Smash or Pass? Sell by date was April 13 and it smells fine

by alaroz33


  1. sparklingwaterll

    Smells fine? Then yes smash. Maybe Id go medium and skip rare this time.

  2. ConfidentFinish3580

    That’s a hard pass for me. That looks like broken blood vessels and not oxidation, but I’m not an expert. I mean yes there is some oxidation which is totally fine, but the small super dark spots look like broken blood vessels and I wouldn’t want it.

  3. Jerkeyjoe

    It’s edible, butIn the butcher shop something like this would typically end up in the ground beef.

  4. Suspicious-Smoke-831

    100% go if smell ok. Our scabs have different colors too.

  5. I’d eat it, but go medium on it. I zoomed in even and it just looks like oxidation. Smell is the indicator.

  6. chinasaurnomore

    After you cook it, you won’t see the spots anymore hahaha

  7. Sanguinor-Exemplar

    Eh its some bruising. Not great but not going to die or anything either. Ask for a discount

  8. WitchedPixels

    I think it’s fine. Worst case scenario is you might die, just kidding. Worst case scenario is it tastes bad. Big deal, order a pizza if that happens.

  9. Snoo-73243

    if not sticky or smelly i would eat, but not as a steak, like stir fry or tacos that you can cook it more

  10. BlasphemyMc

    I’m a meat manager & I’d eat it. Beef isn’t naturally red like you see in the stores. If it smells fine it’s good.

    Edit: changed is to isn’t

  11. ExplanationNormal323

    If there’s been no question only for the date. Basically if it was bought and stored as should and if it smells ok I’d cook and eat it. Cooked to medium and you should be good. At worst it’ll just have lost some of its flavour.

  12. DismalBG

    The people saying to throw it out know nothing. If it smells fine, it’ll be fine. Just don’t eat it rare, I’d go for medium to medium well on this

  13. Zufalstvo

    This is just bruising, can’t say I’ve ever eaten a bruised steak but I also don’t see what the problem would be, great looking steak otherwise

  14. destruk7

    most split comments sections i’ve ever seen haha poor op

  15. Massive_Command345

    You’ll know when beef is no good! Smells horrid

  16. The amount of people who are scared of a few of dark spots and who would waste perfectly good food.

    What the heck.

  17. Tom_wilks

    I was told…if ya can get past the smell, ya got er licked.

  18. boosh1744

    “Sell by” is not the same thing as expiration, and two days past is fine for steak. You can and should definitely eat this.

  19. Janky_Swoopage

    This is awesome. A preview of who is the first to perish in a crisis situation. 😂😂😂

  20. Juicepgz

    The nose knows. Smell and you’ll be able to tell.

  21. Arianawy

    It’s fine . It’s not even browning yet . I work in a meat department and we donate the brown stuff and it’s fine . Just not the prettiest.

  22. JosieFaeChild

    One of the greatest abilities that humans have lost is survival intuition. If it smells fine, it’s probably good. If by some chance it’s not, your immune system will take care of the rest, just sit back and enjoy the 24 hour water show.

  23. informal-mushroom47

    two days, past the *sell by*, not expiration, and it looks and smells fine?

    just eat it already

  24. Mightbeagoat

    Always go off of smell and feel. I’d still cook it.

  25. Real-Block820

    I haven’t had a solid shit in like 3 years, I’d send it.

  26. lil_garlicc

    Sell by doesn’t mean cook by so you’ll be totally fine

  27. AZ-roadrunner

    I trust my nose — if it smells fine, I’ll eat it.

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