idea, but I definitely wouldn’t complain if I had this at a restaurant.

  17. slatemillion

    Needs more deconstruction in my mouth.

  18. thegoods19832

    Looks great! Perfectly cooked steak, pickled vegetables, toast, a shot of whiskey. Yum!

  19. FueledByTerps

    Looks like a deconstructed steak sammy to me. Cheers bub.

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