I ignored my better knowledge and didn't use a thermometer. I overshot and overcooked them. 😭

by Altruistic_Guess3098


  1. KrntlyYerknOv

    Make it into a sandwich! That with chimichuri and mayo. Trust me

  2. Kornographic

    Its not that bad, still in the medium range

  3. Willcatfish69

    Looks delicious and cooked perfectly 🏆

  4. That’s fine. medium with a little band. Bet it still tastes great

  5. Man this subreddit is making folks so elitist about their steaks. These look great man, every steak doesn’t need to be wall to wall pink with a near perfect crust, just dig in and enjoy it.

  6. jaaaaayke

    You good bro. Still looks nice and juicy.

  7. My favorite ways to eat a steak when I accidentally overcook it are in a sandwich or on a salad

  8. Ugh hate when that happens!…. And it happens to the best of us 🙁

  9. Won’t be the last time. Sure it’s still tasty. Just enjoy it and don’t over stress about a perfect cook every time.

  10. CrunchyNippleDip

    Looks good man. Don’t compare your steak to the others you see on here. I bet you still enjoyed the shit out of it.

  11. toomuchwaxx

    we all been there the other day my shi was like carne asada💀

  12. controlfreaqk

    My Daughter said it’s perfect. So don’t feel to bad.

  13. Preacherman1508

    I’d still hit it. That thing looks like it tasted great

  14. trYNOT2Come

    Looks amazing! Not always in the mood for bright pink steaks, this still looks delicious

  15. zinna42069

    I mean it’s cooked but still looks good as fuck. I don’t think you messed up lol

  16. Late-Quiet4376

    Still looks good to me, I prefer rare to medium rare, but i’ll eat anything below well done.

    Side note, is it just me or does this steak have a weird grain pattern? Almost like you should cut lengthwise, to go against the grain

  17. zephyrtr

    We eat our mistakes in this sub, ideally with eggs.

  18. Rabid023

    Nah, it looks fine. People here love to gloat about eating nearly raw meat. They make it their whole personality. “I like my steak bloody” wow you’re so edgy and cool!

  19. Soup_and_Rice

    I dont think they have reached the cardboard territory so you are good, my friend

  20. Puzzled-Perception88

    Still looks absolutely delicious dude.. steak sandwiches are phenomenal & imo, best when slightly “overcooked”

  21. IncognitoRowan

    Looks delicious. Even imperfect steak is great steak. Unless it’s wall to wall grey with not a drop of juice I am going in on it!

  22. sobanoodle-1

    r/steak has becomes the villain, once a hero. your steak looks good man

  23. GokuSharp

    I’d tear these up. Nice steaks. Definitely been there before, feeling like I over cooked them 😂 Turns out, medium is still delicious!

  24. DippinDotsOnTop

    HOW DARE YOU MAKE A MISTAKE FOR THE FOOD YOU COOKED FOR YOURSELF. WE (those who are not eating said steak) ARE SO UPSET AND DISAPPOINTED WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!11!1!1!!!! Just kidding! Steak looks like a good medium and potential a learning opportunity for next time! Steak doesn’t have to be perfect to be delicious, enjoy this one so you can enjoy the next one even more!

  25. Mad_Martigan2023

    Never comes out perfect everytime. I’ll fuck mine up just over thinking it or if I’ve a few or 6 drinks, lol.

  26. Mad_Martigan2023

    Never comes out perfect everytime. I’ll fuck mine up just over thinking it or if I’ve a few or 6 drinks, lol.

  27. Native56

    Damn they look so good to next time! There is always next time!

  28. Native56

    Damn they look so good to next time! There is always next time!

  29. IncarceratedScarface

    Looks good to me. It’s not well done

  30. Mammoth_Ferret_1772

    Those look awesome. I prefer medium over medium rare. I’d be happy with those. They look nicely seasoned as well.

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