This is my third loaf of sourdough I've made and im looking for some constructive criticism! I love the same day sourdough recipes.

475 grams all-purpose flour 3 1/2 cups
100 grams active sourdough starter 1/2 cup
325 grams water 1 1/4 cups
10 grams salt 1 1/2 teaspoons

Let it rest for 20min before I add my salt.(let it rest 20min after adding salt before I do my stretch & folds)

I did 3 stretch and folds, 30min apart.

Let it sit on top of my warmed stove to fermentate. I dont like to time it as temperature can affect it. But if i had to guess, it took roughly 6hrs. Did the poke test, and bounced back but slowly.

Formed it, plopped it in the fridge for 2hrs. The dough was a bit sticky, but manageable!

Took it out, scored it(I'm still learning how deep I can go with scoring) and then in the Dutch oven it went.

500⁰F is my Preheat time with Dutch Oven inside
450⁰ bake for 25min with lid on
425⁰ for 20min with lid off.

This is my second time trying this recipe. Helps a newbie out🙂

EDIT: cut into it and a bit tough!

by Icy_Type_420

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