This is my 5th or 6th attempt and I finally got an ear, starter is 3 weeks old and I couldn't not share! Crumb could be more open, but honestly I'm not mad.

Using a banneton vs bowl with tea towel made a massive difference to the proof.

I'll add recipe in the comments. What you you all think?

by m3tolli


  1. Recipe for this loaf incase others were curious.

    Day before:
    Levain – 60g starter, 80g flour (50:50 rye and plain/ AP), 80g water

    Evening (5/6pm latest);
    Autolyse 1hr – 100g wholewheat bread flour, 350g plain flour, 260g water (65% target hydration)

    Add 200g levain, salt until combined in mixer

    Transfer to 30deg oven and BF for 2 hours, SBFs at 30mins and 1hr in

    Shape and place in Banneton for 1.5hrs then put in fridge to rest overnight

    Next Morning:
    Remove from Banneton onto parchment paper

    Score then bake in Dutch oven 250°C for 20mins with water sprayed into sides

    Remove lid, reduce to 240°C and bake a further 25mins

  2. Celebrate only when you deliver consistently:)

  3. pnutbutterpirate

    Interesting that you’d prefer the crumb to be more open. I’m fairly new to baking but this is what I think of as being a nice consistent density. Do you think a more open crumb would have a nicer texture?

  4. MaterialDatabase_99

    Looks great! What’s your reason behind bulk fermenting at 30degrees and relatively short? Have you had bad experiences fermenting longer?

  5. Various-Volume-7138

    Coming along nice day keep up the good work

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