This is a loaf of 75% hydration, 85% bread flour, 15% Einkorn flour, 20% starter and 2% salt.

I made the dough using a Famag IM 8s spiral mixer. I stopped at a dough temp of 75 and bulked in a 78-82f warming cabinet. I did one major lamination 1 hour after mixing and then a coil fold at 45 min and 1.5 hours. I stopped bulk at 38% rise. Shaped and put in the fridge for 16-20 hours because I bake one by one.

Baked in a challenger bread pan!

I’ve never tried Einkorn before and I LOVE it!! So far I’ve tried whole wheat, rye, spelt and now einkorn. What should I try next?

by Fullspectrum84


  1. inkling435

    That’s a great line up of grains you’ve worked with. I highly recommend emmer. It has such a nice flavor.

  2. Dizzy_Variety_8960

    Yes, I agree try emmer next and you will have baked with all three farro grains. Try milling your own grain as a next step. I started milling with a high speed blender and mixed with AP flour for my sourdough loaves. Two years later and I have a real mill and grind all different kinds of grains. I use 100% of the flour to get all the goodness from the bran and wheat germ. I’m so glad I dipped my toe in.

  3. PersonalityLow1016

    Khorasan also called Kamut. Awesome btw

  4. shogunisthemaster

    Wow, I’m still trying to make a perfect regular loaf! 🍞 Awesome job.This bread looks delicious, thanks for sharing!

  5. poisonpith

    omg i wanted my einkorn loaf to be this pretty 😫

  6. Betweenthebars90

    That does look like a tasty lil bitch.

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