My daughter asked for a vanilla cake for her birthday. . . No theme. So I made it ho-hum and gave her six sprinkles for her 6th birthday. Surprised her on the filling.

Maybe my 4th cake in my life, be gentle. (Her and her friends seemed mind blown when it was cut open)

by SleeplessBlueBird


  1. I_like_flowers_

    love the filling, i bet they all loved it.

  2. lemongrass64

    That would have blown my mind too! Way to subvert her expectations while still following her cake order lol.

  3. Hot-Swimmer3101

    I have that same cake container 🤣 this is so sweet and it look awesome ☺️

  4. AlwaysNerfous

    Great job! Those memories will last her entire lifetime.

  5. Lexicon444

    Me: why is it so plain?

    *sees second picture*

    That’s why. It’s a party on the inside!

  6. Pronouns and “and” really mess with people…

    Her friends seemed mind blown

    She seemed mind blown

    She and her friends seemed mind blown.

    This works with all pronouns.

    They gave it to me. They gave it to him. They gave it to him and me.

    I went to work. My brother went to work. My brother and I went to work.

    Simple trick, works every time.

  7. ImmaAnteater

    This is adorable. Way to knock it out of the park!

  8. I love this. Cute idea for a cake. Ho-hum, then sprinkle explosion.

  9. byorderofthe1

    This is awesome! Thank you for sharing

  10. boohoobunny

    Wow, love this! Can’t believe no one’s talked about your lettering yet. It’s very clean and consistent and goes great with the “no-theme” theme. The filling is a showstopper. Amazing job!

  11. Did you write that freehand or with a stencil? Because that’s AMAZING and neat!

  12. ChemicalPure9258

    I love it, so simple and imo perfectly executed 👏

  13. Aggravating-Fee-1615

    Me: Why’d she put beans in it?

    I need to go to bed. Lmao The cake is great, dude! Happy birthday, Luna! Love the surprise.

  14. lfernandes

    Is that Lyra inspired by Lyra Belacqua?

    Either way, awesome cake!

  15. itmayrain

    Cute! I have a 6 year old and know she would love a cake like this!

  16. Shadowpad1986

    Hhmmm a rather subtle cakeñata. The simple choice of design of the cake shows a certain degree of intelligence regarding aesthetics. Some of the most elegant cakes are relatively simple.

  17. sowinglavender

    jimmies AND nonpareils? how decadent!

  18. Klutzy_Specific4243

    For only making 4 cakes before, your writing on the cake is great!

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