Spaghetti and Meataballs

by Gourmetanniemack


  1. Gourmetanniemack

    I bake my sauce all afternoon.
    Start with the onion olive oil sauté. Fresh garlic at the end.
    Deglaze with red wine.
    Add in tomatoes-crushed, purée, and paste. Plus I had cherry I needed to use and a bunch of ends from a hamburger party on the weekend I chopped and threw in.
    Add in spices. Oregano, basil and bay for sure. Then garlic powder, paprika, cayenne, S&P.
    Next I cover and put the big pot in a 300 degree oven.
    After a couple hours I put in fresh sliced mushrooms and had a package of meatballs taken out of freezer. Put those in. Keep baking. Your house smells good and dinner is NOT burning on the stove.

  2. Expensive_Ice2122

    You don’t mix the pasta with the sauce?

  3. ComprehensiveSafety3

    Looks good but my acid reflux is calling! Lol.

  4. Pure-Guard-3633

    Yum yum! Move that green stuff away from the star!!!

  5. Risky_Bizniss

    I would absolutely destroy this plate. it looks magnificent. People show off their aesthetic and perfectly plated dinners, but this is the kind of home cooking I’m on this sub to see. Something made with love that reminds me of family gatherings.

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